Jan 17
1237a wide awake. My brain won’t shut off. Headache is easing. Applied chapstick to lips – chapped and burning. Applied one spray of Nasonex to lft nostril to clear study nose. Applied pain roller to back of head to ease headache. Praying.
Shared passage with friend y’day for encouragement. She said she would try to memorize the chapter. I’m going to try to memorize it with her.
Psalms 91:1-2 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
I’m excited about possibility of finishing my degree in Church Ministries. I want to add Christian counseling to help equip me better for helping others. I feel so inadequate at times, but willing to be used by God for His glory.
430a woken by severe cramping and pain in abdomen. Followed by several trips to bathroom.
900 stomach still hurting something awful.
Genesis 16-18; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Philippians 2:14-16
4p severe stomach pain and cramping followed by multiple trips to bathroom have kept me quite busy and not able to do too much today.
Thankfully Rae decided to deep clean kitchen sink area and make it more inviting. Plus she cleaned the carpet in living room.
Joe offered to pick up few groceries since I haven’t been able to leave the house today.
Not what I wanted to do today. Ugh. I was wanting to have a little fun with Rae.
Ended up fussing at Joe because he misunderstood what I asked for and spent more than I expected. He fussed back. I later apologized for fussing and explained myself a little better.
Joe had me take Pepto Bismol to see if it’ll help.
Nerves prickly burning all over. Severe stabbing pain in stomach. Decide to go lay down. I just want to cry it hurts so bad. 😭
Had couple hours of break from stomach pain. It’s starting all over with. Sinuses congested. Nerves burning. Post nasal drip causing some coughing. Gassy. Burps. Lips chapped. Thirsty. Skin feels clammy. Thermometer indicates no fever. Change in cycle this month – rather odd & backwards. Cup of water next to bed. Took Tylenol Sinus.
Jan 18
430a woken by Joe bc he accidentally overslept. Stomach still hurts but not like before. Feels like I was kicked in the gut. Whole body stiff, stinging, and feels bruised. Tired. Had “Blessed be the name of the Lord” on my mind when I woke.
Genesis 19-21; Luke 5:12-16; James 1:5
Stomach still hurts but not as bad as y’day. Diarrhea is easing only few times today.
Folded two loads laundry. Washed one load. Using dryer vent to take chill off in kitchen and living room.
Worked on purging more in my room, Items to take to church vs donations. Made a dent.
Remembered I need to work on typing up college and ministry info. Decided to work on Joe’s first. I don’t recall where I filed his information. Ugh. Pulled what I could from computer first. Will have to fill in details later.
Joe came home. Take me to Lowe’s to pick out stove for church. Someone generously donated money for new stove. Praise the Lord! Met young man our son went to co-op with. Glad God directed steps so we knew we were dealing with honest worker. Oven chosen and will be delivered Thursday. He asked about my recovery and told us to say Hi o our son.
Come home to rest. Lower body throbbing burning. Low back throbbing intensely. Tired. Only able to rest a little while then realized it was time to pick up girls from school.
Sometimes I feel like if I don’t get the rest I need midday my brain and body automatically start shutting down around dinner time or shortly thereafter. Fell asleep in recliner after dinner. I felt a crash oncoming but didn’t think it’d happen that fast. Out for 39 minutes or so.
Help Rae study for quizzes tomorrow. Can’t believe she’ll be 17 tomorrow. My baby is growing up.
Thirsty. I think I may be a little dehydrated. Lips chapped. Shoulders ache. Back throbbing. Low back throbbing intensely with pain shooting down legs. Legs burning throbbing. Feet tingling throbbing. Headache. Stomach aches deeply. Neck hurts and feels tight.