May 11
800a woah I didn’t think I could hurt worse than last night. Feels like a combination of being beaten up exponentially and a rigorous workout. Every fiber of my being hurts.
Slept pretty good. Only woke couple times. One time woke to old hymn playing in my brain – one I hadn’t heard in a while. Can’t remember it now. Still tired and moving very slow.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 2-5, Ephesians 4:32,
A fellow LS survivor asks the question Why me syndrome? I’m not sure how to answer bc I’ve not asked that. I’m thankful it was me and not my children. I wouldn’t even wish the constant pain and struggles on my enemies.
I know God has a purpose and a plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and nothing takes God by surprise (Isaiah 41:22-22, Psalm 139:16-17, Romans 8:28).
Beginning to wean myself off the propranolol. Start by taking only 1/2 pill at night – this starts 2nd week of doing so. If all goes well, I’ll reduce more next week.
Also, alternating reducing bp rx. 1/2 pill & 1/4 pill every other day. Been doing that for 2 weeks. Bp is 122/74 hr 62.
AM meds: Edarbyclor (1/2 & 1/4 pill every other day), Propranolol, Dexilant 30mg every other day, Echinacea, B12, Niacin, C
Pushed myself to transplant tomatoes to container garden so I won’t loose them.
Need to go get my flash drives from church so I can finish end of year grades. Need to get Jordon’s diploma soon.
Another thunderstorm coming, I can feel it.
Twill be down rest of day bc when I hurt this bad moving body is difficult and painful.
250 just finished Jordon’s and most of Raes grades. Brain hurts, head hurts, vision blurring, neck hurts, body hurts, very tired, thirsty, hot. Laying down for 30 minutes or so to rest brain.
900 center of chest hurting like I was punched. Whole body aches but not as bad as when I woke.
1030 finally finished grades for both Jordon & Rae for this school year. What a relief. Now to work on planning next year and submitting enrollment form to new cover school.
Need to focus on planning graduation ceremony to which I’ve never done before. . Lord, please help.
Slight headache, neck hurts, chest pain in center that radiates thru to back, arms, shoulders, and hands ache, hands swollen, legs and feet stinging burning throbbing pain, periodic sharp stabbing pain in arms during day, ears ringing, rt hip aches, tired but awake, cotton taste in mouth
Night meds taken, 3 Tylenol for pain, 1 tsp Colloidal Silver in water, 1 tsp Colloidal Silver swished in mouth. Can’t believe the difference on my tongue.
May 12
700 forgot I set alarm. It scared me awake causing muscle spasms on rt side of torso and chest. Deep breathing to calm. Took 5 minutes or so. My body aches deeply all over. Feels like I was badly beat up. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 6-8, Prob 31:10, 27-28
Balance check book and pay bills through this week.
1200 off to bid friends of MYSEAHOPE a fairwell as they are heading to St Vincent.
Dezirae got to help untie the ropes to help them head off on their voyage.
They gave me their van to help me get the therapy and treatment needed for my recovery. I wasn’t expecting that. It made me want to cry happy tears. I’ll miss them but pray for safe travels and that they’ll reach many souls for Him. Part of me wishes I could go.
3:45 center of chest hurting horribly. Heat pad on chest. Plus 4 Ibuprofen.
4:30 rt ear hurting. Ears ringing.
530 go to pick up van with Joe. I didn’t realize it had a moon roof that works! God is good. Talked with Hailey for while. She wanted me to sing to her several songs. Brain couldn’t think…only thought of few songs. She then requested Amazing Grace. She’s a sweetheart.
930 night meds taken. Tired but wide awake.
Whole body aches deeply. Hands swollen and throbbing. Rt ear hurts. Slight headache. Rt hip stinging throbbing. Stinging burning pain throughout body. Top of left foot feels like it was sliced with sharp knife but there’s nothing there. Center of chest throbbing with periodic sharp stabbing pain thru to back. Sinuses congested.
Thankful for…
- My own vehicle
- My family
- God’s grace