Nov 26
630 thought it was later. Shoulder throbbing. Joe started rubbing my back and noticed my left shoulder felt weird. Asked me to sit up and checked it out. Shoulder has large bruise on top and is swollen. Also found large swollen lymph node in left breast. Said I need to make an appointment with PCP to get it checked out. He’s concerned.
I’m going to start taking lots of vitamin C. I’m curious if swollen lymph nodes on left side are from the insect bite. My Mom thinks the way my body is reacting that I was stung by bee (I’m severely allergic).
Romans 4-7, Hebrews 12:28,
Made breakfast. Rested a little.
Decided to pay bills. Bought Joe’s Christmas present. Yay! Saved $80.
Brain is hurting and fogging. Exhausted. Need a nap. Starting to get headache.
Bent over to pick up my purse off the floor and my shoulder popped again. Oh that hurts.
Feeling sluggish today. Taking B12 to see it helps.
Took about hour or so before I stared getting a little energy. Helped Dezirae a little put up some Christmas decorations. I’m just not feeling it right now. Our lights that we hanging on outside quit working. Dezirae and I go to store to get more. It must be the lull in between shoppers. It was busy but not that crowded.
Went to use restroom, turned wrong had instant Charlie horse cramp in lft side. Took my breath away and couldn’t move for several minutes.
930 falling asleep in chair. When I wake decided to go to bed. I’m exhausted.
I was looking to see if a vitamin c rub would help my shoulder. Found this info in looking…
Interestingly, patients who have suffered trauma have a deficiency in the vitamin. Fibromyalgia patients have even benefitted from taking the vitamin. In fact, 17-20% of patients suffering from fibromyalgia claim that taking vitamin C regularly has decreased their symptoms.
Nov 27
650 tossed and turned most of night. Trouble getting comfortable with shoulder hurting. When I woke rt arm was numb and tingling intensely. Lft arm partially numb and tingling.
I don’t like needing to hug a pillow with my left arm for support. It separates me from my hubby
Strange dream – Mom & I went on a trip to I don’t know where. Each state we went through had different vivid restrictions which was very confusing. We were driving a little old maroon jalopy the maker no longer in existence can’t remember name. It was standard. My Mom drove at first until dusk then I tried to take over. Pedal were hard to manipulate. Stopped for dinner. First restaurant was very rude. We went inside to inquire about a table. We were quickly directed outside – only employees allowed inside. Informed that only seating was outside and tables were first come first serve. Ended up leaving waitress word of advice and left with head held high. Went to find another place to eat.
Whole body stiff and stinging aching. Lft shoulder throbbing. Headache.
Romans 8-10, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 12:28, Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 12:1
Song: It is well with my soul
1225 need to lay down to get rid of headache
200 Jakob finally left to go back to college. It was nice to have him home for few days
We decided to rearrange living room to fit a tree. I tried helping, but Joe wouldn’t let me. He didn’t want me to hurt myself anymore than I already have. Wish my shoulder would heal.
The lump in lft breast is tender. Wonder if I can do something naturally to ease pain and maybe heal it.
Whole body stiff and stinging throbbing. Indigestion. Exhausted. Itchy. Lft arm/shoulder throbbing burning.
Took night supplements plus 2 Tylenol and 3k mg vitamin C