May 26
5a woke with splitting headache. Nerves feel gittery all over. Sinuses several congested. Took Excedrin migraine.
5:40 indigestion. Ugh. Upset stomach. Sucking on ginger chew.
620 indigestion subsided. Upheavaled sinuses making me gag. Nasonex used.
Bible Reading: Nehemiah 7, John 3:2
Dezirae and I picked green beans today. When we were done, we got to go swimming. I only got in to barely my waist, but it felt good on my legs. I know I’m going to hurt later.
Picked up lunch at McDs. Once home put movie on and went to snapping beans. Today is only day we can do it bc graduation is tomorrow. Celebration is Friday and cookout for lunch.
530 Joe came home from work and took me on date for our anniversary. Had heart to heart talk (which I love) . Ate at Texas Roadhouse. Took me to Party City, DG, & DT looking for final touches for graduation tomorrow.
1100p finally done with canning the beans. I’m in extreme pain from head to toes. Nails partly done.
May 27
445a woke in excruciating pain!!! I don’t need this today. Forgot about y’day activity causing this much pain. Took 3 Tylenol.
Sinuses very congested. Used Nasonex.
Eyes leaking. Using heating pad to help ease crick in rt side. Heat feels good.
Song: from Clark family not sure title…He thought I was worth it. It’s slipping away as I’m trying to figure out title. I’d rather remember the song.
“Now I’ll never see what You saw in me ′Cause You knew I would never be perfect But I’m just so glad That somehow you thought I was worth it”
700a can’t keep eyes open. Laying down to take nap.
Need to finalize bulletin and print. Finish balloon arch (It does not look anything like the picture). Senior Table set up. Assemble sandwiches. Photo board.
Dezirae suggested I call Heather for help. I did. She’s glad to help. Stopped at store for what I thought was final items. Got two pizzas to feed us all lunch.
Took over an hour to cook the pizzas. I couldn’t figure out the gas stove. After 30 minutes in oven they we’re still cold. Decided to try toaster oven. Still not cooked. Cheese not even melted. Decided to use broil option and ended up burning them.
Ended up only cooking four pieces. Gave Heather a pizza to cook at home and I took the other one. Ugh.
Finally back home around 3p. So tired, but still have much to do. Need to get ready for tonight. I hope I remember everything.
600 decided to brew coffee for any who wants some. Heather smelled something and decided to check on it. Found the pot overflowing everywhere! Oh, brother.
650p stink!!! I forgot the diploma at home. It’s too late to go home and get it. I just want to crawl under a pew and cry. I can’t believe I forgot!!!