May 21
500a alarm went off and scared me awake. It was just static noise but scared me just the same. No fun being scared bc my nerves tense which in turn increases pain. Got up to use restroom. A bit wobbly. Lost balance and almost fell.
800a pain in body woke me again. Mouth dry and thirsty. Vision feels cross-eyed.
Bible Reading: Ezra 1-3
Song: It’s amazing what praising can do alleluia alleluia
May 22
Bible Reading – Ezra 4-7 , Psalm 16:11, Galatians 5:13
Song on mind: He’s the air that I breathe, the water I thirst for…
Lots to do today… tomorrow is homecoming at church. Decided to decorate the fellowship hall with a touch of western style.
Overdid it today. I’m in severe pain in center of chest. Had Joe adjust my back to ease some of the pain. Took 4 Ibuprofen around 6pm. Little after 11p took 1/2 meloxicam with my pm meds.
Headache minor. Neck and shoulder ache. Hands and wrists swollen and throbbing. Arms ache. Pain in center of chest. Stinging burning throbbing pain throughout. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling and numbness to foot. Legs throbbing. Exhausted. Skin feels itchy & dry.
Hi there , how are you feeling
I’m feeling just fine
What activities made you feel just fine?
Health , Exercise
List down why these things make you feel just fine
Overdid it today getting ready for church anniversary tomorrow. Chest hurts horribly and I’m exhausted.
Anything else that is worth noting today?
Thankful for the many hands of help today.
May 23
600a woken an hour earlier than I wanted to get up. I’m so tired.
Sinuses congested much. Hot.
Well, glory! Ten visitors in church this morning. One soul saved.
Jordon not feeling well. Feels lethargic and weak. Told him to sit down.
Joe told me I looked pretty this morning without my asking. Told him I know I looked pretty bc I didn’t have to fish for compliment.
420p checked for Haley’s cup in both vehicles bc her parents cannot find it. Lost my balance and fell over in Joe’s truck. Hurt my left hip. Told Joe in case I forget later and wonder why my lft hip is hurting.
500p exhausted and feel like I’m going to pass out. Whole body hurts. Neck hurts. Headache mild. Back of head Burning chilling pain. Back throbbing intensely. Feels like someone is beating me up but no one is touching me. Rt hip throbbing. Legs throbbing like toothache. Feet sting. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Nerves feels jittery but like muscle spasms. Laying down for a bit.
1159 crashed for about an hour.
We all snacked on leftovers for dinner. Worked on things for Jordon’s graduation. Invitation/Gift list typed up.
Senior photos orders. Saved almost $16 with coupon code. Yay!
Two loads washed & load of towels folded & put away.
Exhausted. Hurting. Rt side cramping. Legs ache horribly. Rt hip throbbing. Slight headache. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Feet cold – had to wear socks for a while to warm them up. Toes tingly. Nerves tingly in feet & legs. Hands swollen and achy. Low back throbbing.
Night meds taken.
Hi there , how are you feeling
I’m feeling pretty good
Nice! What activities made you feel pretty good?
Family , Relationship , Friends
List down why these things make you feel good
Had a good day at church. Good turn out for Homecoming Sunday with ten visitors and one teen saved. Everyone jumped in to help with getting lunch ready, clean up, etc.