May 15
5:30 woke due to trouble breathing. Took 15ml of NyQuil.
7:30 Told to stay in bed. I oblige – my heart and brain say I want to go to church, but my body says no you cannot push yourself anymore. You need to rest.
I ask Jordon to make me a cup of hot decaf tea with honey.
I feel like I was hit by a semi truck. Severely congested. Eyes watering. Headache. Sinus pressure across face. Lights hurt my eyes.
Morning vitamins taken. Apply colloidal silver nasal spray – one spray each nostril.
Ecclesiastes 11:5; Psalm 12-13, 28, 55
8:30 posted scripture reading schedule to church page
9:30 use colloidal silver nasal spray again. It’s helping me be able to breathe through nose some.
1:00 Rae & Joe made lunch. Ate small plate because I know I need to.
Feel like it’s trying to settle in chest. Nebulizing with colloidal silver for 10 minutes to help break it up.
2:23 laying down but can’t sleep
A friend and prior co-ministry laborer (we worked at HOPE together when Jakob was a tot) introduced me to Marnie Clarke, Breast Health Coach’s website. It has a world of information. It takes me time to digest, but I’m finding it quite intriguing as well.
I can only read for few minutes at a time because the lights are bothersome and lots on information input causes headaches.
2:28 nap time with wholetones music with deep breathing exercises
6:30 watching church service on Facebook since I’m home sick in bed. Joe said something that struck me odd. He said I was probably suffering the most off all of us with the side effects of the lightning strike and now the cancer. I don’t think of myself as suffering. I mean I have never suffered as Christ has to die as our propitiation on the Old Rugged Cross.
Am I in pain all the time? Yes, but some days are better than others and I do what I can on the good days Well, honestly, I push myself through the bad days as well.
Is it sometimes too hard to bear that I fall beneath the weight and cry to my Father for help? Yes.
Is it a difficult path to trod? Yes.
Do I struggle sometimes learning to adapt in order to get normal tasks done? Yes.
In my thinking, we all have trials and hardships some may have steeper cliffs than others, but as long as our eyes are fixed on Jesus He will be there to help carry the load.
11:04 watched several of Chris W’s Square One modules taking notes. My brain is overloaded with information and I have a headache, but was able to take lots of notes to research more info later. I’m already doing several things of what he’s suggesting. Some info I need to tweak for myself and some I need to research further. Makes me thankful that my oncologist team is okay with my integrative approach.
I’m feeling a little better, but still ill. A patch of raised itchy bumps on my left forearm. There’s a few on right forearm as well. Not sure what cause them.
Nose itching and burning, but I can breath with mouth shut now. Exhausted. Sinuses congested. Eyes hurt. Legs ache. Feet freezing cold periodically thru day. Put socks on for 30 minutes to several hours til they warmed up.
Thankful for…
1. Working dishwasher
2. Rae jumping up to cook meals today
3. Ability to watch a few of Square One modules today
May 16
7:00 slept halfway decent – only woke couple times in night. Whole body stiff, achy, and nerves stinging. Headache. Nose burns. Eyes watery. Tired. Sinuses congested but not as bad. Ears ringing.
Psalm 91:1; Psalm 27:1; 2 Samuel 16-18; Zephaniah 3:17
Colloidal silver nasal spray – one each nostril.
Song: ♫Does Jesus Care – – Oh Yes He cares for me ♫
Throat is a bit swollen this morning. Had trouble taking morning meds and vitamins. I’m taking a lot of supplements to aid my body in fighting cancer, but praise God I’m only taking 2 prescription meds regularly. Thank you, Lord!
I know things will change here shortly, but I’m determined to thank God through the journey even for the little things.
I’ve increased my Vitamin C to 16,000mg daily. I am still not to bowel tolerance .
I’ve lost 3 more pounds – down to 194.
10:00 Mom and Holly came for a visit. It was enjoyable. I’m tired now.
Rae and I went to fruit market to restock on fruits and veggies for juicing and salad. Stopped at grocery store for few items.
Back home for lunch. I’m wore out and feeling weird – suddenly drained of all energy but heart feels like I just ran a short distance. Lft shoulder throbbing. I think I moved it wrong.
