May 19
500 woken with a kiss . Much pain throughout body from head to toes stinging burning throbbing pain. Sinus pressure in face great. No energy whatsoever.
Song on mind: In the morning when I rise…give me Jesus.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 32-34, James 3:18-18
645 headache has become migraine. Head feels like it’s going to explode. Relpax taken. Wholetones music playing. Closing eyes for a bit.
940 migraine and head pressure has eased some though headache not completely gone. Still in extreme pain. Rt ear hurts.
1130 exhausted and still in much pain. Headache. Neck hurts rt side. Rt ear hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches. Stinging burning throbbing pain throughout body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling from just below knee to foot. Legs chilly. Skin itchy. Center of chest throbbing. The little I did today was too much. Ugh.
Thankful for new mercies of the Lord every morning.
Pm meds taken, but I forgot to take Am meds. Took 4 Ibuprofen about 8pm. It hasn’t touched pain.
1150 icy creeping burning chilly pain in center of chest
Hi there , how are you feeling
I’m feeling terrible
What activities made you feel terrible?
weather, Health , Exercise
List down why these things make you feel terrible
Change in weather- rain on horizon
Woke with migraine – head feels like it’s going to explode
In excruciating pain from head to toe, lethargic, lacking any energy
Decided to trim few branches on crepe myrtle tree…hurt more and out of breath
Attempted to scrub tub after forgetting I had sprayed it down…hurt more and out of breath
What are somethings that happened recently that you are thankful for?
- Able to cook dinner tonight in spite of pain
- A loving and understanding husband
- Dezirae mowed lawn today without my asking
May 20
650a woke thinking I overslept. Whole body still stinging burning throbbing pain but slightly less than y’day. Rt ear aches. Moth is dry like I slept with mouth open part of night. Headache rt side.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 35-36, Romans 15:1-6
Bp 113/81 hr 70
Swished with peppermint mouthwash. Ooh! It burns! Tongue is covered again in white with lesions.
Song on mind: Till I’m grown. I must go to fetch the water, Till the day that I am grown.
It’s strange how some songs stick with you. We just watched Jungle Book recently. I wasn’t even paying attention much because I’m not particularly fond of the movie.
Tasks: add van to auto insurance, get church items needed at Sam’s club, take cardboard to recycle center, get rest of items at grocery store
I’m plum exhausted, out of breath, legs feel like brick balloons, stinging, burning, throbbing pain thru body, feel like I’m going to pass out.
2:40p Laying down for a bit.
Hi there , how are you feeling
I’m feeling just fine
What activities made you feel just fine?
Exercise , Health , weather
List down why these things make you feel just fine
Just coming out of a bad couple of days which put me down in bed for most of day y’day from pain.
Took 1/2 meloxicam pill before leaving house to help ease pain. Few errands I ran exhausted me.
No wheelchairs available at Sam’s Club. Walked behind buggy slowly. Thankful it was a short list.
Asked God to provide a disability parking spot and an electric wheelchair at next store. God had both waiting for me. Thank you, Lord!
Anything else that is worth noting today?
Exhausted but awake. Night meds taken.
Headache. Stinging pain thru body. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Skin itchy.
Able to be an encouragement to a fellow lightning survivor today. It’s her 8th anniversary of surviving a lightning strike.
Stopped at DG on way home to get med for Jordon. Talked with guy at register. He had a cousin almost struck by lightning. It hit the stairs next to him causing concrete to explode into pieces that pierce his body. He was in critical condition for a few days but he survived. I told him I was struck inside on a sunny day. He chuckled and exclaimed oh man who has the bad luck? I didn’t respond…still trying to formulate a quirky response.
Since the world is topsy turvy right now whose to say it was bad luck? Maybe it’s not. I don’t see it as bad luck. I see it as a divine appointment which has directed my path to help others when they need it most.