August 10, 2021
Woke with an uncomfortable headache. Whole body stiff and achy, but not near as bad as I expected.
700 hearing noises in house. Someone is up. Jordon’s getting ready for work. I’ll get up to sit with him.
Blow nose to clear snot. Bloody nose gush out of rt nostril. I instantly feel like life is draining out of me. Have to sit while pinching nose until it stops. Takes couple minutes.
Choose to sit in recliner while doing my devotions today.
Isaiah 57-63, Psalm 46:1
Able to read 2 chapters in actual Bible today before it started hurting my brain. I miss being able to read books I can hold in my hands.
Dezirae agreed to perm my hair. Took 3 hours. She did good job. This will help with not needing as much help to do my hair for little while.
Thunderstorm started about 1130. It got pretty bad. At one point when it was time for rinsing my rain it was thundering alot I had thought to not rinse my hair until it stopped but them I thought I don’t want to fry my hair bc that would be worse than straight hair so I went with rinsing hair. Prayed for protection.
Headache has become migraine. Took migraine rx and laying down for a bit.
Feeling very drained and weak. Stinging pain through body.
430 Dezirae made dinner – Shepherd’s Pie
530 still have bad headache but not a migraine. Joe told me I should cancel ladies bible study tonight so I did.
1000 2nd bloody nose. This time not so bad. Still have minor headache. Feeling drained and tired. Thirsty.
August 11, 2021
700 woke feeling very drained, sharp pains in abdomen, and hurting all over.
Having trouble getting motivated to move. Remembered lots of kids start school today. Prayed they’d have a good first day.
Isaiah 64-66, Isaiah 41:10,
Psalms 62:1-2 – Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
Thankful that my salvation and help comes from the Lord
Need to get groceries today. Jordon having bump in road kind of day. Asked if I could bring him a body armour. Told him I would. He doesn’t usually ask. I like doing things for my kids if we’re able.
Dezirae asked if we can go to thrift store to look for skirt. Told her Yes. Also took time to find a parking lot where she could practice driving.
She’s getting better. Had her do figure 8 driving to help her getting used to maneuvering the vehicle. She said it helped. Trying hard to remember things my drivers Ed teacher had me do…not an easy task. I don’t remember much of anything in my past…only bits and pieces.
Sometimes I’ll smell a certain smell or someone will say something that jolts my brain and memories come flooding back in my brain. I get so overwhelmed with joy that I remembered it I just want to cry and thank God for the memories.
Thunderstorm popped up while inside grocery store. It didn’t last long. Thank goodness.
Putting few groceries away at a time. Bent over in pantry and hit my head on shelving. It hurt. Didn’t realized I gouged my forehead until looked in mirror layer.
Whew! I didn’t think running errands would take practically most of day. I’m plumb wore out. Need to rest a bit before getting dinner ready. N
700 the longer I sit here the more the days events are catching up to me. I hurt so much all over. My legs feel like I tried to run a marathon with out training for it. It seems that every time I have a relapse it takes longer to recoup because I loose all the muscle, strength, and progress I made prior to the relapse. It’s so frustrating. But for the grace of God I keep pressing on.
Fixed one of my bracelets that broke expect took couple times to try bc I accidentally left off my favorite bead the first time.
900 Scripture journaling Psalm 111:1
2nd night trying to add drawings to it. Not too bad but definitely room for improvement. May one day even add color.
1045 I’m in so much pain!!! It’s going to be a while before I fall asleep.
Listening to wholetones music to see if that’ll help. Took pm meds plus C, E, Echinacea, zinc, and pain rx.
Body from neck to toes stinging, burning, aching, throbbing pain. Headache. Lft knee popped several times today. It’s throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Center chest aches.