Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 23-24, 2022

April 23

5:15 it’s too early. Slept better. Both arms numbish and throbbing. Low back hurts.

Romans 14:11; 1 Chronicles 1-2; Ephesians 6:10: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4

7:00 teen camp yard sale time. Thankful for the help. Praying people will come by and buy stuff.

We raised enough to send three teens to camp. I’m beyond exhausted and hurting immensely.

11:59 washed few dishes when I got home then went and crashed. Slept for couple hours.

Dinner was baked potato, deer steak, and peas. I’m still a bit discombobulated from losing our freezer last week.

Worked on bulletin until started to get headache and lower left leg getting tourniquet tightening feeling with toes cold and tingling. Needed to rest.

A friend called to check on me to see where I was processing in tests and treatments. I shared some praises (genes, and insurance). She said she knew my faith in God was strong and that God will help me beat this. She asked me to keep her updated. Told her I would.

Joe suggested we watch movie as family. I requested the Overcomer by the Kendrick brothers. I’d like to meet them some day in person. I bawled towards the end because I too want to be an Overcomer and beat this cancer with God’s help. Dezirae was getting upset bcuz I was crying. Joe told her was okay bcuz this movie means a lot to Mom right now. I shook my head yes.

Abdominal cramping increases. I just want to curl up in a ball it hurts so bad. Took 800 mg ibuprofen. Finished up bulletins. Designed cover for Mother-daughter banquet. Created event for Homecoming. Sent email to newspaper for Homecoming.

Brewed Chamomile tea. Took shower. Arms fatigued out in shower. Took night vitamins.

Entire body throbbing. Nerves stinging throughout. Abdominal cramping intense. Low back throbbing. Pain level 8.

Colloidal silver kills cancer?


April 24

6:00 woke to Joe rubbing my back. Muscles throughout body throbbing immensely. Nerves burning. I feel like I was beaten up horribly. Sinuses congested. Legs and calves burning. Feet tingling. Vision a bit blurry. Pain level 6.

Song: ♫Thou Lord art a shield for me♫

Psalm 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87; 1 Peter 1:18-19

Left hand going numb and tingling.

Joe asked how I was doing. I told him I was in severe pain. He graciously offered to massage the pain rub on me. It helps lower pain level to a 5.

Thankful for the freezer meals I’ve already made up. Using one of them for lunch today.

Morning meds and vitamins taken. Capful of colloidal silver under tongue swallow and follow with cup of water.

Breakfast: Chia seed D.E. chocolate smoothie; orange, and grape juice

During Sunday School, this song comes to mind…1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.


Broke my shoe trying to get up. Ugh. At least I brought socks to keep me cold feet warm. Sudden severe abdominal cramping. Using restroom.

Lunch was ok. The green peppers do not go with broccoli.

Decided to hem Jordon’s pants after lunch. It took me about 90 minutes to do a 30 minute job. Left hand kept going numb. At least I was able to complete the task. Listening to Ron Hamilton family music. I’m exhausted and pain is increasing. Need to lay down a while.


Homecoming banners fixed. I’d really like to learn how to do vinyl myself.  I don’t have the equipment so I’ll be content with what I have.


Took missionary to dinner after church. Mind you I only have socks on bcuz my shoes broke during Sunday School. I’ve been wearing my socks all day. Rae asked what we were going to do bcuz I didn’t have shoes on. I replied,  “Nothing. As long as I don’t act like I don’t have shoes on no one will notice.” 🙂

At the restaurant, I  was impressed with the waitress and tried to compliment her. What I wanted to say and what came out were two different things. Instead I said you’re on top of the ball. I was trying to say you’re on top of it. I knew as soon as I said it that it came out wrong but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to correct it. The waitress chuckled.  So I excused what I said by saying that’s part of the lightning strike effect. Lol. We all chuckled and then the missionary replied,  “Wait, your were struck by lightning? I want to hear that story.” I had to tell him my story during which he replied ,”I’ve never met a lightning survivor.” My husband interjects, “Now you have.”

Ever since Rae’s piano teacher told her that you’ll always make mistakes [playing the piano] you just learn how to cover it up better, that has helped me not be so judgmental on myself playing for church. Besides I recently (not certain how recent) learned that I only had six months of lessons as a child so I’m doing pretty good. I still mess up, but I don’t fret over it as much.

Night vitamins taken. Joe asked why I was swallowing one at a time. Told him because by end of day my throat feels like it’s swollen and it makes it difficult to swallow sometimes even one vitamin.

Legs throbbing and stinging burning. Feet freezing temp and touch. Low back throbbing. Periodic muscle spasms throughout legs. Ribs ache. Spot on left hand still hurts if I accidentally put pressure on it. Tired and wore out.

Good day overall. I didn’t get to do much, but rest is important for my body to heal.

Thankful for…

  1. God giving me a bag of oranges. They taste yummy.
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