LS Journal Entries July 18-24, 2021
July 18
700 woke from bad dream. Woke to feeling like a spider was crawling on my rt arm . Smacked it off.
Whole body hurts. It hurts to move. Eyes feel heavy and want more sleep. Chest center deep ache.
Song: You can see miracles if you believe
Bible Reading: Proverbs 16-18,
730 Joe saw I was having difficulty getting rollers out of my hair and offered to help. My arms are weak and throbbing.
Sinuses severely congested, sinus pressure in face, rt ear hurts, neck hurts,
800 suddenly feel a bit dizzy and nauseous. Took C, D, Echinacea, Ginger, ibuprofen, cranberry probiotic, & zinc.
Brain is really fuzzy today. Can’t seem to think straight. Joe let me know it was time for SS to start. I said okay and still stay there. A couple minutes later it hit me what he was saying. Oh, brother.
Went to piano and just stared at music for moment trying to remember the tune. Took me a bit to remember before I could started playing.
Into the service, I forgot other tunes to few other hymns. Even momentarily forgot tune of Amazing Grace! This is not good. Flubbed up playing but did my best. Thankfully the Lord helped me remember them.
Having trouble speaking correctly. Mixing up words. Saying statements backwards or wrong word entirely. Frustrating. I’m doing better at catching my mixups and correcting them but it’s still frustrating and sometimes down right embarrassing though I’ve learned to laugh it off. Correct myself and keep going.
230 It just dawned on me that today (July 18, 2021) marks four years ago I survived bring struck by lightning. It’s been a challenging journey on the road to recovery, and I still have a long ways to go.
Thankfully, with the help of God, family, and friends I have been able to keep moving forward.
The Lightning Strike and Electric Shock Survivors Support Groups (public & private) have also been a big help.
While preparing for the Lord’s Supper tonight, we had the pleasure of explaining the importance of observing the Lord’s Supper. It’s wonderful being able to teach others who want to learn and grow.
Brain taxed during choir practice. Didn’t help that my sinuses are really bothering me. Had to keep tissues nearby.
Invited to my parents for last get together with my sister before she leaves to rejoin her family on the mission field. It’s been a blessing spending time with her. My heart is full of mixed emotions.
1145p my head is pounding. Lights bothersome. Sinuses congested and burning. Eyes watery. Neck aches. Center of chest burning. Low back throbbing. Legs achy. Feet hurt. Toes chilly and tingling. Exhausted.
Night meds taken plus Vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, 1/2 benadryl, nasal spray, and ginger chew. Applied immune blend to bottoms of feet, wrists, and back of neck. Applied Vick’s to bottoms of feet and chest.
July 19
700 tired. Sinuses congested but not as bad as last night. Need to stay away from lactose. Whole body stiff and achy. Muscles spasming randomly thru body – feels weird. Tummy hurts. Eyes watery.
Bible Reading: Psalm 19-21, Philippians 4:1-7, Psalm 25:14-15, Luke 6:17-21, Isaiah 41:10
Craving chocolate milk
900 managed to cut Jordon’s hair. I love the new clippers. They’re cordless and lightweight. Stripped bedding to wash. Folded load of clothes. I’m exhausted.
Taking a break to watch news and drink thyme tea with peppermint oil and oil of oregano tea. Need to kick this sinus infection without antibiotics.
Lights bothersome. TV screen too broken that. Put sunglasses on. Eyes watering. Headache. Chest center hurting. Better take it easy. Don’t want to have to get steroid if possible.
400 eyes have been weeping willows all day. . It’s from the sinusitis. Extra lethargic with minute spurts of energy which is exhausted quickly with physical exertion. Just put sheets back on bed and now out of breath and exhausted. Need to lay down a while.
500 Joe informed me that my left eye is swollen.
1020 Oops. Forgot to take an meds. Took pm meds plus C, D, Elderberry, zinc, 1/2 benadryl, Colloidal Silver, and ginger chew. Applied immune blend and Vick’s to bottoms of feet and chest. Praying for good night sleep.
July 20
530 woke to a migraine and nerves feeling jittery all over. Center chest throbbing. Lft eye feels swollen and it’s not weeping willows anymore. Whole body hurts and stiff to move. Took migraine pill and laying back down for a while. Tired.
