In the Sweet By and By
Words: Sanford Fillmore Bennett (1836-1989)
Music: Joseph P. Webster
1. There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
2. We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blessed;
And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.
3. To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer our tribute of praise
For the glorious gift of His love
And the blessings that hallow our days.
Hymn History:
Sanford Bennett was born on June 21st, 1836 in Eden, New York. When he was two years old, he and his parents relocated to Plainfield, Illinois. During the winter, he attended the local school while working on the farm. He read a great deal. He enrolled in Waukegon Academy when he was sixteen. He started instructing at Wauconda two years later. He enrolled in the University of Michigan in 1858. Later, he was in charge of the Richmond, Illinois, schools. He left the position two years later and was hired as an associate editor at the Independent in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. He joined the Wisconsin Volunteers in 1864 and held the position of Second Lieutenant. He went back to Elkhorn after the war, where he opened a pharmacy and started taking medical classes. In 1874, he received his medical degree from Rush College. Throughout his life, he produced numerous works of poetry and prose.
In the Sweet By and By, a joyful tune, was inspired by a depressive moment in Webster’s life.
Dr Sanford Bennett was friends with composer, Joseph Webster.
In 1819, Joseph Webster was born in the east. He studied music with Lowell Mason when he was a young lad. He moved to the West in his thirties and settled in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, in 1857. He is credited with having written over a thousand songs.
The two men reportedly became close friends, and Dr. Bennett is credited with reading Webster “like a book.”
One day when Webster visited Dr. Bennett, he was discouraged and had a violin under his arm. “What’s the trouble now?” the good doctor enquired.
The sad response was, “Oh, nothing everything will be alright by and by.”
Dr Bennett pondered on those words for a few moments then began quickly jotting down words with three verses and a chorus. He had the hymn written within thirty minutes. He handed the paper to Webster and said, “Here is your prescription, Joe.”
According to the story, Webster was so impressed with the words that he composed the music in even less time than the lyrics themselves.
According to Dr. Bennett, “It took me no more than thirty minutes from the time I picked up my pen to write the words before two friends and I were singing the hymn.” Then Webster picked up his violin and started playing the song. The song was tried out by the four men in the shop. While they were singing, a different client came in and said, “Gentleman, I have never heard that song before, but it is immortal.”
You can listen to the hymn here: