Lighting Strikes Journal Entries 20-26, 2021

June 20-26, 2021

June 20

1:12a I’m exhausted and hurting. Feet freezing but rest of body hot. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Putting socks on feet.

6:00a not hurting as bad as I normally do. Glass feeling in feet isn’t as bad when I first stand. Improvement is good. I’ll definitely take it when I can.

Bible Reading: Psalm 36-39

Song: I’m a child of the King,

Have lots to do. Dezirae and Joe help get things ready.  Jordon’s face still swollen.

1140 center chest sharp pain. I need to go to chiropractor for an adjustment.

130 visit with Joe’s high school friend and his wife was nice.

2:23 – hurting. Rt side cramping.

6:30 rt hip throbbing. Rt side cramping.

1028 in heap of pain. Bad headache. Low back intensely throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Feet cold & lower legs up to bottom of knees. Hands ache. Exhausted and tired. Feel scatterbrained. Vision off definitely blurred and almost double. Sinuses congested. Tongue hurts.

Took night meds plus rx pain med. Put thicj socks on feet.


June 21

3am woke suddenly out of sleep not sure why. Hurt severely from head to toe and feeling overheated. Got up to use restroom lost my balance but was able to catch myself on the bed. Trouble falling back to sleep. Began praying for everyone I could think of but mostly for camp and campers this week.

720a so tired having trouble waking. Need to get up to take campers to meeting point. Whole body stinging needle pain from neck to toes. Center of chest aches.

Bible Reading: Psalm 40-45,

Song: Worth It by the Clark family

11:30a teen campers are off to camp

Sister not feeling well. Took her over some homemade chicken noodle soup.  Later took her an essential oil immunity blend roller bottle to use.

2:00p can’t stay awake any longer. Crash is inevitable. I feel like I’m going to pass out.

315p campers arrived safely. I pray this week goes well, teens will have fun, and hearts will be changed for Christ.

700 got sidetracked trying to clean up from dinner. Half kitchen cleaned. Need to sit.

800p had nice visit with my sister and parents. It began storming again. Decided to go home before thunder storm gets too bad. I saw lightning in the distance and jumped. Instantly my nerves tense up.  “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee. “

1000 exhausted and hurting horribly. It’s been thunderstorm most of day. I feel so drained.

Headache in minimal. I actual had short period today without a headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders tight and achy. Arms ache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Muscles periodically spasming throughout body throughout day. Lft knee throbbing. Leg muscles tight. Feet & ankles freezing. Toes tingly and stinging. Stinging pain in between shoulders. Center of chest achy Tourniquet tightening feeling lower left leg from chin to ankle


June 22

7:24 broken sleep most of night. Woke to great pain throughout body. Headache. Joe has migraine. All my joints feel like they’re on fire . Nerves stinging throughout. Neck hurts.

Looked up possible causes…

Maybe should ask Dr at next visit to test for anti-CCP antibody test to rule out RA.

Rt hand numb and tingling. Widspread pain. Low back throbbing intensely upon sitting up from laying position. Everything feels stiff like Tin man needing oil and stretching.

Bible Reading: Daniel 2:27-29, Psalm 46-50,

900 checked bank balance and discovered we’re overdrawn. I hate that. Then realized I didn’t balance check book for month. Ugh! Major mess up. Decided to try to balance checkbook. It isn’t balancing. Need a break

1000 Mom agreed to go with me to Sam’s to get items needed. We got lunch at snack bar for lunch. Stopped at Party City for few things. Price on one item ring up wrong. Got manager to agree to give it to us for price posted above item (half price). Yay!

Got home and was telling Joe about it. Realized the guy only gave us a refund but didn’t ring up items. Called store to let them know what happened and make sure I can still get them at price manager said. Agreed. Back to store to get items. Ugh! What we do to save a buck.


400p laying down resting. Hoped to catch some zzz’s but nope… thunderstorm moving through and my body can feel it from miles away. Ugh!  Stinging, burning, throbbing pain deep inside. Thunder and lightning make my nerves jump!

Trying to encourage a fellow lightning survivor who’s feeling overwhelmed and depressed from all the struggles of the aftereffects.

Following is what I suggested…

“I find myself feeling that way when I don’t get the sleep I desperately need. I’ve learned when I get to feeling overwhelmed I need to make myself rest. Practice deep breathing, listen to relaxing music, drink cup of chamomile or Stress Relief Tea, take sleeping pill and or pain rx and sleep it off. I usually feel better when I wake.

Check this out.

