Dec 10
600 slept pretty good last night. Feet feel like I’m stepping on broken glass. Body feels like it’s ridden with arthritis. Hurts to move.
Brain seems fairly alert right now. Haven’t felt like this in long time. Going to take advantage and work on blog.
650 practicing hymns before service. Brain blurring. Too many notes to follow. Hand, brain, and keys not coordinating. Headache intensifying.
740 feeling really sleepy all of a sudden. Ears ringing high pitch.
800p center chest starting to hurt bad. Overdid it at church working on putting up new bulletin board. Ugh. I felt half way decent and wanted to get done what I could. Low back throbbing bad too.
1045 exhausted but awake. Moderate headache. Took pain rx. Neck hurts. Back aches. Low back throbbing. Hands ache. Legs ache. Feet & ankles throbbing burning. Ear ringing has stopped. Throat feels swollen. Tummy hurts.
Also have had periodic feelings of being zapped as if being electrocuted. It last about a minute or two each time. Has happened handful of timea today. Weird.
Night meds/vitamins taken.
Dec 11
700 having had time waking up. Strange dreams. Eyes feel heavy. Headache. Neck hurts and has tingling burning slight chilled sensation. Shoulders are sore. Arms and hands numb and tingling – rt arm more prominent. Back throbs. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs hurt and have random muscle twitching. Feet throbbing with numbness and tingling. Stuffy nose ( that’s now a constant first thing in am). Very thirsty with yucky metal taste in mouth.
In essence, I hurt all over this morning.
900 On Wednesday, I started drinking a breakfast milkshake with milk, D.E., chocolate syrup, chia seeds, & ice. I’m not usually hungry in mornings anyways. I find it easier to just drink something. Anyways, I have lost 3 lbs and 1 inch off my waist so far. Yay!
11a chiropractor apt. Treating my costochondritis areas today. Holy cow! Pressure points really hurt! Drew tears . Acupuncture – needles in both sides base of neck, both sides of upper chest, both sides of upper arms, and both wrists. I think total of 8. The one in rt wrist hurt the worst – felt zap all way to tip of index finger.
Adjusted wrists, neck, & upper back, & shoulders. Used adjusting tool to tap and adjust front of chest area – 4 spots.
Told him about the icy sensation in center of chest that radiates thru to back and it’s actually ice cold to the touch. He said his first thought was raynouds syndrome. Hmm. Interesting. Told him about my thumb turning white with no explanation and that neurologist mentioned raynouds but didn’t think so bc it only happened once.
Explained that reynauds doesn’t happen regularly and usually only in cold weather.
Told him icy sensation occurs when I lift my arms above my heart any length of time. It’s only been that way post LS. Checked shoulders out. Had me lift my arms slowly to ceiling. Pressed on upper back and shoulder areas while I raised them. Shoulders are fine. Feels it might just be a weakened muscle issue and need to work on rebuilding strength. Thinks it shouldn’t hurt to continue to use the muscles when I have icy sensation but to just rest as needed and gradually work those muscles to increase strength. He was surprised that I used to be able to lift 100lbs. Said I was a strong person. Lol. Can now only lift 10lbs without hurting myself. Have 90 lbs to go. I’m to go back in three weeks.
1027 I’m exhausted and hurting. Feel like I had a fight and lost.
Had to preserve a pumpkin today. Able to cut it in chunks. Got 1/3 of it processed and started wearing out. Had to figure something else out that was easier. Ended up canning the other 2/3. Had to ask for help with dinner – homemade pizzas.
Upper body throbbing horribly. Arms and hands throbbing. Low back throbbing. Legs ache. Fingers stinging. Skin itching.
Pm meds taken. Pain rx taken. Cbd capsule taken.
Dec 12
700 oh! I hurt something aweful. Feels like I was beat up badly and can hardly move. Lft side of throat hurts. Bad headache.
It feels as if it’s going to rain but weather on phone says its not.
100 play practice went ok. People don’t seems to have much Christmas spirit.
300 had to stop at store supplies for tomorrow’s Christmas dinner. Started feeling lightheaded midway thru shopping. Joe helped get us checked out. He’s a sweetheart.
400 I’m exhausted and feel a crash oncoming. Need to go lie down for a while.
530 crashed for more than an hour. Probably could have slept longer. Have no energy.
1150 whole body stings. Hands throbbing. Low back burning throbbing. Lft lower leg from 2″ under knee down to toes tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingl8. Feet cold. Lft foot feels like it’s freezing but only chilly to touch. Shoulders stinging. Exhausted. Feel warm.