Happy June!! Can you even believe we are halfway into 2024?!? Time flies!!
This week’s devotion is “Beauty in Action” written by Amy Sapp.
Have a sappsolutely amazing week my friends!
Beauty in Action – Amy Sapp
How many of you know the story of Esther? If you, are like me, the story of Esther has always been one of my favorites. A young girl specifically chosen from the masses as the next queen.
She gets a year of “spa” treatments, and then… A chance to win the kings heart. How wonderful and EXCITING! What girl wouldn’t love all of the glitter and pampering? The God of the universe chose a BEAUTY contest to save HIS people!
Does it even seem real?
Beauty contests are not as popular today as they were at one point. Many years ago it was a big deal to watch the Beauty Pageants on TV. Miss America was a HUGE DEAL! All of the women would be viewed by all of the country! They would be judged on their talents, and their beautiful gown selections. They would get points judged on their various outfits and talents. Everyone would cheer for their favorite, hoping THEY would win the crown! You would watch them waving slowly and gracefully wrist to wrist with her long stemed roses. The winner would receive a sash that read “Miss America” and a crown and somehow her hair would stay perfectly in place.
They seemed to be perfect in every area of life! Beauty, talent, posture, the most beautiful in the land!
Very similar to Esther’s story! If Esther would have looked like Leah would she have been able to save the Jewish people? Why would God put a story like this in the Bible?
~ When Beauty and Purpose Collide
I personally would have never been a beauty pageant contestant. I was more of an athelete, and pretty much all around tomboy. I am not tall and thin. BUT Esther, she must have had it all together in the area of looks! She more than likely rolled out of bed looking gorgeous! The extra pampering and spa treatments just added to her God given beauty!
God gave Esther everything she needed physically to accomplish his purpose for her life. He needed her fully equipped to win the King’s heart. She needed to be able to captivate him. To fulfill her purpose, God needed her to look a certain way.
Here are some highlights on how Beauty both true and Godly reflect Jesus to this world.
– Loves God with all of Her Heart (Proverbs 31:30)
She has a personal relationship with the Lord, she has a NEED to spend time with Him. She worships Him. Praises Him. Prays and gives thanks. Her words are an overflow of her heart full of God’s love, and in return she is able to love much.
She is holy like He is holy. Set apart from the world. And pure in all of her ways. She gets wisdom from His Word, and not the world.
– Loves People and has a Servant’s Heart (Jude 22)
She is someone that serves people with love, grace and compassion. She is gracious and full of mercy. She invests in the life of others. She is selflessness, Kind, and is generous with her time, love and treasures. She is an encourager, she knows that being a servant is a virtue.
– Works Excellently as unto the Lord (Proverbs 31: 17 & 27)
Whether her ministry is being a wife, or a mom or single lady she loves people and serves excellent wherever she is. She knows that her ministry is WHERE God has placed her. She submits all of her plans to the Holy Spirit. She stays faithful in the valleys as well as on the mountain tops. She is diligent, energetic and strong in all that she does for the Lord. Her foundation is built on pleasing the Lord.
– Cultivates Inner & Outer Beauty (Gal 5:22-23)
Inner beauty is formed through Godly character, she produces the fruit of the spirit.. Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, & Temperance
Having physical beauty has NO VALUE if you are ugly inside. hate, bitterness, jealousy. Inner beauty is TIMELESS. Having a beautiful heart will not age.
Desiring beauty is not wrong. Psalm 27:4
In desiring true beauty. We have all heard the phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder” therefore, you become WHO you behold.
There is nothing wrong with wearing make up and taking care of yourself. Don’t get so focused on the internal that the external does not get taken care of as well. The only time it would be wrong is if you find yourself spending more time on your make up, your hair or your skin routine than you are spending with the Lord, then it has become an idol.
All in all, you can be beautiful inside and out! You do not have to compromise one for the other.
– Has a Gentle and Quiet Spirit (1 Peter 3:4)
This DOES NOT mean to not have a voice, to be weak, to not speak up when something needs to be said. Gentle and Quiet means to not be demanding or to argue or to have a bad temper. But to have peace. She speaks truth and love. Humility and a heart that submits to God.
– Puts Her Confidence in Christ (1 Peter 2:9)
A beautiful woman KNOWS that she is beautiful in God’s eyes. Her confidence is from the Lord and she values her position. She keeps her head held high, because she knows WHO she belongs to. Since He is King, you are His princess and that makes you royalty!
– Does not Compete but Celebrates
A beautiful woman is not intimidated or jealous of another women’s beauty or success. She knows that someone else’s success does not mean her failure. Jealousy and comparison is UGLY. It just creates weeds, and does not allow beauty to bloom. She celebrates others joyful seasons! A spirit of joy is on her heart at all times.
– Laughs without Fear of the Future
A woman with HOPE is not afraid, because she knows God personally. She isn’t afraid of the path that the Lord has called her to walk. She knows how to let go of her past hurts, forgive fully, and look forward to her future. She doesn’t allow trials, struggles, and hardships get her bitter but better and stronger. She learns from her mistakes and is accountable for her actions.