LS Memoirs – December 16-17, 2021
Dec 16
5am whole body very stiff and pins and needles throbbing. Tired. Mouth dry. Feel a little dehydrated.
Song: 🎶If your worried and you can’t sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings 🎶
1 Timothy 1-6; Luke 1:46-49; 1 Timothy 6:16 – Jesus – King of Kings
Working on getting Jakob’s Christmas presents in the mail.
Having trouble connecting to internet with my laptop. Trouble figuring it out.
Center of back icy stinging sensation, which is slowly spreading to entire back and thru to front. Arms stinging and throbbing.
Looking for gifts I bought through year I know I bought (or thought I did) but struggling to find them. Found two for white elephant gift church party next week. Got them wrapped. Need two more. Found a small jewelry box I could use to wrap my sister’s gift I made for her.
Clean my bathroom. Floor very dusty.
Lower back throbbing intensely. Center of chest sharp stabbing pain. Need to rest for a while.
Can’t find the small box I found earlier but don’t have energy to look through everything again. Need to sit and rest a while til pain eased some.
Exhausted. Eyes watery. Headache. Muscles in left arm won’t let up. Going to take a nap.
Dezirae asked to drive to church. Night time and bright lights don’t mix well with me cause anxiety to rise. Joe offers to sit in front seat instead of me. I gladly accepted.
I learned tonight that my Grandma has been discharged from the hospital and transferred back to the nursing home. She is having trouble swallowing and they are considering a feeding tube. There is also talk of calling in hospice.
We are leaving Saturday morning to go see her. It will take at least 7-8 hour drive.
Headache. Feet getting cold. Put socks on. Random hiccups.
Low back throbbing intensely. Rt hip hurts. Stinging needle pain through body. Hands swollen and achy. Lft shoulder throbbing. Muscles in left arm cramping
Learned that electrolytes help nerves.
Dec 17
Rough night. Trouble getting comfortable. Up at 3am. Tossed and turned most of night.
Song: 🎶Angels we have heard on high🎶
2 Timothy 1-4; Matthew 1: 20-22; Revelation 5:12
Worked on scripture journal. Decided to create picture art with the scripture. Trouble picking colors for contrast.
Remembered I needed to type up bulletin for Sunday.
Chilling burning sensation in center of back spreading to entire back and thru to front center of chest the longer I sit and focus the worse it gets. Feet getting cold.
Time for break and put socks on feet.
Jordon asks me to trim top of head. Take about half inch off. Mess up in front, but it’s easily fixable.
Start laundry.
1110 time to go pick up Dezirae.
Chilling burning sensation in brain now. Starting to travel down spine. It feels really weird and not good.
My Grandma has taken a turn for the worse. She has been put on hospice ward in the hospital. Drs don’t expect her to live but for 3-4 days. She does know the Lord, but I would like to be able to say goodbye. We are driving to GA tonight.
We’ll be staying at a friend’s house then head on to my aunt’s tomorrow.
Went to work on scripture journal notes for tomorrow. Read passage reference, but dyslexia kicked in and I saw 54 instead of 45. Read the verse which made no sense ugh🤦