LS Journal Entries July 25-31, 2021
July 25
700 woke in a sweat but chilled to the bones. Whole body stiff and achy. Rt hip throbbing. Sinuses slightly congested. Skin sensitive.
Bible reading: Philippians 2:19-23, Ecclesiastes 5-8,
800 Joe asked what all was going today. I went thru all that was going and realized I forgot about the potatoes. Ugh! I make way to kitchen to get potatoes ready. Joe has Jordon jump into help me bc I really shouldn’t be peeling potatoes.
910 prepping things in kitchen at church to get ready. Head’s beginning to feel like it’s swimming.
People asking if I’m feeling better. I reply that I’m getting better but not 100% yet. One comment was, “Well your hair looks like your feeling better.” To which I replied, “I slept in rollers.” That tickles me. When I feel absolutely rotten, I don’t have any energy to fix my hair so it’s flat and lifeless. While I didn’t have energy to roll my hair last night, I asked Dezirae to roll my hair for me so I could feel pretty for church today.
930 intense sharp pain in center of chest need to go sit down for a while. Took tramadol. I wish my chest would heal. I need to go to chiropractor tomorrow.
It amazes me how God helps me continue to play the piano even when my brain isn’t working right. I may not sound professional and sometimes it’s really choppy, but I do the best I can and it helps the people be able to sing the hymns. I’m so tired afterwards though and my brain hurts.
Dinner on grounds after morning service.
Church family made sure Joe & I went first. It felt weird bc we’re always making sure that everyone else eats first. I ate to be curious and I need to keep up what energy I do have. Not hungry in the least. I’m exhausted and need to rest.
Decided I’m going to submit my story to to help others. Trying to look through notes to see what all names of symptoms I have/still have. Forgot about this name (while it has improved I still struggle with it).
Exhausted and feeling weird. Neck hurts. Headache. Chest hurts. Heart feels like it’s beating hard. Thirsty. Hot. Nerves jittery. Tired. Muscles spasming randomly thru torso.
645 my back is killing me.
1100 just discovered that I forgot to take this mornings meds.
Exhausted. Hurting. Chest throbbing. Took pain rx. Muscles spasming randomly thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some tingling. Feet freezing. Rt hip and side throbbing. Tummy gurgling. Tired. Hopefully I’ll sleep well tonight. Sharp pain in lft thigh.
July 26
Low back and rt hip throbbing intensely. Eyes watery. Sinuses slightly congested. As ache. Whole body stiff and achy. Toes tingly. Tired.
#1 cause of back pain – iliacus muscle
Targeted Spinal Release
Starting to get a bad headache. Checking BP. Bp 111/78
Can nerves be connected to emotions? I’m a bit stressed bc I’m running late to Dr apt. My whole body now has stinging burning pain when before it was a deep bone achy pain all over. Called ahead to let him know I was running behind. Dr said no worries.
Apt was tuff and painful. Allowed Dr Young to copy ER papers. He said my white blood count is elevated and surprised that Dr gave rx for the steroid.
Acupuncture was painful today not from the needles unless I moved but from pain laying on stomach. The longer I laid there the more my front chest hurt. I started tearing up. I tried deep breathing to ease tension to no avail. I was to the point that I was going to have Dezirae go tell Dr I couldn’t take it anymore when Dr came in room.
He had to adjust 2 ribs on right side and one one left side. The two on right side were pretty bad. I’m still pretty inflammed. Had acupuncture (4 in back of neck, 4 in center of back, and 1 in rt hip) and adjustments to neck, chest, and lft foot. Adjustment not as good as he’d like. Need to go back in a week.
*Side note – Dr Young now knows a chiropractor in Foley that’s been struck by lightning. He didn’t have any side effects. Dr thinks that’s because his was an indirect strike and he believes that mine was a direct strike.
640 been resting in recliner for few hours. Get up to move around ever so often. Don’t want pneumonia to set in for lack of movement. Chest thru to back quite sore and painful. Burning sensation in middle of back.
800 oldest should be coming home soon. Haven’t seen him since April. In pain and exhausted. Need to lay flat for little bit. Chest throbbing. Heart feels like it’s beating hard. Good news sciatica hip pain has eased. Muscles spasming in sides.
807 son arrives. Yay.
940 going to bed. I’m so hurting. Hopefully I’ll get some sleep and feel some better in am.
Applying heating pad to chest to help ease pain.
1030 muscles spasming in rt side just being arm
1030 muscles spasming behind lft arm
July 27
630 broken sleep but slept better than I have been lately. Still tired. Entire back stinging throbbing. Arms ache as if I worked on out. Sweaty. Legs throbbing with a little stinging. Feet ache. Slightly congested.
