Jan 7
Very rough night. Fell asleep after 1am. Woke at 2:30 with extreme abdominal pain. Up multiple times trotting to bathroom.
700 tummy still hurting. Sinus congestion. Throat hurts. Attempted to gargle with peppermint mouthwash and about vomited. Ugh. Not today Satan not today. Exhausted. Tummy gurgling.
Matthew 6:9-13;
Back stinging needle pain, back of throat burning, gassy, hands throbbing, feet freezing. Putting on wool socks. Sneezing.
300 Dr apt scheduled at 2:15. So many people and skeleton staff. At least they were all in good spirits.
Bp 122/84 w204 – down 1lb. Yay! Temp. 98.1. Questioned why I still had tramadol when it was prescribed in 2019. Told her I only take it as needed. I made it last until recently. Dr won’t prescribe more so I had to make it stretch.
Dr hard to read. Expressed concerns as best as I could. I kept asking if I was making sense. She smiled and nodded. I guess she was listening. I’d prefer interaction. Told her about the popping bones out if joint and chiropractor helping. She asked if he suggested exercises. I told her yes.
Told her that I was starting to feel and want to do more but the more I do the more I hurt. I want us to get more aggressive in ruling things out.
She said she could check my protein count then go from there. Maybe refer me to neurologist to check for blockage in the nerve. Maybe nerve conduction study. Also suggested Cymbalta
Also expressed concern about lump I found in lft breast. Told her I noticed it when I popped my shoulder out the last time bc my whole left side was really swollen. It was bigger and has shrunk some so I thought it might be a cyst, but needed it checked out. She checked. Said it could be a cyst but not sure. Will refer me to gyn to schedule a mammogram.
Blood work done. CBC & CMP
I’m exhausted and have headache. Throat hurts. Nerves stinging thru body.
500 cant push anymore. Going to bed.
700 Joe wakes me to eat dinner. I don’t feel like moving.
800 little hungry. Joe comes to bed. I get up to go eat a little. Haven’t been eating much last several days. Just haven’t been hungry.
930 severe indigestion causing nausea. Stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. Rae asks if I’ve taken C, Elderberry, and zinc today. Told her no. I had diarrhea this morning. She asked how much C I’ve been taking. 6,000mg. Maybe need to back off. She gives me elderberry and zinc. Throat not hurting as bad this morning.
The longer I sit here the worse I feel. Sinuses congested. Oh!-I forgot to take lactaid pill. Duh. Sinus pain and pressure. Indigestion increasing. Take tums and two ginger capsules.
Head pounding. Lights and sounds bothersome. I’m miserable. Take two Excedrin and 1/2 benadryl. Apply immune blend to feet and back of neck. Apply Vicks to feet and chest to quiet cough. Going to bed.
Jan 8
Very rough night. Trouble falling asleep.
Woken by Joe rubbing my back. It feels good. Still feel lousy. Coughing. Throat hurts. Whole body hurts. Tired. Congested. Cold. Headache but not as bad as last night.
Applied immune roller to feet and back of neck. Applied Vicks to feet and chest. Coughed up some greenish phlegm. Sucking on a honey drop to soothe throat.
Job 17-20; Psalm 145:14-21; Psalm 37:3-5; Philippians 4:19; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 91:1-2
Joe brought the air purifier in room added some thieves drops. Told me to stay in bed. Asked Rae to be my nursemaid today. She brought me Sprite, Tylenol Sinus, C, zinc, and elderberry.
Sprite is giving me indigestion. Took gerd pill.
Craving mashed sweet potatoes. Asked Rae to cook some for dinner.
Took NyQuil nighttime hoping it’d help me sleep. Still awake 90 minutes later.
Head pounding. Face hurts. Stinging needle pain through body. Left side congested. Ears hurt. Low back throbbing. Muscles ache. Lethargic.