LS Memoirs – 10-12 October 2021
Oct 10
5am woke to coughing fit. Beginning to cough up junk. Head hurts but not as bad as it has been. Whole body stiff and achy. Muscles all twitchy.
530 decide to get up for a colloidal silver breathing treatment. Work on planning meals while sitting there covered up bc I’m freezing. Thermometer says temp is normal but I’m shivering.
600 my headache is increasing again. I’m seeing cartoonish light shape in rt peripheral vision area. (The kind you see in the retro Batman cartoons when they punch a bad guy and a thought bubble pops on screen with zig zag edges. I only see the edges.) Going back to bed. Applying ice pack to neck. Drinking 2 glasses alkaline water.
Ocular migraine
The aura lasted 30 minutes then migraine began intensifying.
Song: Thank God I Am Free
Matthew 18-19, Proverbs 19:20-21, Matthew 20 – 21
1020 adjusted pillows and turned in bed. Rt side immediately cramped fiercely. Rt ear ringing for one minute.
1230 boy oh boy I’m out of breath. Whew! Whole body shaking and nerves twitching. Just finished watching service online. Heard an alarm going off in neighborhood. Took me a minute to recognize what I was hearing. Opened front door to listen where it was coming from. Realized after a moment it was coming from my parents house. I hollered fir Jordon’s help. No answer. Wait where are my keys. Knocked on Jordon’s door and hollered about alarm going of at Papa’s and Grandma’s. Found keys on table (not normally kept there). Put shoes on. Grabbed cane and phone and out door I go. Jordon soon behind. Phone rings bas I’m trying to unlock house. Momentarily I think wait should I be doing this? I ignore thought. Alarm off. Jordon discovers dog got out and knocked over trash can. Phone rings again. I answer. Person on other end asks if we’re ok. I tell her yes and that the dog got out. Then I ask wait who is this. She informed me that she a neighbor. She heard alarm and saw me go into house. She wants to make sure everything was okay. I tell her yes but I’m out of breath. I try calling Mom to inform them but she doesn’t answer. I try to call again. Jordon discovers that Mom accidentally left her phone home. I call Dad. They answer. They told me alarm company just called them and told them not to send police bc it’s probably the dog. She forgot about dog and set alarm wrong when she left this morning. I told them what happened. They thanked me for checking and for Jordon picking up trash from dog. I suggest they use crate when they’re away. They said they’re just getting used to having dog.
2:00 chest hurting again. Breathing treatment.
230 going to lay back down but decide to prepare “Guess Who?” Gifts for my church ladies and have Dezirae deliver to at church tonight.
3:15 heads hurting more. Decide to lay down.
730 breathing treatment. Starting to get a chilling burning sensation in brain again. It starts at top back of head and goes to base of neck. It feels weird. I don’t know what causes it nor why it happens.
920 good chat with a friend that’s dealing with things on her end as well. We encouraged each other.
1050 migraine has eased down to a bad headache. Sinuses congested. Productive cough though coughing is becoming less. Lethargic. Neck hurts. Whole body stiff and achy. Starting to get small bursts of energy, but if I do just a little bit I’m worn out again quickly. Muscles cramping easily. Low back throbbing. Legs achy throb. Feel like I’m starting to break a fever. I get hot under covers but as soon as I take them off I’m freezing again. Feet cold. Tired.
Night vitamins taken plus immune boosting protocol, Benadryl, and antibiotic.
Psalm 72:18
Thankful for:
1. Ability to watch services online
2. Good friends
3. Loving church family
4. Joe allowing me to rest today
5. Daughter willing to jump in help at church
6. Jordon willing to look after me even though he’s not feeling well too.
Oct 11
600 I am so tired. I don’t want to get up. I’m freezing too. Head hurts but no migraine. Whole body stiff and achy. Nerves stinging all over. Tummy hurts. Periodic muscles twitching randomly throughout body. Sinuses congested, but I can breath okay.
Put on thick fuzzy socks for cold feet. Long sleeve sweater for chilly arms and shoulders. Blanket over lap. No fever, but I’m freezing cold.
Song: Blessing After Blessing Keep On Following Me
Matthew 22-23, Proverbs 8:17,
Chose a few friends to be an encouragement to today.
