Nov 24
Whole body stiff and stinging a little. Left arm/ elbow doesn’t hurt as much presently. Neck and back of head hurts like it got hit. Tired. Strange dreams but can’t recall any details. Sinuses acting up.
Acts 27-28
Haven’t been able to listen to music much last few days and I can tell.
7:10 while doing morning devotions, I heard voices in living room. Not sure when they got here but my Bubba is home. PtL!
735 taking Dezirae to friends house to babysit for few hours. Decide to stop at store to get last minute items for tomorrow.
Stop in the new Dollar Tree to check it out. Read article the other day that they are increasing prices and having a plus section for items that will be $3 – $10. Kind of disappointed in the price increase but also expected due to recent inflation prices and all the mess going on with imports and exports. Current administration is messing this country up. Our forefathers would be rolling over in their graves if they haven’t turned to dust yet. I’m not impressed with this store. I loathe going to a grand opening store only to find their shelves half stocked or empty.
I know I’m forgetting something, but I don’t know what. Remember I don’t have bday card for Jakob. Pick card up but when I looked at price ($7.99) I say no way Jose. Decide to go to DG instead for non grocery items.
I find perfect bday card at DG for $1. Much better for my budget. Plus I get few other essentials.
Make break up bread for the guys. It’s a breakfast Jakob and I like to eat when it’s just us bc no one else likes it.
Peel sweet potatoes for crockpot. My left arm throbbing intensely. Need to rest a bit. Have lots to do today, but thankful I have help.
Feeling sluggish today.
Had to ask Dezirae to stir the dough for pie crust. Arms are throbbing and achy to the bones.
Guys need to go to church tonight as requirement for college. Joe decides to have impromptu service with having guys do popcorn preaching.
Getting ready to walk out door to head to church. While picking up my Bible, my left arm popped. Ouch! At least it wasn’t my shoulder.
Had my family in stitches laughing on way home. Kept messing up sayings…I mean way off. Wish I could remember what they were. Chose to laugh with them because it was funny.
Nov 25
430 guys off hunting. I got up to put pie in fridge and cinnamon rolls set out to warm and rise. Also put load of clothes in wash.
My arms are super dooper sore like I did heavy work out. Legs throbbing like I walked a hundred miles. I know that’s exaggeration bc I am not even able to walk one mile presently.
Sore and throbbing all over. Sinus issues. Exhausted. Left shoulder throbbing. Alarm set for 7am.
Oh Lord, please allow the guys to bring home some deer meat.
Romans 1-3, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Colossians 3:15 &17
Having trouble getting comfortable. Lft shoulder aches deeply in bones. Turned to try to get comfortable back popped and severe charlie horse cramp in lft side. Hugging pillow with lft arm to see if that’ll help. Center of chest sharp stabbing pain.
Stinking costochondritis is trying to flare up again. Can’t stay in bed anymore. The pain is too much. Ugh!
1014 cinnamon rolls baked. Dough in bread maker for rolls. Sweet potatoe casserole in crockpot. Green bean casserole in crockpot. Need to crash a little bit. Can’t push any more.
Lacking in energy. Took a B12 to see if that’ll help.
Brain feels a little swimmy. Balance is off.
Gave me enough energy to finish rolls to allow them to rise for an hour. Washed a few dishes. Exhausted again. Laying down again.
257 Thanksgiving dinner was delicious. Each gave something they were thankful for before we ate. I’m exhausted.
Left hand still a bit itchy and swollen. It’s looking better though.
445 feet getting ice cold. Sitting in chair with blanket over feet to warm up. Lft shoulder throbbing. Center of chest aches deeply.
Lft arm/shoulder popped while I was on phone with Holly. I hollered. It hurts something fierce. I was just trying to lift my arm to tap Dezirae on the head as she was sitting in front of me. Shoulder is now visibly swollen and painfully throbbing. Kids were concerned that I was ok. I assured them I would be, but that it just hurts a lot when it pops like that.
Only sibling I didn’t get to talk with was my brother. I text him but he seems too busy to respond.
Going to bed early. I’m exhausted and throbbing pins and needles burning all over. Need to keep my shoulder still and rest for a while.
Took night supplements plus pain Rx, Tylenol, and Benadryl.
Lft hand still swollen and hurting though bite site is looking better. Center of chest sharp stabbing pain and aches clean through to back.