Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 21-22, 2022

April 21

600 slept most of night only woke briefly couple times.

Lft arm numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Oh, no I forgot about the trash!

Sinuses congested. Back hurts. Nerves stinging. Skin sensitive. Lft heel aches. Legs and feet stinging and throbbing. Thirsty. I didn’t drink enough y’day and I can tell.


Song: ♫Thou O, Lord art a shield for me♫

Joshua 1;9; Hebrews 13:5; 2 Samuel 1-4;

Left shoulder aches deeply with periodic sharp stabbing pain. Abdominal cramping – Eve’s curse.


Juice for day – carrot, apples, lemon, ginger, cabbage, 1 Tbs D.E. in 16 oz.

Breakfast: Umpqua Oats w/almonds, flax seed, and vanilla

Playing wholetones chroma

My body feels extra dry today.

Mediterranean white bean soup in crockpot.


Low back throbbing immensely. Abdominal cramping. Nerves stinging. Muscles burning. Headache. Tired. Feet cold. Put socks on.

what can i take to balance hormones for menstrual cycle while having breast cancer?


Joe’s been researching things to help me heal cancer naturally. Found YouTube video

Asked question in wellness group…I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, some of which is estrogen-fed. I usually drink Red Rasberry Leaf Tea during my menstrual cycle to ease severe cramping, but something I read online said not to because it increases estrogen. Is this true? If so, is there something else naturally I can take to ease the abdominal pain?

1:00 Dr appt for blood draw to check vitamin D level. Hope it doesn’t take too long. Abdominal cramping severe. Taking 800mg ibuprofen.

Dr visit went pretty quick. Dropped by obgyn dpt. Don’t need to make follow up appt since I’ll be undergoing treatment at the breast cancer center. Hospital has been keeping them update. Showed nurse notes from surgeon. She told me that I’m in good hands with Dr Beakley. Also, her daughter had breast cancer and same chemo. Her daughter didn’t get sick on it. Positives to look towards. I know everyone has different reactions, so I’ll be prepared either way. She said I have a good attitude about it and that’s important.

Still awaiting 2nd opinion. Should hear by Monday results of blood draw.

I’m exhausted. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some tingling. Need a nap.

Slept for 45 minutes. Could have slept longer. Not hungry. Will eat when we get home from church.

Muscles in rt leg keep twitching. Scalp on rt side itches very much.


My lft thumb hurts very much. My nail broke earlier today and ripped down to quick. Ouch! Abdominal pain is intense. 800 mg ibuprofen taken. Night vitamins taken. Low back throbbing.

Worked on compiling a cancer binder to help Joe and I keep up with things. Calendar. Results. Dr instructions. Medications/History/Care Team. Gifts.

There was a page I saw earlier for appointment info, but I can’t remember what site it was on.



April 22

530 woke abruptly not certain why. I have run out of GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), which helps me sleep. I’m hot – feel like I’ve been in a sauna.

Song on mind – I know not the name but these words keep repeating – ♫Jesus Messiah name above all names Jesus Messiah Emmanuel♫

I chose to pray for all who come to mind for a while…

6:15 Alarm sounds I’m still praying and singing the tune I my head.

Deep sharp achy pain in bones and muscles throughout body. Nerves stinging. Sinuses congested. Pain level is 8. Joe gently rubs my back and legs.


Romans 1:20; Psalm 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21;,cancers%20that%20are%20estrogen%20based


Morning meds taken.

Juice for the day. Apples, carrots, lemon, fresh ginger, celery, cabbage, and D.E.. Made enough for Joe and myself.

Worked my finishing up organizing my cancer binder. Couldn’t find a Dr appt sheet that I liked so I made up my own.  Helped Jordon finish registering for college. Checked tax deposit – still on in. Called CPA.

Received call from PCP nurse. My D levels are within normal range. Mine are 46. They consider it low 30 or below. Yay! Thank you, Lord.


Joe took me to cancer center to pick up my CT cocktail. Asked about ingredients. Not sure. Have to drink 2 bottles night before the testing and third bottle three hours before testing. I am not looking forward to that.

Back home research ingredients of barium sulfate. I’m concerned about the word sulfa being in name. Call cancer surgeon nurse. She’ll check with Dr and call back.

Nurse called back. Dr and nurse double checked ingredients. It should be okay for me to take. Suggested since I’m leary to drink it slowly. I’m praying all goes well. I’m also praying that since the tumor has been shrinking it will continue to shrink.

11:30 Joe makes brunch. I’m craving eggs. He also makes toast. It tastes so good. I’ve not had bread all week except few crackers with dinner last night.

Picked up Rae from school early to get help getting ready for the teen yard sale tomorrow. Talked with school counselor about Rae’s classes for next year. He will look at it and let me know.

A church family came to help as well. I’m exhausted and slowing down. I express my concern with Joe. He suggested I go lay down a little bit.

Have to leave around 3:30 in order to get Rae to her babysitting job tonight. I’m so tired.

Taking Rae to job lots of traffic on interstate. I’m trying hard not to panic but I’m not doing so hot. It’s irritating Joe. He told me to stop. I snapped back telling him I’m trying hard not to react to all the traffic. (Among several of the side effects of the lightning strike, PTSD is one of the issues I am trying to work on.)

Joe suggested picking up dinner at the grocery store. I gladly agree. We’ll make corn and mashed potatoes at home. Once home I get frustrated bcuz still need to do dishes from brunch. I pray out loud Lord I really could use a dishwasher about now.

After dinner, Joe suggests I lay down a little bit. I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep and wake in middle of night. My pain is intense and I’m so tired. I think I’ll close my eyes for a little bit.

Thankful for…

  1. My D levels being in normal range.
  2. Friends that check in on me
  3. God’s mercies


9:07 woken by phone ringing. It’s Jakob. He’s enjoying his goodie box. Told him to make sure he shares with Bri. JJ says hi.

I’m hot and severely hurting all over. Sharp stabbing pain in center of torso. It feels like costochondritis is trying to flare up. I don’t need this right now. I don’t like being so busy that I don’t have time to rest or remember to take my vitamins and cancer fighting nutrition. I missed my afternoon doses. I can feel it and it doesn’t feel good.

Notice a small lump on my left wrist, but only if I move it a certain way. Check my right wrist it’s not there. Need to keep eye on it. Apply frankincense oil to tumor on left chest and under arm. Take pm vitamins. Take 800mg ibuprofen. Oh, I’m in severe pain. I want to cry but I’m too tired. Muscles twitching all over inside.

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