LS Memoirs 17-19 October 2021
Oct 17, 2021
Woke up late. Hurting something fierce and not feeling too healthy. Joe said I asked him to rub my back in middle of the night because it was hurting. Woke couple times in night. Moving kind of slow.
Psalm 25:14-15, Jeremiah 1:4-10
Managed to be ready on time. Joe helped get things ready.
Got to church and discovered that we forgot the food bag at the house. Will have to trust that my friend will bring the soup after church
Task: organize and put together the choir books for the Christmas Cantata.
Sweet spirit in church today. Kids all came and gave me hugs. Twins especially held on tight for a while. Made me feel special. I think the hugs do as much good for me as they do for the kids. Keeping them in my prayers.
Feet got freezing cold during morning service. Had to find pair of socks to put on feet.
Took two hour nap after lunch. I just couldn’t muster up strength to get up and go. I tire our easily even more so since being sick with bronchitis. My ribs are feeling better but it hurts to laugh yet. Did so when my friend dropped off the soup and it about took my breath away.
Brain turned mushy and vision blurry quicker than usual during choir practice.
Had to tell Joe. He complied.
Good day overall. Didn’t do much of anything. Lacking energy today.
Thankful for:
1. Privilege of Dezirae being in Christian school this year.
2. Good church family with unity in Christ
3. Friend bring pot of homemade chicken soup. It was delicious.
Oct 18, 2021
Slept hard. I needed it. Strange dream but somehow I was able to control certain aspects within the dream. Strange indeed. Though I don’t recall what it was about.
Song on mind: Thank God I Am Free
Joshua 1:9, Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5, Mark 8-9, Psalm 27:14
Body stiff and achy. Arms throbbing like I worked out. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet tingling.
Wipe switch plates and door handles
Fold and put away laundry
Prep pkg to mail to friend
Vacuum floors – Dezirae did
Take Dezirae driving
Choked on saliva shortly after dinner. Had to make dash to bathroom.
Matthew 20:26-28, Colossians 3:22-25, Revelation 13:14
A little disheartened tonight. Our homeowners insurance is going to increase substantially at renewal which will in turn increase our monthly payments. Money is already tight as it is. With the coming move and need of adding a driver which will increase auto insurance, I don’t know how we’ll make it.
I can quote scripture of how God is going to take care of us.
We’re supposed to be getting a piano given to the church but with it being heavy we don’t have enough people to help.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Need to call for insurance quotes, but I don’t like talking on phone. Plus the thought of having to gather all the needed info for home & auto frustrates me. Joe’s too busy with work.
I need to downsize for a tiny home I’m not keen on living in at the moment. There’s so much to do in a couple months. Repairs are beginning this week in preparation for our move in. Maybe once they’re done I’ll feel better.
One of the TBI coordinators is pestering me for an in home visit, but I don’t want to see her if she continues to insist on counseling. I don’t want to see a secular counselor nor can I afford one. I’m working hard on girding my mind I will not allow a secular counselor to mess it up. I need to talk with Joe about it but by time I remember he’s already sleeping.
I guess it’s time for my monthly cry
Psalms 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed:
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Lower back screaming in pain. Slight headache but able to ignore it for periods of time. Arms throbbing. Lft arm more than rt. Hands ache. Feet throbbing and tingly. Tummy hurts.
Thankful for:
1. Ability to open windows and air our home. It was a gorgeous day.
2. Dezirae home on Fall break for couple days.
3. Able to find shoes Dezirae wanted for an upcoming wedding.
Oct 19, 2021
Rough night. Rt hip throbbing immensely. Joe rubbed my back for a little while around 1130. Sinuses acting up. Whole body aches. Bones and muscles hurt.
Allergy attack. Benadryl taken and Nasonex used. Coughing ensues. Fell back asleep for couple hours.
Woke to body hurting worse, moderate headache.
Mark 10-11, Philippians 4:13
Psalms 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
1. Begin getting insurance quotes (AAA)
2. Take Dezirae driving
3. Pay bill I forgot to pay y’day
4. Ladies Mtg tonight at church
Took me longer at Ins Co than I thought. Gave me a migraine. Had to come home and rest a while afterwards.
Ended up having guys fend for themselves for dinner.
Business meeting quite entertaining. During one of the discussions the subject was changed which caused confusion on my part. Joe tried to explain but it just confused me more. In order to keep things going, I agreed to let him explain it to me later.
Exhausted. Whole body hurts like a storms coming. Lower back throbbing intensely. Headache. Legs achy. Feet hurt and cold. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Thankful for:
1. Family willing to adapt
2. Guys had dishes washed when I came home from Ladies Mtg.
3. State Audit is finally over. Received smaller refund than anticipated – they didn’t allow for some things the CPA said could be deducted. I’m not complaining as I’m glad it’s done and we at least get a refund instead of having to pay in. Whew!
4. Able to be an encouragement to a friend today.
5. The Apple Pull Apart Bread turned out delicious.