Jan 15
Woke by Joe rubbing my back. Both arms and hands numb. Mouth dry. Whole body stinging needle pain and stiff. Eyes feel swollen and hard to open. Sinuses congested.
Job 40-42;
Feeling weird and off today. I don’t know how to explain.
- Joe asked for grits and fried eggs. I happily oblige.
Exhausted and need to rest.
Had Jordon move item out of shed. Put Christmas totes in shed. Decided to finish canning rest of beans. Something not right. I’ve never seen that many brown colored bubbles on top of canner. Called Mom. She gave advise. Few minutes later canner bubbles again then stops rocking. I have no idea what to do. Turn burner off and allow it to depressurize on its own. Open canner to find one of jars burst in process. 😩
I’m exhausted and hurting all over. It’s raining. Need to rest.
Fell asleep in recliner. Not sure how long I was out. This crud sure does drain your energy. Think I forgot to take my meds. It’s been hit and miss this week. Coughing becoming more prominent again.
Put ribs in crockpot to cook. Working on bulletin. It’s giving me a headache. Need to rest.
Dezirae asked for fried lentils. Found different recipe. Using timer on range so I won’t forget. Got distracted. Buzzer reminded me. First batch in oven. Made 1lb. Exhausted and hurting all over. Low back throbbing.
Fell asleep in recliner while waiting a movie with Dezirae. Time to make dinner. Glad I work on planning meals. It helps me know what to have. Tonight’s dinner: ribs, baked beans, and corn fritters. Joe liked it. I didn’t like the corn fritters, but I can tweak it next time.
Need to finish bulletins for tomorrow. Also work on info for bulletin board. Hopefully, I’ll have the energy to do it. I’ll probably have Dezirae help too.
Coughing has become annoying. Indigestion. Took night vitamins plus C, gerd Rx, and 1/2 benadryl.
Whole body aches deeply, nerves stinging throughout, vision a bit blurry, low back throbbing, sharp stabbing pain in lower rt side back, tired but awake. Lips chapped. Putting Vicks on bottom of feet.
Jan 16
Body stiff and stinging. Arms ache as if I worked out. Eyes heavy and hurting. Shoulders throbbing. Head itches. Mouth dry. Thirsty. Sneezing.
Started coughing. Mucus got so thick I started choking which caused vomiting. Used saline nasal spray to clear nostrils. Made me vomit more. Ugh! I hurt so much all over now.
Mark 1:35-39;
Joe asked if I was staying home. Told him I don’t want to. Asked if I should. He said that was my decision. coughing calmed so I got ready.
Recvd call that my Dad tried to get ready for church but just didn’t have enough energy. I told her that he needs to go to Drs because he needs to get better.
Joe had to leave earlier so he could study for teen class.
Teen class went well. Kids getting excited about helping clean the Sunday School bldg out and ready to use. They want to come to church tomorrow afternoon to work for a bit. After morning service, all teens went forward to pray. Amen.
Laid down to rest after lunch. Exhausted.
Counseled with a friend.
Couldn’t sleep. Decided to go work in mission house applying spackling. Joe came to help. Showed me how to use the tape for seams. Might need to do stone backsplash. Back is hurting. Need to rest.
Worked on bulletin board. Had to use pliers to pull pins. Hand kept jerking causing me to fling pins. Lol. I have no idea where they are. Found one pin. I let Joe know.
I’m in great pain. Having trouble walking. Low back excruciating stabbing throbbing. Brain feels foggy and like it’s tunneling.
Trouble starting couple of songs tonight because I couldn’t remember temporarily how the tune went especially the ending to start the introduction. Joe got my attention in between two of the songs and made funny face. I giggled. Told him I was seeing cross-eyed at the moment. He said he could tell that’s why he did it.
Eyes hurt inside my head. Headache. Hands swollen and hurting. Back pain excruciating with sharp pain shooting down legs. Feet throbbing.
Jordon sweet offered $ to help get pizza for dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook. I agreed.
After sitting in recliner for while, pain in lower back is easing some. An odor starts to bother nose. Not able to figure it out. Headache however has increased greatly. Lights bothersome. Eyes hurt. Ears hurt. Stinging needles thru body. Feet freezing even with two pair socks on and one pair being wool socks. Sinuses congested once I get into my room. Think I need to work on dusting my room tomorrow.
Took night vitamins plus two Excedrin migraine, 1/2 benadryl, and two C.