Two Journeys: One Heart – Memoirs from May 6-7, 2022

May 6

3:00 woken by severe thunderstorm. I’m in extreme pain.

6:00 storm seems to be past. I’m still in a lot of pain. Body tenses up automatically in severe thunderstorms even in my sleep. Plus I did too much y’day.

Song: 🎵How big is God🎵

Exodus 23:6-9; 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17; James 5:16

Drink carrot juice. Eat unsweetened applesauce.

6:44 Oncologist office called. My appointment has been moved up to 10:00am.

7:45 took morning meds and vitamins. Only took 500mg niacin due to the extreme flushing reaction y’day.

10:00p At oncology appointment, I need to fill out a lot of paperwork. Blood work drawn for metabolic panel and CBC. Third tube drawn in case Dr wants to check something else. This will be done at most visits.

Blood work drawn. An elderly lady was getting her blood drawn and was complaining about it. I was asking the nurse doing my blood draw several questions. I excused myself explaining that this was all new to me and I wanted to know what was going on. She said it was okay and was happy to oblige. In process, the other lady suddenly said I don’t mind having my blood drawn but I don’t know why you have to do it again as I  just had it done at the other place. I whispered to my nurse It sounds like she minds. We chuckled. She asked me a question which led to me telling about me being struck by lightning. My nurse was all shocked and had to tell the others in the room. They began to ask questions which I answered. When I looked over the direction of the elderly lady that was complaining just moments before, her face was one of shock and mouth open. I giggled on inside. I ended with I tell my story to bring about awareness for lightning safety. Nurse was glad I survived and was able to tell about it.

Nurse called me back before I could complete paperwork. This upset me especially when she said she’d finish filling it out. I hadn’t even finished the page I was on. Joe tried to tell me it was okay, but I told him, “No. It’s important to me to get able to finishing filling out myself.” After asking a couple more times with “please”, nurse took most of paperwork and left me with two sheets to finish.

bp 132/81; hrt 85; Wt 196

Dr George was cordial. Lots of information to digest. He’s okay with integrative treatment (using conventional and natural remedies). He was interested in my lightning strike. He took the paperwork I brought about lightning injuries. He said he would read and study it because it would play a part in my treatment plan. He even suggested that I look into ginseng to help with my fatigue.

The testing I had last week looked good except a spot in my left pelvic region. He believes it’s benign but needs to do a PET scan to make sure. He also wants to do an echocardiogram to make sure my heart can withstand treatments. He thanked me for the medical documents I brought as my lightning injuries will play a part in my treatment.


He suggested I ask in my support group:

1. If anyone else has been diagnosed with cancer;

2. If so, did you opt for chemotherapy and how did you react?

I told him I do not want to start anything until after the wedding as it’s important that I be able to be there. He’s okay with that.

So, at this point my cancer is considered a stage 2.

Joe and I meet with the breast surgeon oncologist this afternoon at 2:30pm.

1:40p my new to me dishwasher caught on fire🔥! Jordon feels awful. He was grilling meat for dinner. I’m not sure how it happened. We think an ember from grill landed on the dishwasher and ignited.

I’m upset that the dishwasher caught fire, but I realize it could happen to anyone. Maybe God knew something bad would happen when we got it hooked up. I’m just glad my house didn’t catch fire.

A friend is attempting to fix my washer. Praying it’s an easy and inexpensive fix.


2:00 received call from Dr George’s office with appointment times for PET scan and Echocardiogram.

2:30 2nd appt today. Bp 123/81. Basically, they found 2 nodules that need further testing – one in my lung and one in my adrenal gland above my left kidney. They think they are most likely benign, but need further testing to make sure they’re not cancerous. Also, there’s significant blood flow in rt breast indicating that there’s something going on there. This will also need further testing. Oncologist also wants an echocardiogram to make sure my heart is strong enough to handle treatment.


Both Drs are on board with me fighting the cancer naturally as well as conventionally.

Drs are suggesting chemo, breast surgery, radiation, and immune therapy. They were also grateful for the lightning strike injuries documentation as it will also help in playing a part in my treatment.


We didn’t get home until after 5pm today. Talked with Jakob on way home. Joe had meeting with other kids once one. Family discussion on their feeling about treatment options.

I am really struggling with all the decisions that have to be made in process of fighting cancer. I’m having trouble with the thought of losing my hair.


Thankful for:

1. Loving supportive family and friends

2. God’s provisions and protection

3. I did not have a niacin flush today at 500mg each dose.


Song: 🎵In Christ Alone🎵


May 7

6:20 slept pretty good. Woken to severe pain all over. Sinuses congested. Nerves stinging and burning. Muscles stiff and throbbing. I feel like my whole body is a big bruise.

Song: 🎵Great and Mighty is the Lord our God🎵

Psalm 25, 29, 33, 36, 39; Deuteronomy 20:1-4; Psalm 145:18-20; Hebrews 11:1; Proverbs 3:5-6


6:58 A friend sends me a devotional for the day. It’s a reminder to trust the Lord and have faith that He will direct our paths. I cherish her thoughtfulness. ❤️

Morning meds and vitamins taken. Morning juice – sweet carrot juice. Breakfast oatmeal.

Work on finishing banquet bulletin. Have to ask Rae to help. Run errands with family. Took Joe’s car. Forgot to bring cane. Held on to arms when needed. Actually did decent. 😊

Banquet bulletin done and printed. Work on Sunday bulletin. Midday vitamins taken. Sweet carrot juice.

I’m tired. Left shoulder throbbing. Low back throbbing. Legs have stinging throbbing pain. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet stinging.

500 Heading to church for banquet. Talina and the teen girls did a phenomenal job.

820 counselled with teen. Her grandma is dying 😢 and isn’t expected to live past end of month.  I made sure she had my # and asked her to keep in touch and that I’ll be praying. Grandma does know the Lord.

840 once home, sat with Joe to finish watching movie together. Need to get bulletins printed. Sidetracked trying to get devotional finished for my blog. Couple more subjects to cover and it’ll be ready.

1010 I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open. Need to get some sleep. I’ll have to get up little earlier to print bulletins.

Exhausted. Nerves stinging throughout. Muscles stiff and throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Lft shoulder throbbing. Tummy feel bloated. Feet freezing.

Night vitamins taken plus 800mh ibuprofen. Trouble swallowing.


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