Sept 26, 2021
300 woke in a sweat. Went to bathroom and changed clothes.
600 whole body stiff and throbbing. Arms and legs tingling and throbbing. Rt side abdomen aching. Low back throbbing. Hurts to move. Sinuses slightly congested. Can tell I didn’t take pm vitamins last night. Muscles randomly spasming thru body.
645 Eve’s Curse decided to show. It’s week early.
Song: Constantly Abiding Jesus is Mine
Nahum 1-3,
Practiced special Music on way to church several times so I would have time in my head.
Excited bc two families that have been sick for a while came back to church today. Made sure I gave all the girls hugs. Some of them kept coming back for hugs. Told them I’d give as many as they wanted and that I loved them.
Right before song service Joe tried to tell me something but I have to have him repeat it three times before I could comprehend what he was saying. To me, it was insequential and made me lose focus on the music. On top of that, part of the dress I wore kept falling in way of my playing piano and distracting me. This in turn caused me to mess up more than normal. Tried shaking it off to no avail.
Got up to sing the special and totally forgot the tune to the music. I apologized for my hesitation and explained my brain is just swirling and I forgot the tune momentarily. Inside I wanted to throw my hands up and run away. I asked God to help and soon after tune came back to memory. I began to sing.
My brain is tired and hurts. Headache. Rt hip & low back throbbing. I’m tired.
Took nap after lunch. Didn’t take long for me to crash. Set my alarm for an hour. Had trouble waking so I snoozed for thirty more minutes.
Task today was to clean/fix printer at church. Print heads were clogged. Cleaned all four. Took me over an hour. Accidentally used too much cleaner causing paper to rip too easily. Took me a while to get all the fragments of paper out. Thankfully, I was able to get it cleaned and fixed. Printer working again.
Choir practice is a chore for me. Not sure that’s correct verbiage. Brain is quite swirly today. Wish I could adequately explain what I’m experiencing. It’s like the area behind my eyes is foggy and mixed up, yet my vision isn’t blurred yet it’s affecting my vision, thought process, and concentration. ie: Joe starts moving hand odd while leading the choir. My eyes catch glimpse of it while I’m playing the music. Instead of staying focused on the music my eyes glue to his hand trying to figure out what in the world he is doing and I inadvertently stop playing the piano. Lol. Joe looks at me funny. Then I hear someone say she stopped because we were out of sink. I replied No and explained I was watching his hand trying to figure out what he was doing bc he was moving it funny. They all chuckled.
Overall it was a good day. I’m exhausted and need some rest. Head hurts. Brain foggy and worn out. Back throbbing. Rest of body aches. Arms, legs, and feet stinging tingly. Hands achy and swollen. Lft wrist still slightly swollen. Skin itchy. Night vitamins taken plus C, Echinacea, and 2 Aleve for stomach cramping.
Sept 27, 2021
600 tummy feels bloated and hurts. Whole body stiff and throbbing. Sleepy.
Song: I Stand Redeemed
Habakkuk 1-Zephaniah 3, Psalm 5:11
Able to wash load of loads and hang two loads on line outside, washed few dishes, drank smoothie (blueberry, strawberry, chia seeds, and almond milk).
My arms and shoulders are burning throbbing. Heads hurting. Low back throbbing. I’m exhausted and need to rest a while. Setting alarm for 30 minutes in case I fall asleep.
1000 Mom & Janelle came for a visit.
1140 picking gals up from school early. Dezirae and I attended funeral for Shandle.
Funeral went well. Shandle touched a lot of lives. She will be greatly missed.
Stopped by a lot of people to chat. Few introduced me to their friends as the lady who was struck by lightning. I guess I have my own identity now. Lol.
Hymns sung during service were “In the Garden” & ” The Old Rugged Cross”. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to sing.
A few people were surprised to see Dezirae and I there. Guess they didn’t think we knew very many people.
Lynn told us to bring home food for us and my parents. They had too much food leftover. I was thankful but felt kind of awkward too.
It was nice chatting with everyone. Catching up with their lives. Hard to hear at time with all the background noises of people’s chatter. Maybe better way to explain would be it was hard to decipher specific words being spoken. Took all my energy just to focus on what person in front of me was saying.
Joe had long tiring first day at new job. Mostly computer training videos of some sort. Said his brain was tired. He went to bed early.
Stayed up to help Dezirae study for quizzes tomorrow. She didn’t want to study, but I made her anyways. We’ll review again in morning.
I’m utterly exhausted and hurting all over.
Low back throbbing. Nerves sting all over. Today was a bit much for me physically, but it felt good to be needed and minister to those in need. Several friends thanked us for coming.
John 4:34