Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 28-30, 2022

April 28

4:30 slept most of the night. Pain isn’t as bad this morning though I still hurt much. Skin itchy. Sinuses congested. Muscles stiff and ache deeply. Muscles in legs twitching randomly for short intervals. Still tired. Eyes a little watery. Slight headache.


Song: 🎶All your anxieties all your cares Bring to the mercy seat leave it there Never a burden He cannot bear, Never a friend like Jesus! 🎶


Alkaline Diet in 5 Easy Steps


Matthew 6:5-6; Psalm 81, 88, 92-93

Song: Psalm 92 – It’s a good thing to give praise to the Lord and sing praises to His name

Philippians 2:5-8; Proverbs 3:5-6


Realized I hadn’t given Dr Jadan a glowing review for his suggestion of the Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). Left a review…

“After being struck by lightning in 2017, one of my many lasting side effects was having recurring migraines and horrible headaches. My PCP put me on migraine prevention as well as rescue Rx, which only added more symptoms and didn’t help all that much. After talking with Dr. Jadan, he suggested I take a natural supplement called Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). I was skeptical at first, but was willing to try it. I’m happy to say that the supplement has helped so much that I have been able to wean off the preventative Rx and have not had to take the emergency Rx in a couple months now. My family has even noticed that my memory is getting better (though memory issues are still a work in progress) and I have more clarity of mind.

Thank you, Dr. Jadan. I will always be grateful for your suggestion of the supplement. It has helped improve my life.”

And let him know. He replied thanks and asked how I was doing. To which I replied, “Ok. I still have a lot of lasting side effects from the lightning injury, but continue to improve.

However; I was just given a bump in the journey as I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I go tomorrow for a bunch of testing to see if it’s anywhere else in my body. I’ve been taking lots of vitamin C, niacin, and juicing fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking only purified water to build my immunity. I’m a bit nervous, but I know God has a plan for it and He will continue to be with me through the journey.”


He suggested I look into GcMAF & Canton.



Listening to wholetones music.


Start with drinking warm lemon, ginger, and honey tea.

Juice: beets, apples, cucumber, lemon/lime juice, ginger

Wash load clothes, balance checkbook, pay bills. Attempt to pull up website, but page says it’s under construction. My brain starts to go in panic mode. I ask God to help. Make few phone calls. Able to get it resolved partially.

Lord, please allow our refund to come quickly. Still need to order guys shoes and Jordon’s suit. You know our situation and needs please provide.

Dinner in crockpots: Pork loin, Kale

Decided I need a therapy break. Bank deposit. Hobby Lobby for quilt material. Thrift Store. Found a few items, but not what I was looking for.

Home to eat lunch. Take afternoon vitamins. Caleb brings me carrots. ☺️Post office stop on way to pick up girls.

I’m exhausted and need to rest before getting ready for church tonight. Slight headache. Pain is down to a 5/6.

6:00 drinking first bottle of barium sulfate. It tastes kind of like griity vanilla pudding. I do not like vanilla anything. 😝

6:36 BC, a neighbor called, to check on me. She has her whole church praying for me.

7:56 stomach is starting to make gurgling noises. Chin itches. Burping.

8:39 bump on right wrist looks like I was bitten by an insect. It’s welted a little and itchy.

10:00 2nd bottle down. Had to follow it with water to rinse away the taste.

10:50 exhausted. Ready to get tomorrow over and done. Feet and toes freezing cold. Low back throbbing. Tourniquet tightening in lower left leg. Nerves stinging. Muscles ache. Tired. Scalp itchy. Thirsty. Bag packed.

Thankful for…

1. Insurance has approved all testing for tomorrow. I didn’t even think about it.

2. Able to be a witness for Christ


April 29

4:15a woke with urge to use restroom. I have the runs. Too much beets cause red stools. Slight headache. Sinuses congested. Post nasal drip. I wonder if I’d be allowed to use my nasal spray since I’m only allowed to take my BP and gerd Rx. Hiccups. Burping. My insides along my esophagus are twitching.

