Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 3-4, 2022

April 3

6:30 alarm woke me. Slept better than I had in last week. Left arm numbish. Nerves stinging but not as bad. Ache all over like I’m a big bruise.

Song on mind: Rejoice in the Lord

Sister shares cancer info with me

Psalm 46:1; Hebrews 12:2; Judges 10-12; Philippians 1:3-11

7:15 a friend, SE, messages me telling me I completely dislike how fast the results came back  we Re praying for you AND Joe & the kids!!!!!

My reply: Thank you. I honestly have mixed emotions right now. While I do not understand God’s purpose in this at the moment, I’m praying that God will make this trial a blessing and that I will come forth as gold, giving glory to our Heavenly Father through it all.

We can already see God at work, so my curiosity side is intrigued by how things will go.

My sister shares information from a friend about juicing carrots to cure cancer


7:19 need to get up and get ready for church. God and I didn’t let the LS keep me down and we’re not going to allow bc to do it either. I may be slower, but I’ll keep moving forward as I am able.

Drinking carrot juice.

I asked Joe to get the bread maker down for me so I can make dough while getting ready then bake at church. Put coffee on for the guys. Joe not in kitchen yet so I got machine down and started the dough. Few minutes later he came out and asked who got it down. I told him I did because he was taking too long. He said that’s what I’m talking about. I asked what? He said I was just started to see glimpses of the wife I first fell in love with prior to the lightning strike and now this news. I smile and said “Oh?”

He told me that he’ll be starting a lot at me in the days ahead. I said okay. I told him that if nothing else the juicing is helping to ease my pain overall. I can do more when I don’t hurt as much. He said good.


9:00 Praise: Joe and I knew it was important, as an example to our church people, to go to church Thursday even after receiving the bc diagnosis. BUT GOD!!!

Bro D had to take Sis H to the ER last night. She has an abscess in her mouth. Naturally we assumed that we wouldn’t see them in church today. Dezirae got upset and told Joe that she needs to see them today. She needs her church family. Joe offered to pick their kids up. This was Bro D’s reply…

“I’m coming to church. This is not going to stop me from being there because that is where I need to be.” Hallelujah!!!

Satan you just got your butt kicked!!!!!

Get to church. Feet are freezing. Put socks on.

Put bread in oven. I used timer to let me know when it was done. It went off as during prayer to dismiss to classes. Lol. Homemade bread tastes so good. I hope that I don’t loose this indulgence when Dr gives me the diet protocol.

Had difficulty with coordination between brain and hands causing me to mess up while playing piano. I keep playing.

The men of the church gathered around me and anointed me with oil and prayed over me at the end of service. Their hands on my head felt kind of heavy making me feel kind of weird, but thankful to have a church family that cares. When they started praying, I began praying for one of the men that Joe and I know has an illness that he hasn’t disclosed to anyone but his own family and us. I asked God to heal him and his family as well.

Treated to Cracker Barrel for lunch. I enjoyed window shopping while we were waiting. My purse got heavy on my shoulder while we’re waiting causing me to hurt much in shoulder and center of chest. Saw one of Rae’s teachers from LBA and her family. Exchanged hellos. She told me if we need anything to let her know. I thanked her. Once we got our food, I picked up my fork and knife to start cutting the meat. My left hand jerked causing me to lose grip and I dropped the fork to the floor. Ugh. Joe graciously asked our waitress for another fork. Found treats discounted for 60% off so I got two for VBS. Rae and I saw a glittery pen which made us immediately thinking of a friend that loves glittery things. Got that for her just because.

Started drifting off in the car ride back to church. I’m so tired. Setting timer so I don’t oversleep. Playing wholetones .

Left arm tingling. Ears ringing. Pain in center chest. Nerves stinging mild moderate. Muscles aches deeply but mild moderate. I will enjoy the lesser pain days as God gives them and be thankful for His blessings. Even in the valley God is good .

4:30 One of the teen guys came to let me know that he cleaned the fellowship hall and emptied all the trash so I didn’t have to worry about it. Thanked him couple times. He smiles.

