How to Find Joy Being In the center of God’s Will by Beverly Yancey






Happy September!  The Fall season is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to it.

This week’s devotional is “How to find Joy bring in the center of God’s Will” by Beverly Yancey.  Please take time to read as she shares her heart with us this week.

Let’s make this week a GREAT one on purpose! 😊

How to Find Joy Being In the center of God’s Will – Beverly Yancey


“That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.”

Romans 15:32


My dad has been serving in full time Christian service for 50 years now. He has served the last 45 years at Bethel Baptist Church in Walls, MS as Christian school principal and church music director, along with many other areas that he serves in. My dad is the happiest man I know. He knows what it is to have “Joy” in the will of God!


In February of 1974, my dad resigned from the Woolworth Company. He was managing one of their stores and had a promising future with them. However, he felt God calling him into the ministry full time. My dad made a choice to find out what it is to be in God’s perfect will for his life and it has brought him great joy! It hasn’t always been easy for him but I know he would say without a doubt, “I have found joy in God’s will.”


When you decide to do God’s will there are some things you need to remember:


Be willing to let go of what could have been. My dad gave up a job where he could have been making more money and we would have definitely lived a comfortable lifestyle but that was not God’s plan and I’m so thankful God had a different plan. God has blessed our family so much!


Understand there will be sacrifices along the way. Realize that you may have to do without some things such as, monetary, friends, etc. but it will be worth it in the end. Because my dad made the right decision he has had the joy of seeing many of his former school students serve as pastors, preachers wives, Christian school teachers, missionaries, and more. He is now reaping the benefits of the decision he made over 50 years ago.


Be content in your circumstances. Growing up, we were not poor by any means, but there were times that we did not have a lot of extra money. However, as kids, we were happy with what we had. God allowed us to grow up in a Christian home with parents who loved us and that was worth more than any money in the world. We had a wonderful childhood because we learned to be content with what we had.


Realize that the decisions you make today will not only affect you but they will also affect someone else. My parents have 4 daughters and I truly believe that because my dad (with the support of my mom) made the right decision, that we girls are where we are today. It’s also because of God’s amazing grace and mercy. That is definitely not to say we have “arrived” because we haven’t, but God has allowed all 4 of us to be married to preachers, serving the Lord with our families. I can honestly say that my dad’s decision to do God’s will affected his family.


Realize God wants to use you and you can find “Joy” in serving Him. God can use anyone who is willing to be used. My dad allowed God to use him and he has found joy in serving him.


Serving God is the best decision (besides salvation) anyone can ever make. There is nothing better than being in God’s perfect will for your life and I believe God has that for everyone!



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