LS Memoirs December 25-26, 2021

LS Memoirs

Dec 25
630 slept all night. I hurt from head to toes – muscles and nerves burning prickly pain. Feel like I’ve been beat up. Hurts to move. Esophagus doesn’t hurt anymore. Indigestion seems to be gone.

2 John 1-Jude 1; Isaiah 9:6; Job 19:25
Song: I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

Breakfast cooked (cinnamon rolls, hash, & bacon). Dezirae helped make the angel eggs, peeled potatoes for crockpot while I made the pumpkin pie. Burnt my thumb and finger accidentally grabbing oven rack. Lavender oil to rescue. Later tried to eat piece of hot bacon and dropped it because I used burned fingers. Joe picked up the piece of bacon and ate it. I had melt down.
Joe & Dezirae prep turkey to cook in oven.

1010 I need to crash for a bit. Exhausted and hurting.
10:40 Joe’s crossbow fell in closet making loud noise which scared awake cause me to scream
1120 woke abruptly from nap thinking I overslept
1200 muscles spasming and twitching thru body. Took colloidal silver.
Laid back down for a minute and ended up waking an hour later.
I’m so exhausted and have no energy. Nerve pain not as intense as before.
Christmas dinner at 2pm

Exhausted. Tired. Nerves stinging needle pain. Muscles ache deeply. Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches.
Tourniquet tightening feeling in lower left leg to ankle.

Night meds taken plus half a Benadryl and half a pain Rx. 2nd dose of colloidal silver.

Dec 26
Exhausted and hurting all over.

Revelation 1-3; Luke 2:28-32; Revelation 5:5

Looked up ideas for using leftover turkey for lunch today. Turkey Casserole. Put it together, but add-libbed a bit using items I have in pantry.
My lower back is throbbing intensely. Need to sit for bit then finish getting ready to go.

Informed I needed to sing special just as church started. Thankfully I found the song I was going to sing last week during Sunday School. Nervous and need to use restroom. Not good combo.
Able to get high note first time through. Second time throat started hurting and my voice cracked at the high note. I wanted to choke but able to hold it in until I went to bathroom after I was done.
Muscles sporadically and randomly spasming and twitching thru body.
120 rt hip throbbing intensely. Headache. Exhausted.
400 working on planning meals for week – use Pinterest, email, and internet for ideas. I look up to take break. See the guys walk in from outside but they’re blurry and my eyes cross. Jordon chuckles and asks what’s the matter. I explain. Brain feels foggy. Accidentally left my planning notebook at home frustrated bc I’m struggling to remember what needs to be done next.
600 the Christmas Carol’s songbook I put together this year the verses don’t match hymns that are in our hymnbooks. This causes song leader to sing different verse than others are. It’s so frustrating to my ears.

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