March 19
12.00 still awake. Pain keeping me awake. Decide to take a pain Rx.
4.45 worn by much pain. Upper body stiff and throbbing immensely. It feels as if I’ve been beaten up horribly. Headache.
6.30 still awake when alarm goes off. I hit snooze multiple times. Don’t want to move or get up.
Deuteronomy 24-27; Galatians 5:22-23; Proverbs 21:1-6; Psalm 16:2-3
Temperature 69/41 sunny
Thankful that no matter how much pain I’m in I am always safe in the arms of Jesus. Thankful for His incompressible, unrelenting love.
Slow moving today. Rt big toe throbbing. Pain level at 8/9. I just want to cry.
Enjoyed listening to Lamplighter on radio, especially this morning. Bible story bringing the Scriptures to life.
Church hosted a rabies clinic today for the community. There was a good turn out. Will most likely do one again in the summer.
Lord provided lunch today so we were able to feed the members that came to help.
Dropped Dez off at a friend’s to work.
Worked on bulletin for tomorrow until head started hurting and brain fogging. Joe mowing lawn so I took break to go help pick up sticks just until the pain in body was too much to bear. Inside washed few dishes. Sitting to rest a while.
Low back throbbing. Hands and wrists ache. Nerves stinging and dry. Thirsty. Exhausted and tired. Legs ache. Lft abdomen hurts. Chest hurts. Back is stinging. Rt hand sharp stabbing pain when I apply pressure.
Thankful for…
1. God’s love and provisions
March 20
7:30 fell asleep sometime just before midnight. Twas in process of writing thankful notes when I crashed. At least it was on positive note .
Woke well before my alarm went off. Didn’t bother to look at time. I hurt so much. Muscles in whole body feel extremely stiff and swollen making movement difficult. Hands swollen and aching. Very hot like I’m in a sauna. Thirsty. Hips are throbbing. Nerves sting medium.
Joe graciously massages my back with pain liniment.
1 Peter 2:2-3
Running late.
Deuteronomy 28-29
Recently it was told to me that they didn’t know how I managed to keep going with the daily pain. To which I replied I didn’t at handle it well at all at first. There are some days the pain is unbearable and I do very little that day. With God’s help, I came to the point where I had to determine I wasn’t going to let it keep me down. There’s too much spiritually at stake.
8.40a walked into church hearing a blessed treat. Our newest member is playing the piano. She can play! Dezirae jumps over to talk with her. Next thing we hear both of them playing the piano and organ. What a treat! It blesses my heart .
941 lft ear ringing loud and extremely high pitched. Feet cold. Ringing lasted about 20 minutes.
Joe discovered that the church’s mailbox and the neighbors across street was knocked down. Looks as if someone ran it over last night.
1109 second hymn in and my vision is blurring. Brain hurts. I close my eyes while scripture is being read to give eyes a break. Forgot how to play pieces /sections of offertory hymn and had to adlib with some parts only one hand.
Lost my balance on way to seat. Had to use fan to catch my balance. Jordon quickly there to help me.
Dad got up to sing and his mind went blank about tune of song he had been practicing. He tried couple times but it wouldn’t return. Mom started tearing up. Him having first stages of dementia is hard because we don’t know how to help exactly and he is in denial. I suspect that he knows but is scared bcuz my Nana also had Alzheimer’s. A dear childhood hero (Patch the Pirate) also has Alzheimer’s. I follow his wife on Facebook. I know I’m susceptible due to my TBI which is why I’m doing what I can to combat it now.
12:01 starting to see double of Joe. Not good
12.30 family treated to lunch to show their appreciation.
4:17 crashed for couple of hours. Could still sleep longer.
There’s lots to do but it’s not getting done today. I need the rest.
5.00 choir practice Joe and I in crazy moods. Made things interesting and kept us laughing. Hymn was a familiar one but poses challenges for me to keep up to the tempo.
6.45 brain feels foggy and blurry. Rt hip throbbing. Left palm itches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some tingling. Tired. Periodic vibrating feeling through out body – weird.
9.59 tired but awake. Nerves stinging. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Center of chest hurts like I pulled a muscle. Arms ache deeply. Legs throbbing. Feet freezing and tingling. Lower lft leg from chin down to foot tourniquet tightening feeling. Throat feels a little swollen. Rt ear aches. Exhausted. Skin sensitive – like the Princess and the Pea. Neck hurts.
10.30 thought I heard rumbling like thunder and house shaking. Got up to investigate. Learned washer was off balance causing noise and shaking. Dez was fixing it. Thanked her and back to bed. Whole body stinging.
March 21
5.30 awake but do not want to. whole body stiff, stinging, and throbbing. Exhausted. Stood to use restroom. Feet felt like I’m walking on broken glass. After using restroom, check on Dez. She’s not feeling well. No fever, it sinuses congested and sore throat. Rest as it’s not toe to get up yet. Back to bed.
Jeremiah 17: 7-8; Deuteronomy 30-31; Luke 8:14; 2 Peter 1:5-9
6.50 head feels like it’s in a vice grip just right enough to feel pressure, sinuses congested, eyes watery, ears ringing slightly, nerves stinging, tummy cramping, hands throbbing, upper back stinging, exhausted.
Dez not feeling well. Keeping her home to rest. Sent message to one of her teachers. Let Mom know (we take turns carpooling). Back to bed we both go. Alarm set for an hour.
Change sheets on bed, wash load clothes, straighten laundry room, mail PKG, wash few dishes. I’m done for a while. Whole body throbbing in pain. Exhausted and need to rest.
I have pooped out for the day. Not feeling to well. I suppose today will be mostly a rest day for me.
I am learning that I can only push myself for so much and then I have to rest because when I push too much I suffer for it later. It’s okay to take time to rest because resting allows my body time to heal and recuperate.
Been under the blanket for two hours and my feet and legs are still freezing.
Eating nuts hurts my tongue. Whole body throbbing with pain. Almost feels like another storm is coming.