Bible Reading: Song of Solomon,
100 took kiddos to the beach today. I enjoyed grounding. Walked in ocean water to ankle deep. I won’t go in without my husband with me to hold on to.
Started getting shaky. Then little while later started feeling as if I’m going to pass out. Told kids that I needed to go. Asked Jakob to drive home.
Had to lay down once home. Crashed for two hours.
Feel well enough to attempt a shower now. Arms start to give out towards end of shower. Out of breath.
Decide to hang all load of clothes on line. Chest hurts a little bit.
800 sharp stabbing pains ensues in chest. It’s bad enough to bring tears and almost feel like rib has popped out of place again. I get up to move around hoping it’ll ease. It does some but not enough. Took pain rx. Have kids heat up heating pad for me. Reclining in chair.
Sneezing brings more tears. Ate 2 Popsicles after applying heat pad for 30 minutes or so. Pain in chest easing but chest still tender to the touch. I guess I’ll have to find things I can do sitting down.
Need to increase vitamin C to aid in reduction of the inflammation.
Upper back stinging burning pain.
July 28
545a woke to intense low back and rt hip pain. Center of chest feeling better.
Try stretching exercise for back to no avail.
Song Dwelling in Beulah land
Able to work on blog for little while. Wish I could find class that’s TBI friendly to help me learn how to manage website.
1150 walking down hallway from getting pair of socks for cold feet. Misjudged peripheral and slammed my rt hand into hall closet door knob (that’s going to be a bruise). Instantly my rt side cramping bad making me double over. Rt hand is throbbing!!! Hand swelling. Applying ice pack.
Dosed off for 20 minutes. Hand not swollen as much any more but still hurts.
Got up to fold towels from y’day.
Had to go pick up rx. While out decided to let Dezirae practice driving in a parking lot. She didn’t do too bad.
Decided to try to work on starting Jordon’s quilt. Found I bought the wrong backing, but going to try to figure out how to still use it. Can’t find my needles. Both apple cushions full of pins are missing . Have no clue where I put them. Need more thread. Guess I’ll have to go to store later to get supplies. Maybe I can find spray adhesive? Do they make such a thing? Got backing sewed on two squares. Chest starting to hurt. Need to rest a while.
Flubbered things for dinner. Apparently Joe told me he wanted to smoke the deer tenderloin on Friday. I had no clue and had put on menu for week for tonight. Joe got upset. I fussed back at him. I was wanting to make tonight special bc Jordon got his promotion. I’m agitated but get some chicken out of freezer and put it in pressure cooker.
Thunder storm blows in outside. It wasn’t supposed to rain today. Weather is only an educated guessing game. My nerves tense up more than they already are. I just want to go hide out in my room but I press on. Muscles spasming and cramping in my back. A few times it’s bad enough to stop me in my tracks.
Parents ask if they came come for a visit. I tell them yes. They wanted to visit with Jakob as he is home for the week. I’m actually surprised. Feet freezing so I have a thick blanket covering feet and legs.
We invite Tara to sleep over tonight. She agrees. I think it’ll be good comradare for her.
I stay up to watch movie with them. Ate popcorn. Feels like one of the hulls scratched the back rt of my mouth. It hurts.
Sinuses suddenly congested. Tummy hurts and feels bloated. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing with periodic sharp stabbing pains tht shoot down rt leg. Leg muscles tense and stiff. Neck hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hand feels bruised and achy. Skin hypersensitive – feel when a hair touches my arm. It feels like razor blade cutting my arm. Feet aches. Toes tingly. Ears ringing periodically thru day for couple minutes to fifteen minutes or so at a time.
July 29
6:55 woken abruptly out of a strange dream by a notification sound from my phone because I forgot to put it on silent.
All my nerves are stinging now. Sinuses slightly congested. Eyes watery. Hot. Low back throbbing.
Bible Reading: Ps 27:4-6, Isaiah 5-8,
Sneezing. Indigestion. Exhausted. Whole body stiff and achy. Low back throbbing. I think I need to get allergy test done to see what I’m allergic to.
Ordered garden grow bags. Worked on typing up some of Joe’s college class.
Started vacuuming out car, but have to do it in sections. Out of breath quickly. Chest and back hurting more.
Kids asked for fried potatoes. Decided to turn into a hash with hotdogs and cooked in Air fryer.
Finished vacuuming what I could, but it hurts s too much. Had to ask someone to put up vacuum for me. Need to rest.
100 working preparing things for school
200 feel like I’m going to crash. Need to lie down for a while.
315 getting ready for church my arms started fatiguing out and throbbing. Exhausted.
400 putting things in car hit my head on ceiling and my rt side immediately started cramping. Noticed I’m getting them more lately.
