Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 7-8, 2022

April 7

5.45 slept hard. Woke to much pain. Feel like I was banged up badly. Every inch of me is throbbing immensely. I guess today will be a rest day. I’m exhausted. Can feel muscles twitching in legs. Headache. Sinuses congested. Nerves feel as if they’re on fire.

Tune in my mind is familiar but I don’t know it. Second tune: ♫ I will serve Thee because I love Thee.♫

Galatians 2:20; Judges 19-21; Hebrews

7:25 I feel like my whole body is a bad bruise (Hebrews – hehe). Doing few exercises to try to stretch and loosen my extra tight muscles, which is making it hard to move.

Between the pain and sinus congestion, I am nauseous. Need to get more ginger chews soon. Drinking Vanilla Chai tea and listening to wholetones music while doing quiet time with God and Journaling. Take morning meds.


Been scripture journaling on my phone in my note app. I share it with my family most days and more recently decided that I wanted to own it down in a notebook as a legacy and encouragement for my children. Today, I just figured out how to email it to my website email to start posting on my website. Yay!


Decided to devote some time to work on blog. Able to figure out the SSL certificate thing. Called Bluehost to help explain some things. He also explained the renewal process. Able to turn of automatic renewal, but have to call before renewal date to renew manually. Remind me to ask for discount. Able to schedule more posts on blog.

Joe called to check on me. Asked me to pick suit out for him. I gave him a hard time. Made him chuckle. I like hearing him laugh. Love my man.


Need to rest a while. Head hurts and feet are freezing. Top half of body is hot, but feet and legs from mid calf down are freezing cold, even to the touch. Eating lunch with DE chia seed chocolate milk smoothie. Afternoon vitamins taken (Echinacea, C, Niacin, and zinc).


Chug down celery juice. It doesn’t taste as good today. Not sure what I am missing.

Pick gals up from school. Ask them to show me their pictures they entered into Art contest. Rae placed 1st and Tara placed 2nd in photography! I asked to take pictures especially so I could share with my sister. While there I received phone call, which was odd (it was a God thing) because usually I cannot get a signal in the gym. The phone call was from my breast cancer care coordinator informing that I have been approved for insurance and to give me my number!!! BUT GOD can provide a table in the wilderness (Psalm 78).

Ask God to remind me to stop at bank or somewhere so I could get a specific amount to give Rae for her field trip tomorrow. I forgot all about it as I was flustered on trying to remember everything we were to bring to church tonight.

Later someone approached me saying that God laid it on their hearts to give this to me. It was the exact amount I told God I wanted to give our daughter!!!

Took bulletin board down. Couple young ladies helped me put new border up. MW asks what I was doing next. Told her I wasn’t sure but I like doing it in stages to keep people guessing.


Starting to get hot flashes. Drank last 8 oz of juice. Had to chug it down because I didn’t like the taste. I’m exhausted and hurting. Going to bed.


Decide to share praise from the week in one of my groups on Facebook. God has been good to me and I wanted to brag on God a little.

I’m choosing to find JOY in the journey and prayerfully asking God to help me bring honor and glory to Him through it all.


Muscles stiff and throbbing. Nerves stinging and burning. Rib cage hurts. Exhausted. Feet have finally earned up, but they sting intensely. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Night vitamins taken.



April 8

5:00 I’m still very tired. So much pain. I sometimes get tired of hurting so much all the time. Woke to ♫ “My Jesus, I Love Thee”♫ on my mind.


Have a feeling that something is wrong. I get up to check on Rae. Her clothes didn’t wring out all the way so she’s having to run the through rinse cycle. I suggest she go get her make up ready and I’ll wait to put them in dryer. Once done, I inform her and go back to bed.


2 Timothy 2:9-13; Romans 5:10; Ruth 1-4; Galatians 6:2; Jude 1:24-25; Joshua 1:9; Romans 8:26


Lord, help me to run the race You have set before me that I may point others to You.

I just had a thought. Since my blog is fixing to explode, I need to put a page on there telling people how to get saved. Why didn’t I think of that before?

Thinking also about a business card design. Pic of lightning strike, theme and website address, EL&LS Survivors website, pink ribbon for breast cancer???

Muscles are extremely stiff and painful to move. Nerves stinging and burning throughout body.


Joe graciously rubs my back. He asks is the massage eo pain oil would help. I tell him yes. Thankful for a loving husband.

I check my weight. I’m down to 199. I’ve lost three pounds this week.

The guys decide to make pancakes for breakfast except I’m out of homemade pancake batter. I come to kitchen to find them dumping flour in the storage container. I ask what they’re doing. Joe tells me he’s following the recipe I have on the container. I thank him and explain it doesn’t work that way. Lol. I pull out the cookbook and look up recipe for pancakes. He asks me to read off the ingredients. He makes the pancakes and Jordon cooks the sausage.

I work on making my juice for the day. Carrot juice tastes much better than celery juice to me. I wait a little bit before eating my plain pancake. I’d much rather eat it with butter and syrup, bit I’m not taking chances.

Taking Jordon to dentist. After we are stopping at the consignment store to drop off some clothes.

Looking at my blog while sitting in waiting room. I need to work on my home page to make it more appealing, but I’m not sure how or what to do. Able to email myself July 2020 notes so I can download to USB and then upload to website. There’s got to be an easier way.

Drop clothes off at consignment store. It’ll take two hours due to line in front of me. Gives time to go pick Joe up.

Drink 2nd juice and take mid day vitamins. Back out the door. Trying to get things going for Jordon for college. Whew!


The consignment store only took 5 items out of a 13 gallon trash bag full. I’m a little disappointed, but I got $14 for the items they did take. That’s more than I had. Plus it gave me the money to buy the knobs I needed for my dresser at the parsonage.

Thought came to mind: does breast cancer effect a woman’s menstrual cycle? Answer: possibly


3:25 2500 steps so far today. I’m exhausted. Whole body is stinging. Laying down to rest a while. Alarm set in case I fall asleep.

4:30 I didn’t think I was that tired. Could’ve slept longer.

Joe cooked dinner. I’m moving kind of slow. Pain is slowing me down. I’m wiped out. Low back throbbing. Feet chilly. Covering up with blanket. Nerves stinging and muscles throbbing throughout body.

1030 going to bed. I’m exhausted. Night vitamins taken. Applied Frankincense oil to left chest. Read a page and a half in book I’m reading.

“We must live for God out of the prayer closet if we want to meet God in the prayer closet ” E.M.Bounds


Thankful for…

  1. Being able to spend time with family.
  2. Jordon treated us to lunch at subway.
  3. Received a note in mail from a friend, and couple friends checked in on me.

Taking pain Rx to ease pain so I can sleep. Applied lavender lotion.


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