Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 17-18, 2022

April 17

4:45 I did not want to wake this early. Whole body stiff and throbbing. Arms and hands numbish and throbbing until I moved position. Very tired.

Song: Stayed upon Jehovah

1 Corinthians 1:18; 1 Samuel 25-27; Nehemiah 9:6

Sinuses very congested. I’m a bit nauceous. Morning meds and vitamins taken. Tylenol sinus taken.

My iron quit working. Have to spray my dress and throw it in dryer hoping most of wrinkles will release. Prep foods for today crockpot style. I’m not really much in mood to church today. My heart feels heavy this morning. I pray for those who come to mind (Anita, Thanny, Donnie, Burge’s, Puryears, my family, all my Pastor wife friends, etc).

Didn’t realize the crockpot was on. Grabbed sides to move it and burnt my fingers. Ouch! Blister immediately on left index finger. Applied lavender oil.

Joe and Jordon leave early to get the hams in the oven. Joe needs to study more too. I’m moving slowly today. It’s supposed to storm all day. I ask God for sunshine for the morning.

Dezirae drives to church. Traffic was amazing – hardly any one on the road.

Life seems a little more precious today.  I thank the LORD JEHOVAH for His great mercy and unconditional love. His sacrifice was greater than any trial I may face here on earth.

Multiple hiccups this morning. Bunch of things go wrong. I’m getting grumpy. I ask the Lord to help dissipate my grumpiness.

My back is hurting immensely. Sinuses are better. Hands swollen and throbbing.

Praise! Beva Hamblin and her daughter, Sabrina, came to church for 11:00 service! What a blessing.

Low back throbbing. Singing with the choir I started getting wobbly on my feet. Felt like I was going to fall. Had to take my shoes off discretely. Almost lost my balance.

Rt hip is throbbing immensely. Tired. Something doesn’t feel right with me but I’m not sure what or why.

Once home, get food put away. Mom calls and decides to have dinner at 4. I tell her it’s okay. Sit on couch for few minutes and decide to go lay down for a bit because of intense back pain. It seems to ease the pain better if I can lay flat for a while. Set my alarm for 30 minutes. After few minutes, Rae comes in and lays on bed beside me. We end up scrolling my Facebook together. I introduced her to people in my feed that she wasn’t familiar with – Pastor’s wives, Hope family (some I’ve known since before she was born), college friends, etc.


Dinner and fellowship at parent’s house was good. Dad keeps everything interesting these days. I know taking care of him can get quite frustrating at times and I pray for them regularly. After a while, my eyes were getting quite heavy and I could feel a crash oncoming. I asked to go home. Joe walked with me while the kids gathered our dishes and drove the vehicle home. I landed in my chair in living room.

After a bit, deep muscle and bone pain increased. Tornado warning announcement received on phone. Joe turned TV on to watch weather. Severe thunderstorm coming our way. Tornado spotted and touched down in MS heading to AL. Storm increasing in intensity. My pain increases. It’s going to be a long night.

I’ll be up a while. Thunder, lightning, and severe pain seem to do that. Soooo…. I’ll be doing some research.


April 18

5:55 Rae wakes me to tell me that Dad has been calling. I call Joe. He’s on his way home. Guy at work gave him the stomach bug from last week. His boss sent him home. No! We don’t need this right now.

I’m going to need to diffuse purification oil in house today. I don’t need to get sick. Lord, please help.

My lft shoulder has sharp stabbing throbbing pain as if it’s slightly out of joint. Whole body stiff and achy. Sinuses congested. Eyes stinging and watery.

Psalm 17, 35, 54, 63; Hebrews 7:25; Psalm 18:1-3

While sitting in my recliner reading scripture and journaling, I hear birds singing. Reminds me of song: ♫The birdies in the tree tops sing their song …so why shouldn’t I why shouldn’t you praise Him too. ♫

Take girls to school. Feet freezing. Call appliance store. They do not have a dishwasher or freezer right now. Check back later. Put socks on once home. Put wholetones chroma in DVD to play while doing few chores.

Juice: carrots, celery, apples, lemon, ginger, kale & cabbage salad mix. Make enough for the day plus a glass for Joe.

Wash few dishes, fold two loads clothes, prep vitamins and meds for the week, washing clothes. Arms are burning. Back hurting. Feet warming up. I’m a little hot and a lot hurting. Need to rest a bit.

Mid morning snack: D.E. Chia seed chocolate smoothie and quinoa oatmeal. Oatmeal tastes pretty good.

Need to figure out the Mediterranean diet for planning meals this week. I’m tired.

Module 1

Cancer is a divine tap on the shoulder. The way you are living is killing you.

That statement makes me mad. I didn’t choose to get struck by lightning and have lasting side effects that have significantly altered my life.

Cancer can go away by spontaneous remission – that is your body healing itself, but you need to be ingesting the proper nutrients to help it along the way.

Why do you think you have cancer? Because God has a purpose for my life to bring honor and glory to Him

Do you really want to live? YES

I’ve already in round about way had to answer those questions with my lightning strike injuries.

Lunch eaten. Drank 2nd juice. Mid-day vitamins taken. I’m exhausted and need a nap. Laying down a bit.

1:38 received call from breast care center. Genetic testing – they tested for 36 genes. Testing revealed 0 broken genes. Thank you, Lord! But that causes mores questions. What does that mean exactly? If I don’t have broken DNA, then what caused the cancer? Yay, I don’t have broken genes. Now what?

So my cancer didn’t come from genetics and I didn’t pass any broken genes on to our children.

Checked my email. Was looking for something else, but discovered that I have already received reply from Chris beat cancer support group.

This is their reply…

Hi Melissa, sorry I have never heard of any of our members who have gotten hit by lightning and then gotten cancer. I searched in the support group as well.

It would be interesting to know if there is a connection.


Rose Butler, CBC Support Team

I’m stoked because God allowed me to plant a seed. I sure hope God allows it to grow to help others.

Information sent on to friend that is going to talk with her kids who are doctors for second opinion.

Wonder what ingredients in chemotherapy?,also%20known%20as%20antimicrotubule%20agents.

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