LS Memoirs -Sept 5-7 , 2021
Sept 5, 2021
700a exhausted. Finally fell asleep sometime after 1am.
Whole body stiff, achy, and stinging pain. Mouth dry and have metal taste.
Song: ♫It’s Amazing What Praising can do Alleluia, Alleluia♫
Ezekiel 21-22, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 28:18-20,
Decided that I want my blog to be my hobby, but I’ll need to figure out what programs I need for what I’d like to create. Will also need to find a tutor to show me how to do some things. Lord, please provide the need.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning. Have lots to do before services and not sure what to do first. Ended up asking the teen gals to help with decorating the communion table for Fall. Had Jordon run errands to get coffee filters and brown paper bag for bulletin board.
I’m in a good mood though. It helps when I get decent night’s sleep.
Dropped my pen out of bible in SS class. Able to slowly stoop down to pick it up, but had to ask for a hand to keep my balance while getting up.
Having difficulty focusing and keeping things straight in my brain. Went to start playing choir hymn and forgot the tune and how to play it. Oh, that’s frustrating! Thought a quick prayer asking God to help me. Stumbled through it. It had a domino effect which I struggled with rest of hymns as well. Ugh!
Brain feels swimmy today. Minor headache is increasing. Overall pain is around a 4/5
Tried a new recipe for lunch: Instant pot meatloaf and potatoes. Meatloaf fell apart too easily and was too sweet. The mashed Potatoes tasted good though. I’m not fond of meatloaf anyways but even Joe said it was too sweet.
100 feel a crash oncoming so I’ll lay down for about an hour or so.
Head is pounding. Never fell asleep. Took 4 Ibuprofen and stayed laying down til 3pm.
Brain is still swimming. Balance is off. Had Joe following behind me in case I started to fall. Grabbed wall in hallway to steady balance.
Center of chest starting to really hurt.
Sept 6, 2021
700 whole body stiff and stinging burning pain. Moderate headache. Sinuses a little congested. I hear a periodic clicking in my right ear. Strange? Left arm and hand numbish.
Ezekiel 23-24, James 1:5,
Feeling rather dizzy. Neck hurts rt side.
Family going fishing today. It’s not my cup of tea but it’s time spent together.
Pictures sent to photo shop. Found 50% off coupon. Will be able to pick them up on way home.
The pier and water were a bit choppy for my already dizziness making a bad combination. As soon as they picked a spot, I quickly planted myself in my chair Jordon caught two little fish. I think it was wrong time if day, but I enjoyed the ocean breeze and being in the sun.
Joe picked up lunch on way home..Once home, we ate lunch. Decided to go lay down a while as I felt a crash oncoming. I was tired and not feeling so well. Fell asleep for maybe twenty minutes. Head is pounding so it’s interfering with sleep.
Head pounding still. Took Excedrin. Whole body stinging, burning, throbbing pain. Achy pain in center of chest.
Sept 7, 2021
500a tired. Whole body stings and is stuffy. Headache has eased to mild.
Song ♫Heaven’s sounding sweeter all the time.♫
Revelation 2:8-10, Ezekiel 25-27, Zechariah 3:17,
Preacher’s Internship Mtg at PCC this morning. Praying for a couple of college students to come help.
Received lots of compliments on our display. Talked with several students. No definite commitments yet.
It was difficult for me once the preacher’s and student were all taking at same time. It hurt my head. Pattern on floor made me dizzy though it was pretty. Had to repetitiously change positions as back and hip were hurting. Saw several pastors we knew. They came to greet us. Got to meet Dezirae’s Bible teacher and his wife. He had all good things to say about Dezirae. Makes a momma’s heart proud. Joe treated me to Four Winds for lunch afterwards.
2:40 finally back home. Slow down in interstate home. Selfish drivers making stupid last minutes lane changes made my nerves jumpy.
I’m about to crash. Can feel my brain and body shutting down. Going to take a nap. I’m exhausted and worn out.