Hello! I hope you had a great weekend!
This week’s devotion is “He Makes All Things Beautiful in His Time” written by Hannah Young! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us!
It is a GOOD day to have a GOOD DAY!
He Makes All Things Beautiful in His Time – Hannah Young
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Have you ever heard the phrase said before – “Timing is everything”? Well, there is a lot of truth to that statement when the timing is God’s timing. We are told from the Scriptures that waiting on God’s timing makes things beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3:11), while rushing ahead or lagging behind according to our timing turns things into a mess. Too early and too soon – both bring about disaster!
We have just learned from Ecclesiastes chapter three that there is a “season” and a “time” for every event in life. While we know that this is true, it is sometimes difficult to wait on God’s timing and to allow Him to bring about His will in His way. However, we must learn to trust God – especially during the times when we cannot seem to see His hand at work. For He is working – though sometimes behind the scenes – to mold and make a masterpiece for His honor and glory! Charles Spurgeon once remarked that when we “cannot trace His hand…” we should “…trust His heart.”
Waiting is a part of all of our lives though often it comes in different ways at different stages of life. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Word of God has a lot to say about “waiting.” In fact, the words “wait” and “waiting” are used 114 times in the Bible.
Here are just a few of those verses:
Psalms 37:34 “Wait on the LORD, and keep his way…”
Psalms 27:14 “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart.”
Learning to wait on God starts with the heart! You will not have a problem waiting on God’s timing and trusting in His will for your life if you are truly in love with the Lord. Mark 12:30 “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”
As you are waiting on God …WAIT on Him. What I mean is SERVE Him with all of your heart. Make the Lord your very best friend and develop a close and personal relationship with the Him. James 4:8 “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” Then, trust Him to guide you each step of the journey as you are waiting on Him!
“Faith is not hoping God can, it is trusting He will.”
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” – Corrie Ten Boom
1. Waiting is a Process
A. Life is full of different stages and seasons
B. Every stage of life involves waiting
C. We must learn to trust God while in the process of waiting
D. The best things in life are always worth the wait
2. Waiting is an Action for
A. Waiting involves actively serving the Lord (e.g. waiter)
B. We must make the decision to serve God with all of our hearts right where He has us in His will today
C. Seek Godly counsel from older and wiser Christians
3. Waiting is an attitude
A. Choose contentment over frustration and anger
B. Choose joy and happiness over sorrow and bitterness
C. Stay focused on the needs of others instead of your own
4. Waiting is a Reward
A. God gives His best to those who choose to WAIT and leave the choice up to Him
B. Don’t settle for second best because God’s better is best
C. Waiting on God may not be easy, but it is always worth it
What are you waiting on God for?
Don’t let the Devil convince you that God has forgotten you and that settling is the only option. Don’t let the Devil tell you that you are not worthy of receiving the best that God has for you. Wherever it is that you are in life today, remember that God loves you and He has not forgotten you! I would like to encourage you from the Word of God and as a friend in Christ to “wait” on God and determine for yourself that His best is always better for you! So, in this season of waiting… get close to Him and trust that He knows what is best! If your desires match up with God’s desires, then God will give you the strength you need to wait upon Him and your life will be forever blessed and full of joy!
“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” – Psalm 37:4
“For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” – Nehemiah 8:10
Following God’s plan always brings blessings in life, but it requires faith and patience to trust and wait upon the Lord! There are NO REGRETS in waiting on the Lord and it is well worth the effort!
. When you decide to wait on the Lord, He will begin to reveal the beautiful picture that He · has created for your life “in His time”.
“He hath made every thing beautiful in His time:” – Ecclesiastes 3:11