Two Journeys: One Heart – Memoirs May 8-9, 2022

May 8

5:30 woke from strange dream

Low back is throbbing immensely. Arms and hands ache. Sides ache. Feet ache. Toes stinging and tingling. Hands swollen and throbbing. Upper back hurts. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery.

2 Samuel 9-10; 1 Chronicles 18; Colossians 4:5-6

Song: 🎵Great and Mighty is the Lord our God🎵

7:45 it’s taken me over an hour to try to get bulletins to print. Stinking printer would not feed the bulletin covers no matter what I tried. Decided on alternative, but that even posed issues. I’m so stressed right now!!! 😣

Still need to get ready. Ugh

8:40 I accidentally took too much niacin and am now having a flushing reaction – severe itching, hives, prickly rash. Ugh. Need to stop at store to get aspirin. Lord, please help

10:00 flushing symptoms are easing.

I’ve got to keep a close watch on my tongue today. I’m frustrated and can easily lash out irrationally. Vacuum tore up. It can be fixed but it could have been avoided. Items not refilled leaving me to do it.

1145 left had to elbow still itchy. Left elbow burning. Rt arm itchy .

11:55 I’m getting very sleepy

12:45 I’m actually hungry. Joe and kids treat me to Mexican restaurant.

1:20 dizziness is getting worse.

1:50 need to go lay down. I feel like I’m going to pass out.

2:30 woke sick to stomach and room spinning. Crawled to trash can. Able to make it to bathroom. Spit up a little. Lay back down. Something feels off.

4:15 I’m still laying down. Still dizzy and nauseated. Don’t think I’m moving any time soon. So much for doing projects around the church. Text Joe to let him know. He comes to check on me. I don’t know what to ask for because I’m not sure what I can eat. Usually coke and crackers help, but coke has too much sugar. He suggests ginger. Joe and Rae run to store. Jordon stays to keep eye on me.

4:50 no find ginger, but Dramamine. Small coke and Ritz crackers. Try to drink some coke and left arm shaking horribly I’m concerned I’m going to spill it. Ask for straw. I’m staying put still dizziness eased

I think I’m backing off the niacin for a while. This doesn’t feel good.

5:20 nausea is easing, but I’m getting sleepy. Stayed in nursery resting until after evening services. I’m thinking a futon my be beneficial in the near future. Or one of the rooms completed in the parsonage so we can set up a bed for me to lay on. This way I’ll be nearby for family to check on me instead of being 30 minutes away.

Joe got store subs on way home. I thanked him, but being off my diet and not drinking my juices makes a big difference overall.

9:38 only able to eat 1/2 sub plus handful of walnuts. Tummy feels bloated and aches. I feel drained and in need to good nights sleep. Whole body aches deeply and nerves sting moderately. Rt ear ringing.

Not taking night vitamins as my tummy still hurts. Still some dizzy and brain foggy but it’s eased up some more.

Thankful for…

1. Godly Christian friends

2. God sent His Son to be my propitiation on the Cross

3. Loving family who takes care of me when I’m down.


May 9
2:00 slept good until 2am then broken sleep. I feel like I’ve been beaten up pretty bad. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery. Slight bloody nose.

Morning meds and vitamins. I’m not taking Niacin this week.

Psalm 50, 53, 60, 75; Romans 8:1-2; Psalm 33:20-22

Stomach still queasy.Juice: carrot juice. Opted for peanut butter toast.

Taking 2,000 mg Vitamin C every few hours today.

1000 I just learned that Dezirae won 1st place, photography in AISA District Competition!!!
Tara won 2nd place, photography in AISA District Competition!!!
I’m starting to feel a little better. Have errands to run today even though I’m not feeling the best.
10:40 In preparing to go run errands, I decide to cut two more inches off my hair. I just want to cry. 😭
3:30 Dezirae says that I already knew she won 1st place in District. I guess I got confused. She said Mrs Towne asked her to please show me the newsletter so I don’t have to email her again. Lol.
6:00 taking Rae to piano. Guys picking up another dishwasher. This time it’s being stored inside until we can get it installed.
7:30 walked .55 miles. Took 1425 steps in 19 minutes.

8:44 I’m actually hungry and craving ramen. Weird 😳.
I’m full and belly aches. Sinuses congested. Slight bloody nose. Throat hurts a little. Low back & sciatica throbbing. Legs throbbing. Feet hurt. Left shoulder sharp stabbing pain. It feels like it needs adjusting. Nerves stinging. Toes tingling. Skin extra sensitive.

Thankful for…
1. Able to get article posted on blog and shared.
2. Able to get several chores done
3. Opportunity to read couple kid books to Natalie & Grayson. She graduates K5 tomorrow.

Im exhausted.

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