February 10
6:30 rough night with hot flashes and trouble keeping comfortable. Stomach hurts and cramping. Bad taste in my mouth.
Must get up to see Dezirae off. Shared scripture and prayed with her before she left for school early. Seniors are selling breakfast this morning. They need to raise a lot more money for their senior trip. Lord, please help them raise it.
Remedies for hot flashes
Proverbs 10; Acts 22:15-16
Eyes are heavy and I’m very sleepy. Need to rest a while.
10:15 wow. I must have been tired. Last night wasn’t just heat flashes it was a heat wave. Yet Joe said my body stayed cold to the touch but I was burning up.
Able to finish gathering items for tax preparation though I still feel like I’ve forgotten something. Dropping it off at CPA today. Yay! What a relief.
Joe and I decided to go on an excursion to check out a discount meat store and lunch date in MS.
Able to talk through my decision while driving with Joe some more. I’ve decided to not do the radiation and I finally have peace about it. I called radiologist office once we got back home. Nurse said she’d leave a msg for the doctor and he’d probably call me Monday when he got back in the office. Joe said its probably for him to try to talk me into doing it. I told him I know, but I’m not going to do it.
Joe began prepping turkey to smoke in the smoker once we got home. I’m exhausted and rested first while.
Not really hungry once everything was ready but I ate a little anyways. Seasoning on turkey is upsetting my stomach. 🙁
We have Iron Men’s mtg and Ladies Mtgs tomorrow. I’m not feeling well and unprepared. I’ve studied, but just not feeling up to it. Hopefully, I’ll feel better in the morning.
Thankful for
1. Getting tax preparation done and turned over to CPA
2. Able to get update insurance cards in all vehicles
3. Enjoyed my day with Joe
4. Thankful to have peace about next step in treatment plan though I suspect some opposition come Monday.
Prayer request:
1. Learned my Dad will have surgery on Tuesday to have shunt put in his brain. Praying for wisdom, guidance, steady hands, and Dad to come through surgery and get better soon.
2. I’ll start feeling better
3. I can get my stomach back in balance without so many food sensitivity
4. Hot flashes/waves will ease soon
February 11
6:30 fell asleep listening to wholetones music. Up couple times during night to use restroom and try to get comfortable. Slept little bit better than I’ve been. Still very tired. Left arm and shoulder aching. Whole body stiff and achy. Warm but chilly as soon as I’m out from under covers. Think I’ll sleep little longer then get up.
1 Corinthians 13:4-5; Mark 1-3; Isaiah 44:2-5;
Stomach feels bloated and hurts, eyes watery, odd taste in mouth, thirsty, low back throbbing, stuffy nose, head hurts, prickly tingling in arms and legs. I’m not ready for the day though I’ve studied. I’ll go because it’s my duty though I don’t feel well. Mom called to let me know that she wasn’t going to be able to make it due to Dad not being well and trying to prepare for his surgery on Tuesday. I told her I understand. Ladies Mtg was low in attendance, but it went well.
Dezirae and I went to store afterwards to get items for church and items to make lunch for tomorrow. Dezirae treated us to Starbucks with a gift card she received for her birthday. I cherish the moments we share.
Once home prepared food for lunch tomorrow, folded load of clothes, washed load of towels, divided meat for meals and put in freezer, finished bulletin, prepared a little for junior church lesson, made keychain wristlets to sell in yard sale, began making snowflake ornaments for yard sale, watched show with family, and posted BC update.
Served leftovers for dinner early because I thought it was later. Lol. Finally starting to wind down from the excess energy from the frappuccino. Good thing I limit those to a treat once in a while. Lol.
Thankful for:
- Overall good day
- Special Mommy/Daughter date
- Enjoyed making crafts to sell .