950 I’m exhausted and hurting. Feel like I worked out today even though I didn’t. Forgot to grab the VBS Volunteer sheet so I can get the tshirts ordered. Ugh. Nerves stinging moderately. Left back of heel feels like I hit it against a brick wall and bruised it. Muscles ache deeply. Sinuses a little congested.

Carrot, Celery, Beet, and Ginger Juice:

My basic formula is 5 Carrots, 5 Celery Stalks, 1/4 of a Beet (root and top), and a small slice of Ginger Root (about the size of a quarter – the US coin).


April 4

3.45 woken by alarm . It scares me nerves and muscle all jittery. Feet feel like walking on broken glass. Tired . Chest hurts like I ran a mile. Sinuses congested. Nerves stinging. Muscles stiff and acky. Headache.

Song: Follow Me by Ira Stanphill

Muscles spasming on left side. Skin itchy.

Judges 13-15; Ephesians 1:7; Psalm 139; 2 Timothy 4:6-8; Philippians 1:3-11!po=50.0000

Decided to lay back down for few minutes. I’m so tired.

7:05 need to get up to support Rae as she goes back to school today.

Juicing: I juiced enough to drink three 8 oz glasses of fresh juice today. It’s called carrot juice, but it contains more than carrots. Each 8 oz contains: 1 carrot, 2 apples, 1/4 tsp ground ginger, 2 Tbs lemon juice, 1 wedge purple cabbage). Juicing sure does help keep your bowels moving.


Playing wholetones on the TV so I can hear it through the whole house.

805 Reading Thanny’s story on Facebook. Something I read finally clicks what Milena said to me. My high above normal white blood count may be a blessing in disguise. Normally people with cancer have very low to no white blood cells. I stop and Thank God for my white blood cells. I pray for Thanny and his family.

Able to get couple loads laundry done. Straighten living room. Fold some of Rae’s clothes and put on her bed.

Mom came to see if I wanted to ride with her to the post office then she’d take me to the store. While out able to get  couple chores done.

Drink 2nd glass of juice. Sitting to rest a while and eat lunch. My energy is draining and my upper chest is hurting.

A few people have called or text to check on me. I’m okay so far.

I’m fading fast. Need a nap before picking up the gals. Set alarm.

8:00 home from Rae’s piano lesson. Drinking 3rd glass of juice.

9:14 I’m exhausted. Did too much and I’m feeling it now. Ugh.

10.30 quiet time in journaling and prayer.

Left leg numbish, rt hip and lower back throbbing. Nerves stinging and burning. Muscles throbbing. Upper body feels like I’ve been in a fight. Slight headache. Skin itches. Neck hurts. Feet tingling.

Thankful for..

  1. Able to get fresh fruits and veggies today.
  2. Call and texts of people checking on me (I know there’ll probably be days I won’t be able to talk much so I choose to be grateful).
  3. Felt decent enough to do several chores today.

Tomorrow is another weather aware day -heavy rains, thunderstorm, and possible tornadoes. What’s up with the tornadoes? We don’t live in tornado alley.


Follow Me by Ira Stanphill

1 I traveled down a lonely road And no one seemed to care;

The burden on my weary back Had bowed me to despair,

I oft complained to Jesus How folks were treating me,

And then I heard Him say so tenderly,

“My feet were also weary, Upon the Calv’ry road;

The cross became so heavy, I fell beneath the load,

Be faithful weary pilgrim, The morning I can see,

Just lift your cross and follow close to me.”


2. “I work so hard for Jesus” I often boast and say,

“I’ve sacrificed a lot of things To walk the narrow way,

I gave up fame and fortune, I’m worth a lot to Thee,”

And then I hear Him gently say to me.

“I left the throne of glory And counted it but loss,

My hands were nailed in anger Upon a cruel cross,

But now we’ll make the journey With your hand safe in mine,

So lift your cross and follow close to me.


3. Oh, Jesus if I die upon A foreign field some day,

‘Twould be no more than love demands No less could I repay,

“No greater love hath mortal man Than for a friend to die”

These are the words He gently spoke to me,

“If just a cup of water I place within your hand

Then just a cup of water Is all that I demand,”

But if by death to living They can thy glory see,

I’ll take my cross and follow close to thee.


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