August 8, 2021
530 woken to Joe rubbing my back. It feels good and relaxes my muscles and nerves some. Fell back asleep.
630 alarm went off. Snoozed for 10 minutes. Every ounce of me is hurting.
Isaiah 49-53, Colossians 3:12-14,
Before service starts Joe tried to ask me a question from across room. With everyone talking I couldn’t focus on what he was trying to ask so I told him to hold up bc there were too many noises in my head. Joe makes smart aleck remark which angered me. I lightly smacked him on the arm and told him that wasn’t funny.
Headache starts.
We have fans blowing to help keep auditorium cooler. The fan kept making my page turn while playing piano. Frustrated me. Stopped playing in middle of hymn to turn off fan. Joe giggled.
Suddenly getting really sleepy…not sure why. Head hurts.
Lunch not done. Had to put in pressure cooker. Fell asleep on loveseat while waiting for it to cook. Ate lunch. Went and took nap. Set alarm for 3. Still tired. Rested until 4pm.
Brain and vision getting blurry during choir practice. Joe asked me to sing with Dezirae to help her with the notes. I sing alto and she sing soprano so I wasn’t sure what he was asking me to do. I repeated that I only sing alto on this sing. He told me to sing anyways. Frustrating. I’m not understanding what he’s trying to get at. Complied but still don’t see purpose.
Head hurting worse. Neck hurts. Eyes hurt and feel weird.
Stinch from fertilizer plant is stuck in my nose. It caused such a massive pounding headache.
Just not feeling up to making dinner nor can I think what to make. Family okay with fending for themselves. I ate bowl of gf cereal. Not hungry.
Center of chest sharp stabbing feeling while siting in recliner. Chest aches deeply.
Took night meds plus C, E, D, Echinacea, zinc, and pain rx. Need to keep immune boosting vitamin protocol up for few days. Learned this morning that a friend I saw briefly was diagnosed with covid y’day. Actually, thinking about it I have several friends that have it right now. Prayers for safe and healthy recovery.
August 9
Dr Frederick Robert Klenner’s clinical guide to the use of Vitamin C
The Vitamin cure for children’s health problems by Ralph Campbell and Dr Andrew Saul
Super Nutrition Megavitamin Revolution by Dick Passwater
John 20:7, Isaiah 54-56
Been awake since 4am. Laid in bed die to hurting all over until 7am. Did Bible Reading and devotions. Thinking this is ridiculous I can get some house work done.
Prepared meds for the week. Stripped bed. Made bed. Washed two loads clothes and hung to dry. Made tea. Filled ice cube trays. Worked on blog for about 45 minutes.
953a Tired and wore out. Headache slightly. Resting for 30 minutes.
After lunch went to library to return books and stop at produce market for few items. I was a bit taken back at the total. Lady asked what church we went to. I responded and gave her a tract. She thanked me. I was shocked at that too. Never straight asked where I go to church. Usually it’s them asking if I’m protestant. Refreshing just the same.
Chopped some veggies for dinner – Egg Roll in a Bowl Instant pot. Thankful for ability to have easy to fix simple meals. The Instant pot has been a huge blessing for me. I don’t know why I hesitated before about it.
Worked on planning English lesson for year. Thankfully, I have the lesson planner so it make it easier for me. Brain done for the day and fogging up quickly. Tired and hurting. Slowing down quickly.
400 lay down to rest for 30 minutes until Joe calls on his way home.
Trying to study for bible study tomorrow. I’ve gone over lesson several times but I’m just not feeling it. Not sure if it’s a brain fog issue or something else.
I’ve over done it today. I’m hurting from head to toe. It’s becoming more of a core to move as the day goes on.
700 received call needing some counseling. Joe and I make house visit. Praying for family and tough decisions needing to be made in days ahead.
Headache. Whole body stings. Center of chest throbbing