800 still have migraine. Asked Jordon to bring me ice pack and wet washcloth. Applied to back of neck and forehead. Need to sleep off migraine.
1100 Dezirae came to check on me because I wasn’t up yet. Just woke. Migraine has eased. Lft eye hurts. Whole body throbbing. Feel like I could sleep longer.
Bible Reading: Psalm 22-24
200 head still pounding. Took 4 Ibuprofen and drank a cup of weak coffee. Also drinking a body armour to help hydrate.
400 laying back down in bed with ice pack on head. Headache getting bad again and center of chest throbbing. I dislike feeling like this. Need to get better.
410 called Dr office to see about getting steroid rx to help reduce inflammation for the costochondritis.
421Just recvd call from nurse Tasha. Explained situation and results of ER visit. She’s going to talk to Dr about rx. If I don’t hear back from her, I’m to check with Pharmacy for prescription.
440 Joe asked me to take my bp. It’s 138/100. It’s no wonder I have a migraine. Reminded me that I need to take bo when I have migraine. Suggested I take 1/2 pill of bp rx.
630 up long enough to eat dinner…first solid foods in two days. Headache easing but I’m tired and exhausted again. Laying back down.
800 don’t want to be up all night. Getting up to sit in chair for while
900 helped put food away from dinner. Kids slacking on chores.
1100 going to bed for evening. Head still hurts but no where as bad as this morning.
Left eye still hurts and occasionally watery. Ears ringing periodically during day for couple minutes at a time. Neck hurts. Upper shoulders throbbing and stinging. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Center chest aches deeply – any physical exertion increases pain. Legs ache. Lower lft leg mid chin down to foot tourniquet tightening feeling with partial numbness and tingling. Feet ache. Toes tingly. Feel drained of all energy. Tired. Lethargic. Lights bothersome.
It’s amazing how much extreme pain drains you of all energy and desire to move.
Song on mind: If you’re worried and you can’t sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessing.
Chose to fall asleep praying for whomever the Lord brings to mind.
July 21
430a woke to use restroom. Nerves feel jittery all over. Tummy gurgling. Whole body stiff and achy. Feet hurt to stand on. If I step just wrong on lft foot, it shoots sharp pain up leg and begins cramping badly making it difficult to walk.
Song on mind: He’s Everything To Me
530a Bible Reading: Psalm 25-26, Habakkuk 3:17-19
Put a load and a half of laundry away. Filled ice cube trays.
Started steroid pills for costochondritis. Put up okra for freezing using oven method (300° for 3-4 minutes. Allow to cool, then bag for freezer).
Typed one page of Joe’s college class (just the questions. Still need to type his answers). Brain hurting and very tired. Need to lay down a while.
1245 Mom called to ask couple questions. Asked if I was up to going to store with her. Told her Yes. (Not really sure if I am but willing to try at least).
330 low back is killing me. Sharp stabbing pains. Headache. Sharp pain shooting down lft leg. Can’t seem to get comfortable.
700 finally decided to lay flat to see if that would help. I actually conked out for about an hour. Back didn’t hurt as bad once I got up.
1130 starting to get a bad headache again. Took night meds, 3-C, Echinacea, Zinc, rx, 3-ibuprofen, and Propranolol. I just weaned myself off that stuff. Joe wants me to try it only at night to see if it’ll help with my headaches. Bp still little elevated 133/84. I’ve learned I can trust his judgement so I’ll try. Definitely need an adjustment though.
Really!? Methylprednisolone side effects…headache, high blood pressure, increased thirst. Ugh! No wonder I still have a headache.
Checking for possible doctor to seek out in treating costochondritis
July 22
639 woke to head pounding. I have another migraine. Ugh!
715 headache worsening. Bp 130/83. Taking migraine pill and laying back down.
Whole body throbbing, eyes watery, sinuses congested, chilly. Whole body stings especially my arms, hands, and feet.
1000 knocked out for two hours. Drowsy and having trouble waking. Forcing myself to get up. Don’t need to be knocked out of sleep cycle sync.
Worked a little bit on typing up Joe’s college notes. Eyes started going cross eyed so had to take break.
1200 went to Lowes with Dezirae to get what we needed to finish flower bed up front. It’s so hot!
