Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 19-20, 2022

April 19

4:30 Joe still has a stomach virus. God I need you to heal him if it. Made him apply immune blend to bottom of feet, wrists, and back of ears. He then applied it to back of neck and forehead. I then applied it to bottoms of my feet and wrists. I do not need to get sick.


Song on mind:

The birdies in the treetops

Sing their song

The angels chant the chorus

All day long

The flowers in the garden

Blend their hue

So why shouldn’t I

Why shouldn’t you

Praise him too


1 Samuel 28-31; Psalm 18; 1 Chronicles 10; 1 Corinthians 15: 20-22;


Juice for the day: carrot, apple, ginger, lemon, cabbage. D3 taken. Morning medicine and vitamins taken. One load laundry. None folded. Checked potatoes. They are doing well. Transplant hyacinth. Burnt trash. Worked some on blog.

Took niece to Functional medicine Dr. She has a kidney infection. It was interesting to watch. She desensitized her to help her body heal faster.  When I dropped her off at home, Dad said few things that irritated me (he has dementia and sometimes doesn’t realize what he’s saying is hurtful)

Prepared Easter box for Jakob and Bri. Will drop it off at post office on way to next appointment.

Next appointment didn’t go so well. The woman was snappish and rude. She didn’t realize I could hear her in her office. I let first few remarks slide then I began refuting her other remarks. A nice man offered to help. As I was answering him, the woman snapped at him as well. She finally got up and came to me after about five minutes. I kept responding with polite answers but tears began swelling. Finally she agreed to allow me to come back in the morning to pick up the paperwork. I made it to the car before breaking down and bawling my eyes out. I cried all the way home. I told God I need Joe well because I can’t handle all of this by myself.

Once home, Joe asked how it went. I told him not so well. She’s a mean woman and proceeded to tell him what had transpired. I bawled all over again. I also told him what Dad said to irritate me earlier. Told him I want to tell him if you’re not willing to fight for your life then why should I fight for mine! I don’t think that way bcuz I’m going to fight for my life regardless of what anyone else says or does. I was just mad. I apologized to Joe because I’ve had all I can take and now I’m having a meltdown. Cried some more.

Once done got up and started prepping food for dinner. It’s too early to cook it but at least it’s ready to put in oven. I’m exhausted. Crying takes a lot of energy. Twas about to go lie down when received call asking if I’d pick up Rae from school. Told her Yes.

Back home and I’m all taped out. I need to lie down a little while. I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Headache. Listening to wholetones while I rest.



The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration: The Ultimate Healing System by Robert Morse  “Exercise is extremely (like walking or swimming) important in moving your lymph system.”


After dinner, Rae, Joe & I walked .31 miles today. Surgeon said walking/exercising 2-3 times a week will increase life expectancy by 20%.

I just figured out how to use this feature in my app for my Fitbit. Pretty cool. Once I can get that distance down decently, I’ll add a little more distance.

I’m walking as I am able to fight for my life.

Dinner wasn’t quite done when I thought it was, but it tasted good. Forgot broccoli was in different freezer not easily accessible to me momentarily. Settled for green beans instead.

I’m a little downhearted today. It’s been a rough day for me.

Psalms 62:8 – Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah

 Whole body stinging needle pain. Muscles ache deeply as if I did heavy workout. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Headache. Neck hurts. Calves burning. Back of lft heel throbbing. Stinging pain in upper back. Inner rt ear itches. Hands swollen and achy. Thirsty. Lft shoulder throbbing immensely as if I popped it out of place.

Thankful for…

  1. The Lord’s mercies are new every morning
  2. Joe allowed me to blubber and cry my heart out this afternoon
  3. Family helped pick up the house at my request
  4. Potatoes are growing good so far


How to get the lymph system moving,Deep%20breathing,fluid%20back%20into%20the%20bloodstream.



April 20

Woke sometime in middle of night needing to use restroom. On way back to bed, I lost my balance tripped and had to use bed to catch my balance. I noticed I felt like I had broken a fever. Left shoulder throbbing.

450 woken by Joe’s alarm. Tired. Feel like I just fell asleep.


Luke 8:22-24. God is always faithful to His promises whether we can see or understand what He is doing or not. PC


Couldn’t sleep so I decided to research info on curing cancer naturally. Google limits what I can see so I switched to duckduckgo. This is what I found.

I need to stop using metal spoon and possibly increase to two tablespoons.


” a body sufficient in silica”; “Genesis 1:29 diet”;

D.E.:1-3 Tbs daily

D3: 8000 IU-10,000 IU daily

Selenium: 200-400mg daily

Garlic: 1,200mg daily minimum

Baking soda: kills cancer on contact.

A body must be alkaline to fight off diseases.


Psalm 121, 123-125, 128-130; 1 Corinthians 15:55;


I’m exhausted. Nerves are stinging and burning throughout body. Muscles and bones ache deeply. Lft foot and ankle feel swollen – wonder if I twisted it when I fell?

Dropped off gals at school. Picked up paperwork. Called PCP to request Vitamin D test – they will do it. Stomach is cramping. Headache.


Back home. Playing wholetones chroma. Made juice for the day.


Juice: apples, carrots, celery, lemon, fresh ginger, and cabbage. Added 2 Tbs D.E. Washed bed linens. Hung them to dry. I’m exhausted and really hurting. I think this extra stress is not helping me.  Need to rest for a while.


Breakfast is Oatmeal and D.E. chia seed chocolate smoothie.

11:10 Joe called. Boss sending him home early. He’s not quite over the bug.

Out to run errands again.


12:30 home again to eat lunch. I’m exhausted.

Received call from hospital. All of my testing (MRI’s, CT scans, & bone scan) has been scheduled for Friday, April 29th beginning at 6:30 am. We will be at the hospital for several hours.

I will meet with Dr George, the oncologist, and Dr Beakley, the surgeon, on Friday, May 6th.

Supposed to go to church today, but I can’t push anymore today. Decided to let lady I was to meet know I couldn’t make it. Will try for Friday afternoon.


Lunch: leftovers, juice, afternoon vitamins

Lacking in energy and hurting quite a bit. Low back throbbing intensely. Nerves stinging immensely. Cramping moderately fierce.

Jordon come home not feeling well. He looks it too. Make him take immune boosting vitamins.


Dinner: Mediterranean chicken legs, carrots, and cucumber tomato salad. Third glass of juice.

Decided to work on blog for little bit. Able to schedule posts through end of month.

Pain level an 8. Time for bed.

Sister shares scripture – Psalm 3:1-5 LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah. But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained.

It brings the hymn song to mind – ♫Thank you, Lord♫


Thankful for…

  1. People praying for me from all over world
  2. Able to get errands done without too much stress or difficulty today
  3. God supplied money to buy the paint I wanted for painting bathroom and kitchen.


In much pain. Low back throbbing intensely. Legs throbbing. Muscles Iegs twitching. Nerves stinging burning in torso and legs. Lft heel throbbing like I bruised it badly. Tired. Exhausted but awake. Stomach cramping.

Night vitamins taken plus 800mg ibuprofen. Just remembered that I didn’t drink my water like I should have. Ugh.

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