February 5
600 woke from strange dream. Remembered I forgot to bring my wandering Jew inside. π I hope it will be okay.
Exodus 19-21; Psalm 33:4-5; Daniel 3:17
Meeting guy at church this morning for grinding stumps on property. Joe decided to go with me. I was glad.
While at church, filled track rack, made sweet tea for tomorrow, prepared coffee pot, and couple other things. Joe wouldn’t let me work on pulling weeds because it was so cold outside.
So exciting to see the stumps being ground up. Took guy about an hour.
Afterwards, Joe went to music shop to get new microphone system for church. I don’t know anything about them so I found a chair to sit on until he was done.
My body hurts. Almost hurt my left shoulder getting back in car. Thankfully able to catch myself before pulling it out of place. Ouch! Bad headache and feet are freezing.
Worked on lesson for meal planning for Ladies meeting on Tuesday. Getting headache and feet are freezing ice cold. Need a break and put my wool socks on for a while.
Chilling with the gals. Tried to get comfortable in recliner and my ft arm popped. Ouch! Crashed in chair. Woke when my body jerked. Decided to go take a nap for a bit. Exhausted.
4:30 Muscles are spasming/twitching periodically and intermittently throughout body. Feels weird. Rt hip throbbing. Mind won’t shut off. Hands throbbing. Nerves stinging. Feet feel like they’re frost but burned but thawing. Ears ringing. Lft shoulder/ upper arm throbbing.
1100 took while to fall asleep
February 6
600 so tired. Feels good when Joe ribs my back. Trouble waking. Whole body stiff and hurting.
Exodus 22-24; Proverbs 21:21;
1053 Not feel too good presently
1130 I so wanted to hollar every time I hit the piano keys today because it shot sharp burning pain from tops of shoulders to finger tips. I came close to saying I can’t do this today. I quickly asked God to help me.
Brain is fogging, lighting looks as if it’s smoky inside to me. Weird. Tired.
Joe had me give testimony about praise how God provided in regards to getting the stumps ground. I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t mind giving testimony but I did not want to do it from platform. Made me do it anyways. Found a twisty tie on way up and fiddled with it the whole time. I don’t know what I did with it afterwards.
Lunch was baked pork chops with homemade shake n bake seasoning, Garlic parmesan noodles, and spinach (mixed home grown amaranth with it).
I’m still learning how to use the new stove. Tried to use the timer for the noodles. Accidentally set time for 8 hrs instead of minutes. When I tried to turn timer off, I turned entire oven off. Forgot to time the pork chops. Thankfully I used the slow cooker for the spinach. Lunch was delicious.
Had enough energy to help Jordon clean up from lunch. Rae was invited to a birthday party. Told Jordon that I’ll be glad when I can get to where Sunday mornings don’t wear me out so much. I need a nap.
I am making progress but not as fast as I wish at times. It’s amazing how much constant pain drains your energy.
Alarm set for an hour. Hopefully, I can get up then. Have a surprise I want to do for Bro Rick this afternoon.
400 slept for half hour extra
Able to get surprise done. It put smile on his face. Cut my pinky finger in process.
Noticed during choir practice that cut on finger (it stings) is in shape ofa number 7. Lol