LS Memoirs
Dec 20
12:30a Rough night. I guess I was moaning quite a bit bc my Mom asked if I could take something to help. Got up and took a pain Rx. I’m in great pain and unable to get comfortable. Waking at every little sound. Something’s wrong but I don’t know what.
300 decide to check time on phone. Notice I have a msg from church friend. Her sister is in emergency heart surgery right now. I chose to get up and start chatting with her, quote script, and pray with her and for the situation. Basically, sit with her from across the miles to keep her company until she hears about her sister from Drs.
Psalm 61:1-4
I also let my husband know so he can pray with her as well.
4:43 Surgery went well. She can see her in an hour. Thank you, Lord.
Isaiah 53:1-6
500 I’m in so much pain. I’m burning up and tired. Stinging needle pain through out body. Very stiff.
I can hear my Uncle’s alarm going off in his bedroom. it’s a faint sound. My “super” hearing still amazes and fascinates me. Rt hip sharp stabbing intense pain with sciatica pain. Low back throbbing intensely.
Need to get some sleep before going back to hospital.
Tourniquet tightening feeling in mid lower left leg. Haven’t had that feeling in a while.
800am Hebrews 7-10
Right eye randomly twitching. Random sporadic hiccups (only one at a time).
10:30 stopped for breakfast at McDs. It didn’t go so well. Ended up at Chick-fil-A for lunch instead.
Back at hospital, Aunt is wanting to honor Grandma’s wishes of being buried in PA. She does have some money for that, and her burial plot already purchased in PA. There will only be a funeral in PA. Our chance to say goodbye is now. I let Joe know. Jordon is wanting to say goodbye to Grandma too.
Joe & Jordon on the way now, but they’ll have to stay at friend’s house.
Dec 21
Very unrestful night. Mom spurts of crying. Tried to ask if she was okay but she wouldn’t answer. About 2am she said she couldn’t take the fan noise any more so I turned it off. Both of us tossed and turned all night. I’d sleep maybe an hour or so then be awake for a while. I was burning up.
Hebrews 11-13; Luke 2:6-7; Jeremiah 32:18
9:14aRandom hiccup
9:44 Random hiccup, rt eye twitching
10:30 lunch at Chick-fil-A
1210 Random hiccup
Got to talk with a PA nurse about being struck by lightning. She asked if I’ve seen a cardiologist yet. Told her none of the Drs have referred me. I was telling her some of my symptoms. She replied that my neurons got fried. It’s not like I’m a 2 yr old who can make a full recovery. I’m an adult and most likely will be dealing with issues the rest of my life.
5:00 woke from nap. Stretched and body Charlie cramped. Ouch!
9:24 staying night at friend’s house. Will leave for home in morning.
Great nerve pain from head to toes. Severe sharp stabbing pain in chest thru to back. Rt hip intense throbbing.