Also, I try to find someone I can be a blessing to whether it’s calling and checking up on someone, filling a need someone has (ie: making chicken noodle soup for a sick friend, baking a loaf of homemade bread for a neighbor) writing a note of encouragement. I look for opportunities to do something for others like I would want done for me whether they do for me in return or not.

This helps me take focus off myself and on to someone else for a change. It also helps me feel better because I helped put a smile on someone else’s face.

Hang in there. You’re in the right group to talk it out. We are willing to listen…sometimes it helps to just talk it out.”


455p Laying here is not helping ease the pain. Going to get up and make dinner.

Saw bank statement and realize I need to do that bc I we have bills due. Start working on it while food is cooking. A lot of things not written in and couple things written in twice. Numbers used to be easy now it’s a dreaded chore. Keep moving forward.

Took me another 50 minutes to get it down to .06¢. Give in to what bank says we have. Ugh. Now to write in all the things I didn’t notate. Bad month of bookkeeping. At least it happens less often now. Keep moving forward.

So much for working on VBS stuff today. Maybe after dinner a little. I do miss Dezirae being home.

Took me a while to clean up from dinner even with Jordon’s help. Had to keep sitting down to rest my back. Hurts to stand too long.

French Manicure with Coming Up Rose Gold accent nail. Difficult to do and don’t like the outcome. I’ll try to keep it for little bit.

Managed to get some VBS postcard invites address for mail tomorrow. Quite challenging when not all of addresses were documented correctly.

11:59p trouble with cramping in torso off and on all day. It would stop me in my tracks. Headache mild to moderate thru day. Sinuses congested. Nerves stinging. Hands swollen and achy. Legs throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with burning throbbing pain to toes. Feet freezing. Put socks on until they thawed out. Feet hurt like walking on broken glass. Rt side throbbing. Low back throbbing. Butt aches. Thighs ache like I worked out.


June 23

800a vision blurred. Whole body from neck to toes stinging burning throbbing pain! Definitely would not have done well going to camp with teens this week. Very tired.  Blurred vision is making it difficult to read my Bible

Bible Reading: Psalm 51-57,

Muscles spasming in lft torso.

This is interesting read about all the potential benefits of PEA supplement.

Pure Nootropics is where I bought my last PEA supplement bottle from

*We’ve had thunderstorms daily since last week. I’ve only had one bad headache (pre-migraine) but was able to take Excedrin migraine to control it.

Went to fold and put Jordon’s clothes on his bed. Ended up cleaning picking up a little and getting load of clothes to wash. Vaccumed small area near bed. Vaccumed a/c vent. Changed filter. Started laundry.

Started working on organizing info for VBS.

100 lunch break

200 I’m exhausted and feel a crash oncoming. Need to lay down a little.

3:30 I’m so tired I could sleep longer, but if I do I’ll have trouble sleeping tonight.

700 I’m done for the night. In great pain. My rt knee will most likely be black n blue in morning. I have hit it on Joe’s recliner five times tonight. One time I broke the skin. Ugh!

Mild headache. Rest of body stinging burning throbbing pain. Low back throbbing intensely. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling. Feet throbbing and prickly feeling. Toes tingly. Sharp stabbing pain in rt butt area. Hand swollen and throbbing.

Drank 1/2 cup Chamomile tea. Night meds taken plus Tylenol. Skin itchy periodically.


June 24

700 woken around 5am bc Joe decided to give me a massage. It felt good but hurt at same time. I’d rather sleep the pain away bc I mostly don’t feel it.  I’m so exhausted and in immense pain. Vision a little bit blurry but not like y’day.

Bible Reading; Psalm 58-65

922 turned neck wrong and it cramped up on me. Moving real slow today.

200 unexpected house call today. I’m not ready for company. Pain medicine hasn’t even taken edge off.

545 taking another pain pill do I can make it through church tonight without being too grumpy.

545 on way to church woman or watching what she’s doing and almost ran thru red light while we were going through intersection. Made me jump and Hollar “Oh my goodness!” Nerve tensed and now I hurt more. Ugh!

1000 sharp stabbing pain in center of chest. Lifted my arms above my head too much today. Need to make trip to chiropractor soon.

I’m so exhausted. Prickly stinging thru body. Skin feels itchy. Hands throbbing. Back hurts. Low back throbbing. Rt hip sharp throbbing. Legs chilly. Feet freezing. Put socks on to warm them up. Lower lft leg slight tourniquet tightening feeling. Muscles in back twitching. Tummy cramping.


June 25 – no entry


June 26 – no entry

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