Jan 13
600 woke to hurting something awful all over. Got up to use restroom and almost fell. Quite unstable on feet and dizzy. Sharp stabbing pain in lft foot. Lft side muscle spasm causing much pain until it eased upon laying back down. Indigestion.
Hit snooze several times. I’m so tired. Feel like I was beat up. Hurts to move or lay still. Sinuses congested. Odd taste in mouth.
Song: Sometimes He calms the storm other times He calms the child.
1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22
Decided to balance checkbook so I could pay first of months bills. Took a while to get everything straight. Paid bills. Headache and tired.
Joe called in midst. He’s not feeling well. Work wants him tested for covid. Ugh. Called Dr. Got him an appointment this afternoon.
Pick Rae up from school. Picked up Sprite for Joe at store. I’m exhausted and feeling drained.
Chest heavy. Heart pounding. Sinuses getting stuffy again. Sprayed saline spray in nostrils to clean them out. Clears rt side.
Heart feels like it’s racing. Bp 124/91 hr 109. Severe indigestion. Exhausted. Trying to help Rae study but can hardly keep my eyes open.
Muscles in abdomen spasming and twitching deep inside. It feels weird. Gassy and bloated. Took gerd pill, and tums. Vitamin C.
Job 35-37
Stinging needle nerve pain. Indigestion. Cough. Sinus congestion. Slight headache. Burning pain in lft arm. Legs throbbing. Feet tingling. Exhausted. Lips chapped. Applied lip balm.
Jan 14
600a I’m so tired. Sneezing. Sinuses congested. Whole body stiff and stinging. It’s cold. Little wobbly getting up. Have to hold onto furniture to keep steady. Joe home sick with the crud now. Ugh
Psalm 103:1
Have to admit that it’s hard to be grateful at times when you’re ill or hurting. I’m thankful just the same.
Help Rae study for exams. Decided to soak beans for canning. Tired of needing beans and I never can cook them to right softness. Cooking a cup of beans for chili tonight. I don’t like chili, but it’s an easy affordable meal.
Jordon asks for popovers. He rarely asks for breakfast. I happily oblige. Reminds me of when we worked at children’s home.
Work a little on my blog. Able to post to blog. Feel a crash oncoming. Need to rest a bit.
Crashed for hour or so in chair. Dezirae woke me asking how long the beans were cooking. Oh, no! Water cooked out of beans. Bottom is burned and they are mushy. Ugh. Decide to can the lentils instead. I wanted to try to air fry them for a snack. That didn’t go as planned.
Able to can 4 pint jars of beans. I have no energy so I’ll try to finish tomorrow.
Job 38-39
Finished up chapter 3 of the book I’m reading. Couldn’t do anymore. Headache getting worse and starting to get dizzy.
Whole body stiff and stinging throbbing. Headache pounding. Lights bothersome. Sinuses congested.