March 1
548 it’s too early. I’m stiff and hurting all over. Feels like I got beat up. Center chest aches deeply. I don’t want to move.
Psalm 73:25-26; Numbers 14-15
1238 unexpected power outage. Noooo! I’ve been working on tax info. I just lost everything I just typed up bcuz I had not saved it yet. 😢 My brain is already fogging. I want to cry 😭
3.39 able to retype info. Think I’m almost done. Just have to ask Joe couple questions when he gets home.
My brain is fogged and squirrelly, vision blurry, back stinging and throbbing, brain hurts, slight headache, feet freezing. need to rest a bit
5.00 cook dinner – hamburger, green beans, and chips. I know chips aren’t health but I don’t have any macaroni or energy to make much of anything. Joe worked 12 hours today and apparently I kept him awake with my snoring last night. Hehe☺️.
7.30 decided to pay bills I was suppose to pay y’day. Able to order more Vitamin C. It was on sale. Yay!
8.00 study with Rae for exams tomorrow.
My brain hurts, eyes feel like they’re going cross-eyed, back stinging, low back throbbing, headache, neck hurts, legs ache deeply to bones, feet hurt, lft upper arm throbbing, nerves stinging throughout, hands and wrists swollen and throbbing. I’m exhausted.
9.00 get ready for bed. Take time to journal and pray. Oops. Forgot to take morning meds. Take BP and gerd Rx with night vitamins plus Tylenol for the pain. Spray pillows with lavender.
March 2
3.00 woke thinking I overslept. Strange dreams. Didn’t sleep well either bcuz I didn’t want to keep Joe awake.
5:27 woke just before alarm. My whole body stiff and hurting, but not as bad as y’day. Pain level a 6. Vision blurry. Slight headache. Sinuses congested – spring is in the air. Lips chapped. Muscles ache deeply like I did rigorous workout. Legs ache deeply. Feet ache, but not the broken glass pain.
Brewing a cup of peppermint tea.
Job 23:10&11; Psalm 90; Numbers 16-17; John 16:16-33
The outer parts of my eyes feel heavy like they have weighted down with scales. Eyes watery. Nerves stinging through body.
9.30 Frustrated! Getting run around trying to schedule appointments for Jordon. Neurology office schedule nurses are not on same page. Each of the three I spoke with gave me differing info. Ugh!
Called PCP. Earliest appt is end of next week. Asked to have nurse call me back.
Called PCP office. Asked to have nurse call me.
Explained situation to nurse (Leslie). She’s going to do some research for me to see which neurologist we can get him seen sooner at them call me back.
11.00 In getting tax info gathered to take to CPA, realized I forgot to copy Joe’s auto tag info. Have to wait until I get that.
Decided to finish gathering info to give to ER Dr I saw last year about lightning strike survivors. Hoping it’ll help.
1.25 I’m exhausted. Need a nap. Brain hurts. Hands throbbing. Skin itchy. Nerves stinging. Ears ringing. Vision blurry and trouble focusing. Alarm set for 30 minutes. Ankles and feet freezing and stinging.
9.30 I’ll be glad when exam week is over. All I’m doing is trying to help Rae study and it’s giving me a headache.
9.50 my brain needs a rest. Blurry vision makes it difficult to do the things I enjoy.
Haed pounding. Entire body riddled with stinging burning pain. Rt Inner ear hurts. Back aches. Low back throbbing. Legs throbbing. Feet hurt. At least they are warm at the moment. Tingling down left leg. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Hands ache. Body feels like I need to stretch it out to loosen the tightened muscles, but it hurts greatly to move. Lower lft side feels like my ribs are poking through, but they’re not. Skin sensitive (loose hair on neck feels like ants crawling when it touches my skin, Joe rubbing my back feels like a ton of bricks landed on me).
Took night vitamins. Drinking extra sleepy time tea.
Added prayer requests to my journal. Tried to read a little, but vision so out of whack I was seeing double and had trouble focusing. Managed to read three paragraphs. Brain needs rest. Head hurts.
March 3
3.00 woken by pain
4.00 woken by muscles cramping in legs and arms and bad headache. Took 2 Excedrin headache tabs. Moved my head to Joe’s pillow. The coolness helped with easing headache to fall back to sleep.
6.00 overslept alarm. Heard phone vibrating which woke me. When I tired to reach for phone to turn off alarm, lost balance and almost fell out of bed. Jerking body making me hurt more. I’m so tired.
Oh, I forgot to make that copy. Need it to drop off tax info.
6.07 notification from Olive Tree App. Ability to download KJV NT audiobook. Yay!
Isaiah 55:8-9;
Lights bright and bothersome. Sinuses congested.
Ugh! Behind on laundry. Need to start load. Fold load. Nose slightly bloody.
Numbers 18; 1 Samuel 16:7;
Decided to work on my Scripture Journaling post for March. Took me most of the day trying to figure it out again. Had to take multiple breaks because eyes kept blurring. Brain hurts. Need a break.
Able to wash load of clothes, hang them to dry (arms tuckered out and cramping by end), fold two loads of clothes (one put away while other load still laying on my bed, dinner in crockpot, trash cans emptied, swept and mopped part of kitchen floor.
204p Dad called to check on Jordon and ask if we need eggs. I tell him I do. He said I could come get them
I get busy I forget about going over until Rae gets home.
Ask Rae to get the eggs. She brings home three dozen. I didn’t think it was going to be that much. Thank you, Lord.
I have difficulty remember what time we leave for church. Joe informed me need to leave in half hour. Got flustered trying to get food out away from dinner and getting ready.
Once at church went to SS bldg to look for my hand shovel. Couldn’t find it. Got sidetracked and started sorting clothes in mission closet. Worked until I couldn’t stand the pain in my back any longer.
9.30 going to bed. I’m exhausted. Body throbbing with pain. Nerves burning. Rt hip throbbing immensely. Head itches. Legs ache. Feet hurt.
1019 low back throbbing immensely.
In chatting Joe to sleep (lol), I realized that I remember a memory talking with my daughter about how I knew Joe was the one I was going to married. In reminiscing about that time, I think of what all was going on and wonder how I did it. Then I just give God the praise for providing and carrying me through.