LS & BC Health Memoirs – January 21-23, 2022

Jan 21

530 woke in much pain. Blankets keeping me warm from the cold, but also feel like heavy weight smothering me. Nerves thru body stinging. Neck hurts and arms are numb and tingling. Coughing. Ears ringing. I’m so tired.

Genesis 25-26; 1 Peter 3:12

Rae off to school. Praying for her safety. Road may get icy later.

Brought in my wandering Jew, covered grill, moved few plants closer to house.

Having difficulty keeping my eyes open. Think I’ll take a nap.

I can feel the muscles inside my torso twitching. It feels weird.

Lft shoulder throbbing. I’m seriously lacking in energy today.

Remembered it’s supposed to freeze tonight. Need to get plants covered if it’s not too late. Took down strand of Christmas lights off tree.

Craving pumpkin muffins. Decided to make a batch. Exhausted afterwards, but they taste delicious.

Possible hard freeze tonight.

Whole body hurts greatly. Stinging burning from inside to out. Nerves stinging. Low back and rt hip throbbing.

Jan 22

900 I haven’t slept that long in a long time. It’s too cold. 33° outside real feel is 26°. This cold weather makes my body hurt worse than normal. I ache like I have painful arthritis from head to toes.

Genesis 27-31; Matthew 7:7-8;

Ran errands with Joe for church. While out, had to use restroom. While in restroom, I turned to rt side a little and rt side cramped horribly causing much pain. After a bit I realized I was moaning out loud and wondered what people might be thinking so I muttered out loud stinking cramps hurt horrible. Ugh.

Joe & Rae went hunting. Put wreaths and lights in shed. Burned papers. washed load of clothes. I decided to work little on gathering info for taxes. Think I’m about half way down.

Feet are freezing and ice cold. I put wool socks on top of thick fuzzy socks.

Posted recipe to blog but couldn’t get the picture to load.

Three hours later feet are starting to warm up but still chilly. Head hurts. Bones ache deeply. Low back throbbing intensely. Nerves stinging throughout body. Overall felt happier today.

Jan 23

700 so much pain😩

Genesis 32-34; Matthew 25:41; James 1:5

Forgot to take my morning meds. I’m so sleepy.

Kids all came and gave me hugs during hand shaking time. I love that.

Joe started trying to talk with me while I was supposed to be playing piano. I cannot do that. It throws me so off kilter that I get discombobulated. Made me mad. I accidentally played the invitational for offertory. I realized it half way through first stanza. I wanted to throw my hands up and quit, but I continued and pushed through. Then there’s too much talking during offertory that it was distracting. Caught myself turning head to see what was going on realized I was starting to mess up and had to refocus to keep playing. Ugh! Managed muddle through without too many errors.

Went to bathroom after church. Rt side started spasming and cramping horribly. It hurt so bad I was moaning while trying to move to get it to stop. Lasted good 20 minutes or so. Kids jumped and helped with lunch.

Fading fast. Feel like I’m going to pass out. Need to go lay down a bit.

Slept for about three hours. Could’ve slept longer. Needed to get up to get few things done before church tonight.

It’s exciting to see the teens start to get excited about church. Teen activity on Friday. We’re having a Bible Jeopardy night. Teens asked for pizza and nachos.

I’ve worn the Harmoni Pendant for couple days now. It seems like I’m sleeping better when I do get to sleep. I’m still in much pain but I think the extra cold weather plays a part in that. Overall I feel happier. Don’t know how to explain it. Will continue to wear it and see how things go. Think I may need to search it out some too.

Nerves stinging throughout. Tired. Low back and rt hip throbbing intensely. Feet freezing. Shoulders ache deeply. Lft shoulder popped this morning causing sharp stabbing pain deeply in shoulder. Took long while for that pain to ease.


Thankful for:

  • Hugs from the kids
  • Ms Lori back in church this morning
  • An understanding and loving husband
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