Weight: 197 – I’m down 3 lbs this week

Song: 🎶Great and Mighty is the Lord our God great and mighty is He🎶

1 Chronicles 7-10; Job 19:25;

Sinuses so congested that it’s causing me to be nauseous. Using one spray nasal spray each nostril. Gotta do something. Don’t want to be I’ll at both ends. Ugh.

5:58 have to use restroom as soon as we reach hospital. Today is going to be interesting for sure. Feel as though I’m running late.

6:02 frustrated bcuz I think I’m late. Check in nurse was late so I didn’t feel so bad. Glad I prepared a cancer binder with pertinent info. Had to fill out bunch of paperwork. I missed whole page. Nurse asked about any surgeries. Yes. Able to answer verbally.

Tech asked questions about symptoms. I was hesitant in answering but proceeded to tell her that I have no new symptoms to my knowledge, but have lasting effects from the lightning strike. She asked about injuries it caused. She said I was special bcuz I survived. I agreed and said I’m blessed bcuz I’m alive to tell about it.


Song on mind during brain MRI without contrast was 🎶My Lord knows the way through the wilderness🎶

Started giggling during brain MRI without contrast at the point where the noise sounds like someone is knocking. I immediately thought, “You can keep on knocking but you can’t come in” lol 🤣

Breast MRI was painful. The position caused extreme pain in lower back pain. Once she injected the contrast agent it felt cold going up arm then felt warm burning sensation in center of chest. Severe pain in center of chest bad enough to cause tears to flow. Dizzy upon getting up. When I got nervous I practiced deep breathing to calm myself.

Song on mind during breast MRI was 🎶He  loves me as I was His only child.🎶

After breast MRI, tech had to change machine up to finish brain MRI with contrast. Song on mind jumped back to 🎶My Lord knows the way through the wilderness 🎶. I paused a moment during song and took time to thank Moses for His faithfulness in serving the Lord.

8:21 now heading to breast center on other side of property for the CT scans and full body scan.

8:38 have to drink last barium sulfate bottle. It’s disgusting. I have a headache, dizzy, and beginning to feel nauseous. Sinuses are congesting. Tired.

Decided while I’m waiting to study for ladies Bible study and work on scripture journaling post for next month. Joe asks what I’m doing. He chuckles bcuz I’m not letting this stop me from moving forward.

10:30 several people have been called back. I was supposed to get my radioactive injection at 9:30. Joe inquires as to when I’m going to get called.

Nuclear Tech apologized for my wait. Said he’s been waiting for me to show up but I was already here. He asked me questions of symptoms. What tests I had already. When I mentioned my symptoms are from lightning strike and nothing out of ordinary he asked me to tell my story. Said MRI should’ve kept the IV port in my arm now he has to poke me again. He apologized for that. He got admin personnel involved to get to bottom of issue. I told him well if it’ll help others not have to go through it okay. He walked me to CT area.

CT nurses are distraught because they have no paperwork on me. I can hear nurses complaining through the door about someone dropping the ball. Nurses kept coming out and apologizing for the delay. Admin kept coming in and out.  They had to get the orders before they could proceed. Apparently the person who did the scheduling didn’t follow through and the MRI nurse discharged me instead of forwarding my paperwork through to breast center.

