Happy July 8th! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
This week’s devotion is “False Fears” written by Marlena Whitworth! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us!
I hope you have a FANTASTICAL week!!!
False Fears – Marlena Whitworth
I don’t know that I can recall many things from when I was age 4 or 5. I don’t think many people remember too much when they are that young. However, I do have several memories that are very vivid to me from that age. I would like to share one of those with you.
I remember my brother having a toy snake…you know the rubber ones that little boys like to use to scare people. Well, my younger brother had one, and I was terrified of it. I don’t recall that he had it long, but I do recall that particular day, he had it out. I was petrified. I remember being uncontrollable, and standing in a corner in the living room, screaming at the top of my lungs because he had touched me with it. My mother tried to get me to calm down, and explained there was nothing of which to be afraid. I wouldn’t listen, or stop screaming! I would not be consoled. So…out of desperation, I’m sure, and in an effort to get me to shut up…my mother cornered me in the living room and began to rub the rubber snake all over me! She rubbed my arms, my face, and my head until I began to quiet down. I was stunned, and probably a little traumatized. I’m sure that sounds mean, but I believe she really didn’t know what else to do. I had to realize for myself that there was nothing that was going to harm me, and I was being silly. She helped me face and overcome something that was a false fear. I’ve never forgotten thinking…”Oh, it’s just a toy. It won’t hurt me.” I immediately stopped having my fit, laughed, and returned to playing with the other toys.
Today, our world seems to be consumed by fear. Fear of many things, real and false, can seem very traumatizing to the person who is experiencing them. Here are a few things I learned from my mother that day:
Fear, real or false, can be crippling. I remember not being able to do anything but stand there and scream. I was terrified. I couldn’t run away, she had me cornered. I couldn’t disappear or make it stop. I had to face it. We will never overcome what we are unwilling to face!
Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorite verses…”Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
My mother was trying to help me, as her child, with my best interest in the front of her mind. She didn’t want me to be afraid and fall apart every time my brother played with a toy. As a child of God, I know that anything God brings into my life is for the purpose of helping me. He doesn’t wish to traumatize me and hurt me. He has my best interest at heart, always!
Many today are afraid of things because they don’t understand where they will spend eternity. God is not their loving, heavenly Father. They are not assured of their position in His family. My friend, if you are reading this, and you don’t know where you will spend eternity, you can know that. I want to tell you, Christ loves you and wants to help you conquer this fear. He provided a way for you. He does not wish for us to live falling apart in panic.
I have never forgotten this lesson, nor have I ever again been afraid of a rubber snake! Throughout my life, I have learned that Satan is a master at trying to put things into our paths that scare us to inaction, and grip us with fear. Most of these things are false fears. There is really nothing about them that can truly hurt us. But that crippling feeling will keep us from accomplishing things for God, if we let it overcome us. Fits, screaming, and crying won’t help us. We must face it, and recognize it for what it is. Trust that God can and will protect us. He is always with us.
What is it that has you crippled with fear today? What has caused you to lose it, and be unwilling to continue serving God? Is it a hurt, opinion, or unkind word that is false? Is it something as silly as a rubber snake? Let’s strive to face it and overcome it with God’s help. Don’t let those false fears stop you! Remember, He is always there, cheering us on. He’s waiting til we calm ourselves down, and stop our screaming. He wants to show us there is nothing to be afraid of which He can’t and won’t handle.