LS & BC Memoirs – March 4-6 2022

March 4

12.30a woke from bad dream to stomach hurting (dreamed I had to use restroom but everywhere I went the toilet was clogged. I tried to plunge one toilet and ended up with fecal matter all over me. Disgusting! 🤢). Got up to use restroom.

3.00a woke to both arms being numbish and tingling, yet throbbing. Whole body hurts.

6.25a woke before alarm. Whole body stiff and stinging throbbing. Sinuses congested.

Song on mind: 🎵 I choose to be a Christian🎵

Numbers 19-22;

I’m exhausted. Whole body stiff and hurting. Upper body very stiff and sore like I worked out. Upper chest throbbing. Low back throbbing. Arms throbbing and cramping especially lft arm. Thirsty. Hair on back of neck bothersome. Stinging needles in arms. Eyes watery. Vision a bit blurry.

Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Look for exercise stretches to help ease stiffness and pain.

Only able to do first three 5 reps each before it hurts too much and I get fatigued. Eyes watering. Laying down to rest a few minutes. I’m exhausted.

Working at church today in renovation of mission house. Joe & Jordon working in kitchen on walls. Rae and I prepping boards for pallet wall backsplash. Three boards and my arms are throbbing on fire!!! Taking break for bit before continuing.

My arms are burning!!!







At one point, Joe needing all our help to see how many boards tall needed for Rae’s room. A board accidentally fell and hit me in the face. I hollered because it felt like someone smacked me in the face hard with it. I had to sit for few minutes. I tried my best not to overreact but it hurt something awful.

Home – so thankful that I bought a quick dinner kit for tonight. I do not have much energy to do anything else today. My whole body is throbbing immensely 🥺. Pain level is a 9.

Hard to believe that my boy is getting married in 90 days!

Soaked feet in hot Epsom salt bucket. Did not have energy to take a soak in Epsom salt bath. After 30 minutes, Rae chuckling tells me that I was only supposed to soak for 20 minutes. I said I know. I’m soaking until water gets cold (plus it hurts to move).

My body hurts so much all over it feels as if I tried to run an uphill marathon.

Scalp itching so bad. I muster enough strength to wash hair in sink to ease the itching. My arms and hands are now cramping, burning, and throbbing. Instant bad headache when I turned my head down into sink. Ugh.

Took night vitamins plus 2k mg vitamin C, Excedrin headache tabs.

Thankful for:

1. Able to drop off tax info to CPA

2. Able to drop off letter and supporting documentation for ER Dr. Praying God will bless and allow it to help others LS survivors in future 

3. My family.


March 5

630 don’t know what I was thinking setting alarm. I was awake partially anyways from pain. My whole body throbbing pain. Pain level 7/8.

Eyes feel heavy and a bit blurred.

Numbers 23-25; Deuteronomy 6:6-7; 15:1-7

Every muscle in body very stiff and throbbing. Legs and feet burning. Feet also stinging and numbish. I want to cry 😭. Indigestion kicking in. Eyes watery.

730 force myself out of bed to cut Joe’s hair.

854 rt ear ringing (lasted couple minutes). Feeling nauseous. Feet cold.

10.00 My spirit indeed is willing but my body is throbbing in pain. Joe suggested I stay in car while the others knocked doors, to which I was thankful.

Back at church. Family worked on few projects (pallets for backsplash, trim rose bush, weed part of flower bed, etc.). I worked until I could no longer ignore the excruciating pain 🥺.

Laying down for a bit to ease pain in back. Whole body screaming in pain. Both ears ringing.

2.20 home for now. I’m exhausted and hurting. Feel a crash oncoming. Need to lay down a while. Alarm set.

Only slept for about 30 minutes.

Recvd notification that our Sam’s card was automatically renewed. I immediately got upset bcuz I didn’t sign up for that…that was my grocery money for the week. Ugh. Had to fix it right away so it won’t do it again next year.

Have to go to store to get sauce for lunch tomorrow. Rae will drive there. She needs night time driving practice. DG not good place to shop on Saturday night. All their shelves are about wiped out and boxes everywhere for restock. Irritating. I don’t say anything because I know I’m easily agitated due to high pain levels right now.

Joe attempts to let me know scripture passage for tomorrow. I catch myself snapping then try to correct myself and apologize. He thanks me. I ask for what? He says for catching myself and apologizing.

Bulletins done but will print in am. Lunch prepared for tomorrow (lasagna). Yum. I cant push anymore bcuz I hurt too too much. Rae helps me to bed. Joe gets me ice water.

My tummy really hurts. I don’t feel up to taking vitamins, but I do take 800mg ibuprofen. Hoping it’ll kick in soon. Veins in rt hand swollen and it hurts. I accidentally put weight on it getting into bed and I holler bcuz it suddenly feels like it’s broken. Apparently I hurt my hand sometime today and didn’t realize it until now. I pray it doesn’t effect my playing piano this week.

Thankful for…

1. Making progress on renovation of mission house

2. Even amidst the pain I can still do some things

3. I saw a ladybug today 🐞

4. God is good all the time


March 6

6.30 I’ve been awake for a while I know not how long. There’s so much pain all over. Pain level an 8/9. Skin hypersensitive – hair on neck feels like ants crawling on my skin. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery. Tongue hurts. Its white coated and looks horrible covered in lessions. Tummy hurts. Extremely tired, but awake. My left arm is extremely tingling, throbbing, and feels like it’s extremely swollen. (While it is a bit swollen it’s not as bad as it feels).

Isaiah 25:1; Numbers 26-27; 1 Peter 3:8-9

Do not have strength or energy to take full shower this morning. I will wash up in bathroom slowly.

Trying to keep positive in spite of the extreme pain. Not sure if I’m succeeding too well on joking around, but it helps keep my mood lighter. I warn family how I’m feeling so they’re aware. They say they understand.

Bulletins printed in spite of printer errors. Lunch items gathered. Drink chia seed, diatomaceous earth chocolate milk to help ease pain. Moving around has eased pain a smidge.

I forgot the salad! Ugh.

1040 center of chest aches deeply like I did excessive workout.

1157 It just dawned on me that I forgot to put the lasagna in the oven. Too much going on to keep

255 laying down for a bit to rest. Notice left ear is ringing. Noise is kind of bothersome.

Slept for 30 minutes. Rested til 4pm. Feel like I could sleep longer.

5:00 choir practice. Did fairly well. Trouble sticking a few bars of notes in one song. By end of practice, my brain is foggy and eyes feel like they’re going cross-eyed. Glad we were done early to rest brain before evening service.

6:30 sweet spirit in church tonight. Had trouble with couple songs. One of last hymns my brain completely went blank on how tune went or even where my hands were supposed to be placed. I searched two other hymnals trying to find the hymn in flats instead of sharps. (I have difficulty playing sharps, but I’m trying hard to overcome. Thankfully, God’s been helping me be able to transpose some of the hymns to flats though I’ve never been taught how.) Couldn’t find it so I said quick prayer asking God to help. Church patiently waited for me to work through my issue. Able to play through hymn though with multiple mistakes. God is good. Thank you, Lord.

Changed out floral arrangement this afternoon. It’s pretty but I’d like some brighter colors in it. Hmm? 🤔


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