One nurse was stressing out over it so I told her that it’s going to be okay. She breathed a sigh of relief to hear I wasn’t angry. I got bored sitting in hallway so I started singing 🎶My Lord knows the way through the wilderness all I have to do is follow🎶 out loud. CT tech finally came and got me. She asked about my symptoms. I hesitate and proceeded to tell her not anything new or out of ordinary. She furrowed her brow as to question my response. I told her not anything out of the ordinary since my lightning strike. I have lots of issues from that. She said oh my — we’ll do your scans and then you have to tell me about your lightning strike. ⚡ Informed her that I’ve never had CT scan before so I didn’t know what to expect. She graciously explained the procedure. Scans to be taken without and with contrast. Upon preparing me for scan, she told me her lightning strike story. She was about 3 yrs old. Her aunt was putting her in the car. A storm came brewing. Lightning struck and hit her aunt killing her. She doesn’t know if it hit her at all or if it effected her. She has however been fascinated with lightning since she was a girl. During the scan, the machine suddenly tells me to breath in. I’m startled and momentarily get confused which way was in. Lol. It told me to hold me breath and then breath. Had to do that a few times.

I proceeded to tell her my story. She was aghast to learn you can get struck inside your home. She asked about treatment afterwards. I told her it’s been hit and miss bc Drs don’t think it happens enough and since we have vast array of injuries they don’t know how to help. But there’s thousands of survivors that are in need of help. I told her about the lightning strike group on Facebook and the lightning strike website. She said she wanted to join so she could learn more. I encouraged her to do so. Then she informed me that her husband was a meteorologist and they were always taking about the weather. She said she was going to go home and tell her husband my story. I sure wish I had a business card made up. I wish I could remember everyone’s names. The injection for the CT scan burned all the way in from arm down to pelvis area.

Informed that I can finally eat something and instructed to drink lots of water. Have to come back at 1:30 for the full body scan.

We chose to eat in cafeteria. I’m craving chicken. Chose a chicken Philly sandwich hold the cheese and large bottle of smart water. I’m exhausted. Need to go to car and eat (rest) my eyes (after I got all these notes so I can remember them later 😉).

Symptoms: Headache, eyes hurt, lights bothersome, chest hurts, deep muscle pain throughout, nerves burning, low back throbbing, exhausted and lethargic, pelvic area throbbing

Oh, I almost forgot. A nurse eating lunch with two other ladies recognized me and said Hello. I told her hi and apologized as I recognized her and her name, Christine, but I can’t place where I know you from. She reminded me about Rae’s old Drs office. Oh, yes. I didn’t recognize you all dressed up. Joe questioned my response. I informed him that I’m used to seeing her in scrubs. She asked how we were doing. I told her I was tired as we’d been here since 6:00am. I proceeded to tell her that I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She said she was sorry but she knew God would take care of me. I told her I wasn’t sorry that may sound funny but I know God’s got this. He’s helped me through the lightning strike and I know He will help me through this. She said she was looking forward to hearing how God is going to conquer this too.

1:25p full body bone scan. Nuclear Tech asked if I’ve used restroom. Just did. You told me to drink lots of water so I did. Lol. He explained procedure. Allowed me to put my socks on. Told him I came prepared. He said I was smart. I joked and told him that what they tell me. Lol. Strange burning sensation in body every place the scanner rested a bit. I didn’t like it. I think I dozed off a moment – when I get into a lot of pain that’s my body’s reaction. After scan was done he asked if I had any pain. I thought a moment then replied no more than I deal with normally after the lightning strike. He asked if I ever broke a bone or had knee replacement. Told him not that I know of. He asked what kind of pain. I struggled to remember and say neuropathy but after few tries I got it out. He said ok.

Thought that was weird this is most I’ve ever been asked my symptoms and pain in the last 5 years since the lightning strike. Other Drs didn’t seem to even care or understand. Now the word cancer is mentioned every one acts as if I have a death sentence.

Curious to see if lightning strike injuries will show up on any of the tests done today.

2:20 home and straight to bed. Send messages to several people to give update. Playing wholetones music while I take a nap.

Curious to see what the tests reveal and if they’ll show any signs from the lightning strike.

3:40 my insides hurt immensely especially my pelvic region. Nerves stinging. Muscles burning. I feel like I’ve been put through the ringer. Trouble falling asleep.