Striped bedding to wash. Put sheets back on. Wore out now and need to rest a while.
Took me three tries to wash the second load of clothes. Ugh!
Rcvd email from insurance agent. House insurance jumping $320 to $560 depending on which company we choose. We can’t afford that on one income. I get that cost of replacement is different than home value, but good grief. The difference between the two is almost what we still owe on the mtg.
Sudden sharp stabbing shooting pain in chest it about took my breath away. Hurt to move!! Tried popping chest to no avail. Had to lay flat on couch for a bit. I want to cry.
Tried to balance checking from over the last week. I’m way off and don’t understand why. It’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
Enjoying the Publix app. Able to select items to put on a grocery list within the app and clip digital coupons available. When I pull up my list in store, the app also notates what aisle each item is located. This helps reduce my time wondering around exerting extra energy I don’t have. Able to get the things I need in under an hour each time I’ve used it.
Breathing treatment this time made me cough a lot. Didn’t drink enough today.
Dezirae must have had rough day at school. She’s inadvertently taking it out on me. Told her I didn’t appreciate her attitude and she needed to change it. I told her that maybe she’s there for such a time to show them how a Christian teen should act. I may have to have a talk with her principal or teacher. She came and apologized to me for her attitude before going to bed.
2 Timothy 4:8
Thankful for:
1. I didn’t have a headache for most of the day
2. I’m starting to feel better
3. Ability of seeking Christian counsel
4. Privilege to raise our children the way we believe God wants us to
5. Clean sheets
Sinuses congested. Headache. Shoulders hurt. Chest aching. Back throbbing. Arms ache. Legs ache as if worked out. Feet hurt. Toes tingly. Nerves tingling a bit thru body. Skin itchy
Oct 12
Having trouble waking up. I’m so tired. Having trouble opening my eyes. Sinuses congested. Throat hurts. Slight headache.
Song: God’s Word Shall Stand
Helping my daughter study for midterms. She is very frustrated bc she doesn’t feel like she knows it well enough. Praying with and for her. Let her know that if she keeps giving me an attitude from school I will be talking with her principal or teachers. She informed me that her History teacher noticed that the kids around her were chatting instead of working which distracted her. She got permission to change seats to front if class. She currently has a 4.0 as grade average. Proud of her.
Luke 10:27
Load of clothes in washer. Bank statement printed. Bible Study notes in binder. Need a nap.
Matthew 25-26
Not feeling so good. Feel very drained and weak. Coughing fits. Resting but can’t sleep.
Took me a long while to get checkbook balanced. Couldn’t figure out what I did wrong.
Head hurting. Feeling lightheaded , wobbly, and faint. Need to rest a while.
Passed out for about hour until phone rang. Chest and upper body stinging burning pain. I feel like I was beat up badly. I can hardly move.
225 just realized I’m supposed to be picking up the girls. Suddenly sick to my stomach. Losing my cookies. Managed to call my Mom to ask her to pick girls up.
Messaged church ladies to let them know that ladies Mtg is postponed.
Sipping on ginger ale. Trying to keep my cookies down. Dezirae gave me immune boost vitamins.
Dezirae shared with me that someone left an anonymous note in her locker today thanking her for being a good example. Sweet. Thank you Lord.
Joe came home took one look at me and told me to go to bed. Asked what happened. Told him. He said balancing the checkbook was part of it and coughing alot caused the other.
Jordon bought me some immune boosting stuff that’s elderberry flavor. His thoughtfulness put a smile on my heart. I’m not liking the taste so we’ll.
Family jumped in to help take care of me this evening. My tummy is in awful pain. Using heating pad to ease some of the discomfort. Entire midsection throbbing like my insides are being ripped out and I’ve been beat up.
945 nausea has eased. Smell highly sensitive. Can smell lavender spray that hasn’t left the jar it’s in. Another odd smell periodically but I can’t put a nose to it.
Exhausted. Tired. Mild headache. Rt ear hurts. Sinuses draining. Shoulders ache. Low back throbbing. Entire midsection throbbing. Legs ache. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet throbbing and tingling. Toes tingly.
Psalm 92:12-13, Matthew 26
Thankful for…
1. Loving and supportive family
2. Able wash 2 loads clothes, pay Mtg, and balance checking this morning,
3. Encouraging note my daughter received today