March 17
445 woke in great pain all over!!! Hurts to move. Sinuses congested. Took pain rx & Advil sinus.
Bible Reading: Joshua 22-24,
635 center of chest throbbing
720 having trouble seeing straight, feel wobbly. Feel crash oncoming. Exhausted. Need a nap
310p crash oncoming. Need cat nap before picking up Joe.
335 need to stop at grocery store on way to pick up Joe. It’s very crowded. Woah!
600 crashed again in recliner in livingroom. Not sure how long I was out. Had difficulty keeping awake. Pain increases and it wears me out. Pastor wife friend admitted to hospital with respiratory failure, double pneumonia , and covid. Praying she gets better soon.
924 been in bed since 9p. It’s been a frustrating exhausting day.
Friend still in hospital. She’s eating soft foods. She has to have her liquids thickened bc she chokes otherwise. IF & I helped feed her her dinner.
Drama involved with people trying to take matter into their own hands about how to take care of her house. Frustration I don’t need. The stress just adds to my pain. Ugh!
Decided to check on my ladies tonight. They’re good. Have to call one in the morning. Worked little on my blog today. Wrote little more of the devotional and later posted LS memoir to blog.
Symptoms: stinging burning pain through body. Only able to ignore for short periods. Legs throbbing as if I ran a 5k without preparation. Feel like I’ve been beat up and can barely pick myself up. Headache. Periodic sharp jabbin pains randomly in body. Left three little toes cramping something aweful while driving today.
March 18
500 really bad charlie horse cramp in rt calf woke me abruptly around 2:30am. Had to walk on it to ease some. Severe thunderstorms passed thru in middle of night.
Bible Reading: Judges 1-2; Romans 15:13; Psalm 144:1-2;
Reading difficult this morning. Eyes are blurry. Whole body throbbing. Rt leg cramping and very stiff. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen & achy. Moderate headache.
Rae & I stopped at LMs house to clean a little after taking guys to work. Tried to do it yday but couldn’t.
Whole body stings. Pain increases. Headache intensified -7/8.
Listening to wholetones music & deep breathing while resting. Need to notate which track is for which ailment. Difficulty remembering. Open Door & The Bridge
Tried to do few chores around house. No energy and dragging. Head pounding & body still stinging. Decided to lay back down hoping to ease headache some. Ended up crashing again for another hour.
Hand and eye coordination is way off tonight. Royally messed up. Some parts I couldn’t even play one note correctly.
Symptoms: Legs burning throbbing. Neck hurts. Head pounding. Whole body stinging. Hands throbbing and swollen. Exhausted. Extreme pain is wearing me out. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling. Lower back throbbing. Dr hip aches. Sinuses congested. Skin sensitive to touch.
March 19
Woke to body stinging, stiff, and achy. Achy pain I can handle but stinging pain can drive me nuts. Need to get more veggies and fruits to juice again. I didn’t sting as much. I suppose the juicing has a specific vitamin that I don’t regularly take with my meds and supplements. May need to figure that one out.
Bible Reading: Judges 3-5; Galatians 5:22-23; Lamentations 3: 23-26; Psalm 16:1-3
Sinuses congested, thirsty,
Juice: decided to try celery juice. 4 stalks celery, 1/2 lemon, & 1 orange. It tasted awful!!!! Joe took sip and spit it out. I forced myself to get most of it down. Yuck! Won’t try that again.