4:15 extreme pain is keeping me awake. Taking 2k mg vitamin C, 1k mg Niacin, zinc, and 800mg ibuprofen


Holly came to borrow onions. I got up to get them for her. Still a bit dizzy and stumbled in living room. Had to grab wall to catch my balance. I’ll be okay.


5:30 woken from nap bcuz my friend Mary Beth and Madeline brought us dinner and visited for a bit. I was very groggy at first, but really enjoyed it. We laughed. Learned Mom and Holly brought by dinner as well. They want to learn to eat healthier and learn how to juice. Told her I’d be glad for us to help each other.

I also asked her to not treat me as if I have a death sentence. I’m just me. This is just another challenge to hurdle with the Lord’s help.

Dinner was delicious! We enjoyed the juice tender roast, layer salad, and fried rice.


9:10 Jakob called to check on me. We talked for about an hour… well he did most of talking. I think I dozed off a couple times. Glad to hear from him.

Rae’s cough seems like it’s settling in chest. Told her to nebulize with colloidal silver, and take immune protocol.

Thankful for…

1. Loved ones checking in on me

2. Procedures went well today with no allergic reaction.

3. Joe being there with me and for me today.

4. Forgot phone at house. Jordon brought it to me at hospital and prayed with me. ❤️ He’s going to make a great Pastor one day.


Night vitamins taken plus C, niacin, while Benadryl, and pain Rx. Hoping to sleep good tonight. Whole body throbbing. I can feel the storm rolling in.


April 30

7:00 broken sleep last night. I’m in so much pain. It’s amazing only one day off my new regimen how much it affects me plus a thunderstorm is coming!


Received message from friend, RH. She may have cancer. I quickly wrote back trying to be an encouragement to her.


Psalm 102-104; Ephesians 4:15;

Mary Ann Cooper, MD responded to my post in the LS & ES support group y’day. This is her response…

“All of the tests you listed are anatomic tests – pictures. They don’t show how your memory is, where or how severe your pain is, if you are depressed anymore than they show your blood sugar any more than taking a photo would. You need functional tests for those like neurological exam or neuropsych testing. Most of the deficits lightning survivors have are physiological (physiology describes HOW a system acts, how a cell responds, how a memory is formed, the chemistry of digesting your food). An ekg is closer to a physiologic test as it is showing the electrical rhythm the heart is putting out but not too many lightning survivors have cardiac problems.”

I thanked her for her input and that I appreciated it.

Joe decided to smoke a pork butt for dinner tonight.


Been working on things for church today. Frustrated because my computer kept giving error when I tried to open a file telling me there wasn’t an app associated with that action. Finally figured out how to repair my Microsoft office program. It fixed the problem. Using my brain more causes my feet to get ice cold and now they’re stinging. Put socks on and need to rest a while to let brain recharge.

Called Health store in town to inquire about the supplements that Dr Jadan suggested I research. Spoke with manager. He’d never heard of them. I explained why I was inquiring about them. He promised to give me call back. He then informed me that there was a lady that worked there that had breast cancer and beat it. Encouraged me to come chat with her and told me her hours. I’m going to try to go see them on Monday. Thank you, Lord.

I can’t believe the energy the juicing gives me. Forgot to take afternoon vitamins. Drank the juice three times today.

A friend, CJ, and her family came by to visit a short bit, but mostly brought by vitamins, fruits, veggies, and nuts. I was pleasantly surprised and tickled pink. I ran out of apples and had to ad lib the juice today. Thank you, Lord.

I’m exhausted and hurting from neck to toes. Nerves stinging. Muscles burning. Tourniquet tightening feeling on lft leg few inches below knee to toes. Back of lft heel throbbing. Hands swollen and aching. Sharp pain in lower back. Center of chest hurting.

Lord, please allow my cancer to be contained in one area. Please direct my path to right treatment.

Night vitamins taken. Trouble keeping my eyes open.

Thankful for…

1. CJ and family brought bunch of goodies

2. Family helped pick up house today

3. Able to get paperwork done for church

4. Talked with my son on phone


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