August 25, 2021
330 woke thinking I overslept.
Song: Heaven’s sounding sweeter all the time
Broken sleep until 550. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Hands hurting. Lft foot stinging. Whole body stiff and achy.
Jeremiah 46-48, Psalm 119:165,
Mailed item for DSLC, finished mopping pool bottom, applied shock, talked with Mom about Tara, made applesauce in instant pot, prepped green beans for dinner. Tired and need to rest.
Lft lower leg to foot numbish and tingling. Foot feeling like it’s on fire again. Applied cortisone 10. Took 1/2 Benadryl. Checked how many ant bites – approximately 20! Ouch!
530 couldn’t push myself anymore. Foot stinging something horrible. Decided to go lay on bed as whole body hurts too. Ended up crashing for three hours.
Woke feeling drained, hurting all over, and still tired. Stayed put. I think everything is catching up to me.
940 my sister called but I couldn’t answer phone fast enough as I was in bed. I tried calling her back to no avail. Sent msg and waiting a while for response. I pray everything is ok.
It feels like a storm is brewing the barometric pressure change in the air is making all my nerves and muscles hurt horribly. Headache. Lft foot still on fire. Wiped Colloidal Silver on ant bites. Gave a cool sensation for few minutes then back to feeling on fire. Took Tylenol but it hasn’t done anything. Lft knee throbbing. Exhausted and tired. Chest hurts – an achy like I overworked a muscle ache.
My sister answer my message. Her power went out and it took a while to come back on.
August 26, 2021
Woke several times thru the night.
Isaiah 41:10-13, Jeremiah 49-50,
Whole body stiff and achy. Left foot stinging still from the ant bites.
Want to work on quilt today and cleaning kitchen floor.
Feeling little shaky. Think I’ll eat breakfast now.
Only able to get 4 square cleaned today but it looks better. My arms and back are killing me now. Need to rest a while.
Oops! Time to pick up the gals. I’m still a little early. Chest center starting to hurt much. Did too much.
Tired. Need a nap but that’s not going to happen. Feeling stressed I’ve got so much that needs to get done and not enough time.
Mishap on way to church. Running late for church. Trying hard not to make sharp turns or sudden stops to not spill the soup. Had to make quick stop at Luvs light and ended up spilling soup on Joe’s suit coat. Ugh!
Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Chest center aches. Hands ache. Left foot still stinging some. Although it looks worse than it feels, it does feel little better. Having trouble keeping my eyes open.
August 27, 2021
Woke early thinking I overslept. Song on mind from Clarke Family (I forgot title).
Whole body stinging throbbing. Sinuses congested. Hands throbbing. Headache. Rt hip throbbing immensely. Feet stinging. Low back aches. Neck hurts. Tummy hurts.
Song jumps to I’m not ashamed of the Gospel
Luke 1:63-66, Jeremiah 51-52, Psalm 22:26, Psalm 119:105
645 left ear ringing – lasted for 30 minutes
Lots to do and I feel like I can’t get it all done fast enough. This body seems to be moving slower and hurting more. It doesn’t help that there’s Tropical Storm Ida in the Gulf that’s supposed to make landfall by Sunday.
Managed to clean and wax 4 more square in kitchen today. I’m out of breath, arms throbbing, back hurts, whole throbbing actually. Time to rest a bit.
1000 to dollar store and target for few items for bday weekend. While at dollar store took me seemingly forever to decide on bday card and balloons. When asking cashier for balloons, it took me 4 or 5 tries to get the right number out for the balloon I wanted. Kept apologizing. Guy was very patient. Then I had placed sunglasses (I’ve lost all my pairs of sunglasses and even some that weren’t mine) on my shirt bc no buggies available and having trouble holding onto few items in my hand. I was about to walk out when I realized they were still on my shirt. I apologized again. The guy allowed me to give him the exact change and walk out.
Target didn’t have everything I needed so I got what I could that wasn’t cold. By the time I checked out I was exhausted and decided to go home to rest. I have a migraine oncoming and need to go take something for it before it gets too bad.
Took 2 Excedrin. Getting nauseous. Sucking on a ginger chew to settle stomach. Laying down to rest a while.
It seems like the more my body stings with pain the more scattered my thoughts get, the harder it is for me to concentrate, the faster my mind races, and the more frustrated I get.
530 girls wanted to go to home volleyball game. I obliged though I wasn’t feeling up to it. I hurt so much. Forgot how loud games get. Made me quite jumpy. Told girls the next time we come I need to sit on top so I can lean back against wall. Was glad to go when it was over. Quick stop at store for few needed items.
1000 I’m so tired. Whole body stinging, burning pain. Eyes watery. Hands swollen and throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs ache deeply. Low back throbbing. Headache. Left foot feels like it’s out of joint
Fell asleep praying for our church people.
Song on mind: I can pray
August 28, 2021
430a woke in excruciating pain thru whole body. Both arms numb and tingly. Legs burning throbbing. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg feels like it’s being squeezed with a vice grip. Center of chest aches like I worked out too much. Skin sensitive to touch. Lft foot numbish, but ant bites stinging. Ft foot still feels as if it’s out of place making it difficult to walk on
Joe’s being sweet and massing my back. While Im letting him it’s not really helping presently.
Song – Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me I would give myself to thee… Can’t remember all the words. Been awhile since I heard it. I think it’s a Patch the Pirate song
Lamentations 1-3:36, John 6:29, Psalm 68:3-4
Today is a pain pill day!
Had to lay flat a while and rest up before forcing myself to take Dezirae to a bday party. Not bc I didn’t want to go but bc I don’t want Dezirae to miss out of too much on my account. My pain level is an 8/9 today and if it were just me at home I’d stay in bed. Fell asleep for about 30 minutes off and on.
Bday party was awkward at first bc I was the only Mom that stayed. It eased up after a while. I was glad to jump in and help take pics.
Had to use GPS to get there but was able to get home without it. A praise indeed.
Leftovers for dinner as I’m not up to cooking. Hopefully, I’ll feel better tomorrow. It’s Joe’s birthday. 2nd birthday with a major hurricane coming. Ida is projected to be stronger than Katrina.
1030 going to bed. In extreme pain from shoulders to toes. Moderate headache. Neck aches. Chest center aches deeply. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hip throbbing . Thirsty. Low back throbbing. Legs sting and ache deeply. Center of back stinging. Lower left leg to toes numbish. Lft foot ant bites itch. Toes tingly. Extremely tired. Muscles feel stiff and hurt thru body. Skin itchy.