Happy December 26th!!! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend celebrating the birth of our Saviour!
This week’s devo is “All Wrapped Up and Tied in a Bow” written by Anne Marie Sanftner! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today!
I hope you have an amazing week!!
All Wrapped Up and Tied in a Bow – Anne Marie Sanftner
Have you heard the story “The Night Before Christmas”? What about the story “The Nights AFTER Christmas”? You know, that time AFTER all the parties, all the church specials, all the cookie exchanges, showing off Christmas trees/decorations (hello pinterest posts!) and the exchanging of gifts? Christmas-time is a wonderful busy season with a wonderful, true meaning, but why is it that sometimes after all is said and done…we seem exhausted or unfulfilled? My friend, maybe you don’t feel that way. Perhaps you had a spectacular, filling Christmas season! If that is you (whoo hoo!) then please keep reading anyway…I’m about to share with you something so deep on my heart and I believe, so deep on our Savior’s heart as seen in Col. 3:23.
Let’s be real for a minute and please let this question sink into your beautiful soul. Do you feel the need that your life must be all wrapped perfectly and tied up in a perfect bow? Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations? Do you ever feel like the expectations are too? How about an example; do these thoughts or similar ones ever creep up in your head? “Look at that perfect Christmas tree…mine doesn’t look like that.” “That family picture is so beautiful…I wish we could do that so others can see us look that good.” “They always get such amazing Christmas gifts…we can’t afford those but I’ll get them anyway.” “It all has to be perfect…I have to do whatever I can to make it perfect.” I am using Christmas time as an example because I sincerely feel that not-measuring-up can be a dominating feeling during and after the holiday season.
Satan often uses comparison, people-pleasing and performance-based living (to name a few) to divide our thoughts against our God. Have you ever heard that we, as humans, are little idol factories? We like to shape our desires that are most important to us into little idols and give them a nice, cozy place in our hearts. We don’t see them as idols (anything that takes God’s place in our hearts) and sometimes we don’t see what they are until it is too late and sin has set in. The very first commandment in Exodus 20 tells us that we should have no other gods before Him. Everything we do should flow from God being number one in our hearts. Satan wants us to put ourselves and others over God in our lives. When we compare ourselves with others, work to please those around us above pleasing God, or perform for attention, the result is broken communication with God, exhaustion, discontentment and defeat. Scripture tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 that he is our adversary and he walks about seeking to devour.
Christmas is a time when we celebrate the divine birth of our Savior. The God who chose to be born of a woman and born to die. He is the ultimate gift to humanity: sacrificing His life to pay our payment of sin, which the Bible tells us is death. If you have accepted His gift of salvation from your sin, then my sweet sister, let me tell you, the enemy has no control over you. Oftentimes, we partake in fun traditions and exciting parties which are not wrong in themselves, but if we are making the reason for the season to keep up with the jones, have the best parties, have a “perfect Christmas holiday” (as hallmark would say it) then we are not celebrating the true reason. Any feeling of discontentment, trying to make everyone happy, trying to look the part, play the part, be the part are all of the enemy. Living that life will lead us to shape those idols and give them homes in our hearts. We are instructed to tear down the strongholds of sin by repentance and God is faithful to forgive and restore. Say NO to performance based Christianity and run to the Savior who came to be perfect for us. We belong to God and our identity is in Him. In Him we are loved (1 John 4:9-11), sought out (Luke 19:10) thought of (Jeremiah 29:11), planned for (Psalm 139:16), directed (Prov. 3:6), safe (Psalm 91:2), redeemed (Eph 1:7) and so much more. We don’t have to have the best stuff and we don’t have to make everyone happy. We are called into this world as believers to love God, love others and spread His good news. We can do that by being real, honest, humble and gaining all of the strength to do that ONLY through Him. Galatians 2:20 tells us, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Isaiah 41:10 reads, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” I pray that after this Christmas season, you’d be renewed and refreshed, realizing that the God who created this entire universe sent His Son to be born…for you. You didn’t earn it, you didn’t work for it, HE chose YOU. And that, my sister, is enough for us to live each day without trying to impress, trying to please, trying to feel accepted by anyone else other than Him. Live for Jesus and Him alone – He is worth it! God bless you and I pray you have a wonderful New Year with friends, family and fun.