7:30 tried to take pic of Jakob preaching but my hands and arms are shaking too much. Had to get Joe to take pic. I can feel muscles spasming in both sides. It feels weird up under my right arm
Joe distracted me during preaching asking for a pen. Didn’t register that son said he was going to ring bell. Ringing bell scared me to make me jump. Muscles are spasming more now. Ugh!
1140 center of my chest is really starting to hurt. I overdid it today. Took naproxen. Shoulders and upper back stinging. Hands swollen and achy. Low back throbbing intensely. Rt hip throbbing. Muscles spasming thru body. Legs ache deeply. Tired. Trouble getting comfortable. Top of tongue burning. whole body stinging. Bum hurts like I fell on it but I haven’t. Feet hurt. Toes tingly. Tummy feels bloated.
July 30
600 woken fr strange dream and muscles spasming then it felt like someone tapping me on my rt side jerking me awake. Deep breathing to see if it’d calm them. Nope. Mind races to young lady that’s battling infection and I begin praying for her.
Bible Reading: Isaiah 9-12, Joshua 5:23-15, Romans 5:7-9
Whole body is throbbing especially lower back and legs. A little chilly so put blanket on to warm up.
Going back through having to read what I wrote bc half the sentences don’t make sense…either autocorrect changed what I typed or I typed it wrong altogether. Ugh. Keep hitting wrong buttons as well.
Lower rt abdomen hurts too. Muscles throbbing the body stiff. Stretches hurt.
Took seemingly forever to chose something to do as family today. Ended up just going for a drive. Saw old one room school house, deer in someone’s front driveway, cool cars, an ACE Hardware with a gas station.
Legs throbbing deep to the bones. Lists of stimulation to my nerves caused me to get very sleepy.
Crashed in bed once we got home. Heard Jordon say he needed to go to F&S before it storms. Heard thunder and lightning. Decided I’m staying put for while. Slept for couple hours.
Tired and exhausted. Hands swollen and throbbing. Sinuses slightly congested. Skin hypersensitive. Whole body throbbing. Muscles in ankles and legs very tight, achy, and hurting. Itchy. Back of feet intense throbbing. Rt hip aches.
July 31
700 had rough time falling asleep. Mouth so dry my throat hurt. Kept drinking water.
Woken from deep sleep by alarm. Strange dream. Exhausted and hurting all over. Hands throbbing. Eyes sensitive to light. Have brightness on screen all way down. Muscles feel stiff, tight, and achy deeply thru body. I f3el like I worked out too much (I didn’t workout at all) and my whole body hurts .
Bible Reading: Isaiah 13-17, John 1:12-13,
Lately in the mornings I hurt so much I have to force myself to get out of bed to get up and moving but by mid to late afternoon the pain has eased some bc my muscles have loosened up. It’s almost as if my muscles have atrophied bc of having to be more sedintary due to the costochondritis flair up. My skin has been hypersensitive making me touchy and a bit grouchy too. Don’t like it one bit.
1000 get to church and realize that I forgot to buy trash bags for church. We’re completely out. Making run to Dollar Store. Decide to get some of the items for next weekends activity. Get back to church and learned that I got the wrong ones. Ugh. Oh well, one of SS class rooms can use that size.
Ask Dezirae to help me get all the letters ready for the bulletin board.
1100 out door knocking. 6 of us today. It’s hot today 91° with heat index of 107° We got half a street done. Will finish it next time.
Took break from heat to work more on the letters and eat lunch.
Next project is family working on picking up limbs and clearing debris from tree cut down. I knew I was out of shape due to my physical limitations but this is horrendous. I drag a limb in one hand with cane in other hand to help keep balance to where Joe said to put them for now then have to sit a while to catch my breath. Oh, I can feel the pain increasing. Decide to get trash can to pick up smaller debris. Quickly learn it hurts to bend over too far. Manage to fill a bag up in between the catch my breath breaks. As a team we make another dent in clean up.
250 time for a crash break. Laying down for hour or so. Feels like I’ll need an rx pain pill soon. My calves are burning throbbing. Chest aches. Feels like I pulled muscle on rt side.
I may not be able to do alot, but at least I’m trying.
500 dinner is Sheet Pan Fajitas. Quick and easy to prepare. I forgot that I put shells in oven with fajitas and burn the shells. Ugh. Joe kind enough to eat a burnt she’ll anyways. Not me. I get out new pkg and put them in microwave except they’re still a little cold. I eat them anyways. I’m too wore out to get back up.
Need to finish bulletins but get distracted working on planning school work little more.
1130 exhausted. Hurting all over. Minor headache. Brain tired. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling and much pain. Muscles stiff and achy. Hands throbbing. Skin sensitive, but Joe rubbing my back in his sleep feels wonderful.
Night meds taken. Pain rx taken. Pillows sprayed with lavender oil. Again I forget to drink sleepy tea.