Upon checking out I gave cashier specific instructions on how I wanted the money applied cents and card. She didn’t listen and did her own thing. She apologized and asked what I wanted her to do. I repeated what I said previously. She said she messed up and wanted to know what I wanted her to do. I kindly asked her to void it, re-ring it, and check me out as I requested. She called manager for assistance. Once manager arrived she inquired as to what was going on. I informed her what happened and asked her if she would void and re-ring items, and check me out as I initially requested. She happily obliged. I thanked her for her understanding. Upon leaving, I informed Dezirae why I insisted on being rung up as requested. First, it was the principal of the matter. I had given cashier specific instructions for the money checking out and she did not listen. Second, I already have a difficult time keeping the checkbook balanced due to my brain challenges. The specifics were to help me do better in money management. Dezirae replied at least they were nice about it. I replied because I kept my cool. There’s always lessons to be learned in life circumstances you just have to have patience and be willing to look for them and learn from them.
Worked on starting to plan out Dezirae’s schoolwork for new year. Thankfully, I already have a calendar bc we’re following new schools calendar…that eases my load some.
500 get to church and discover that dinner didn’t cook all the way in the instant pot. I tried to use it as a slow cooker today but it didn’t quite work. Had to finish cooking it in microwave and some of rice still was crunchy. Ugh. Still tasted good but I didn’t like it much.
Tummy is hurting much. Not sure why. Slight headache. Whole body stings. Neck rt side hurts. Lymph node lft side swollen. Hands throbbing. Back aches. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Lft foot and ankle tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Muscles randomly spasming in legs.
July 23
900 bad dream
Lost another pound. Whoo!
Proverbs 30-31, Matthew 19:14
I actually had enough energy to do some errands today with Dezirae’s help, but that tuckered me out. The rx is helping it’s just going to take them me to recoup.
Slight headache. Neck tight and achy. Tired. Whole back burning achy feeling. Like muscles burn when you overwork. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Legs ache. Exhausted. Hands swollen and achy. Feet throbbing. Chilly but hot. Trouble falling asleep. Lips chapped. Lft knee throbbing and making me limp. Tummy bloated after eating couple white donuts. Ugh. Sugar not liking me these days and it tastes funny. Thirsty.
July 24
700 broken sleep. Woke in a sweat but chilled to the bones. Skin hypersensitive…hair on back of neck feels like million ants crawling all over me. Whole back throbbing. Neck hurts. Legs and feet ache. Arms achy throbbing. Hands throbbing.
Song: I’m not ashamed of the Gospel
Reading: Ecclesiastes 1-4, Psalm 112:5, 1 Corinthians 6:12-14
Pain has turned to stinging, burning pain throughout body. I’m freezing cold. Feeling nauseous and overall yucky. I’m not liking how I’m responding to the prednisolone this time. It’s awful and kicking my butt royally. Feeling very weak. Nerves jittery feeling.
Took ginger capsule for the nausea. Rt ear drum throbbing.
Joe had me stay back and pray while other went out. Got out notebook and started writing down every name I prayed for so I could keep tract.
After they got back decided to tackle a music notebook to catalogue and index music under “I”. Took me several hours.
310 took Dezirae to nearby parking lot so she could start getting used to driving. Did pretty good. Needs to learn how the wheel works on steering the car.
330 exhausted. Feel like I’m going to pass out. Need to lay down a while.
500 forced myself to get up so I’ll hopefully sleep tonight. No energy at all and very weak feeling.
Manage to make spaghetti for dinner. Decided to make spaghetti sauce stretch to use one jar sauce, one can diced tomatoes, and one can of paste with little added water. Joe actually liked it that way. Think I’ll make note to self to do that from now on especially since it’s way less sodium that way.
Finished bulletin, printed, and folded. Took several hours due to needing to take breaks.
Think my lft foot is out of joint. If I step on it wrong, it shoots sharp pain up my leg and it’s difficult to walk for a while.
Brain feels foggy and cross-eyed. Neck aches. Skin itchy. Body pins and needly stinging. Low back & rt hip throbbing severely. Legs throbbing. Feet freezing. Toes freezing and tingling. Hands ache. Tired but wide awake. Not speaking right…tried to let Dezirae know that there was a hand towel on the stove to dry her hands, but said fridge instead. She looked at me funny for a couple minutes and started to giggle before I realized I said it wrong.