Tummy is upset or something. I keep belching. Indigestion.
Picked up some Moringa Leaf powder to start adding to my juicing regimen. It has a host of nutritional benefits. Rae remembered that my Mom has a moringa tree. I vaguely remember now her mentioning something about it a while ago.
1:30 Holly brought over a giant jar of Vitamin C. Praise the Lord .
3:55 folded load of clothes. Half of them put away. Emptied trash cans in my room. Need to lay down a bit. Feeling a bit dizzy as well.
6:00 Rae driving to Old Time Pottery parking lot and I’ll take over. It’s giving her practice driving to get her license.
7:30 made ham and bean soup but I lost my appetite. I don’t like domestic ham – too salty and tastes funny to me. Guys and Rae ate it. I made a salad and homemade cheddar bay biscuits. It seems everything is giving me indigestion today. Not sure why.
Took a tums. Not helping much. Nose stuffy making it hard to breathe again. Just feel plain yucky, but had energy to do some things today so that’s good.
9:30 exhausted and tired. Going to bed. Pray with Joe. Colloidal silver nasal spray. Partial colloidal silver nebulizer treatment. Night vitamins taken. Apply Vaseline to nose as it’s chapped from blowing nose so much.
While journaling, I broke down crying. There’s so much whirling at me presently it’s hard to taken it in let alone process it. I feel like I’ve lost five years in the brain fog and it’s all hitting me in the face at once. Lord, please help me navigate the right path and gravitate towards You.
Nerves stinging moderately. Muscles stiff and throbbing upon waking, but eased some once up a moving around.
Sinuses congested. Nose burning from being chapped due to much nose blowing. Ears ringing periodically throughout the day.
Muscles in left arm throbbing as if I pulled a muscle. Neck hurts. Indigestion after everything I ate today. Exhausted. Lacking in energy. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Rt eyelid twitches for about thirty minutes this afternoon. Headache. Periodic hot flashes. Tired. Burping. Sinus pressure. Throat hurt upon waking due to mouth breathing. Rt jaw hurting near ear.
Thankful for…
1. I serve a Risen Saviour who’s in the world today and I know that He is living whatever men may say.
2. My family, even if they get on my nerves sometimes.
3. Thankful I have Dr that are okay with me choosing integrative treatment.
4. My Heavenly Father who watches and cares for me.
May 17
6:15 woke to both arms numbish and tingling yet they ache as if I lifted too much y’day. Low back throbbing with pain shooting down lft leg. Headache. Feet hurt. Nose stuffy and congested. Throat only hurts a little. Hands hurt and stinging. Nerves stinging throughout body. Muscles stiff and throbbing. Lips chapped. Nose isn’t as chapped. Insides are shivering.
Song on mind when I woke: ♫ In the morning when I rise, Give Me Jesus. ♫
Psalm 2, 40, 58, 61-62, 64; Romans 11:33; Philippians 4:13
Send scripture journal notes to family. Send encouraging text & challenge to church ladies.
8:20 decided to call Dr’s office about sinusitis trying to settle in chest and don’t want it to mess up my testing on Friday.
See note about GcMAF. Decide to look it up while waiting. It’s an immune therapy/probiotic.,cells%20like%20bacteria%20and%20cancer.
11:15 Dr called in an antibiotic. Will need to pick it up in little while.
11:30 decided to push myself to paint another section in kitchen. Debated between fridge or freezer. Decided fridge would probably be easier.
12:30 deep cleaning and spackling done. I need to rest a while. This is kicking my butt.
Took short break then decided to tackle the smaller section before eating lunch. Going to need to purchase a new roller. I froze mine but it won’t thaw. Ugh. Using paint brush for first coat.
Looks pretty good. Arms are sore. Exhausted.
1:30 Mom came over to tell me what the naturopathic Dr she talked to today said. She doesn’t work with cancer patients, but most breast cancer patients their cancer comes from metal fillings in their bicuspids. Need to have them checked for infection and possibly get them removed. Interesting but odd at same time.(Maybe I misunderstood?)
5:27 Dad called to check on me and invite us over for homemade ice cream. I told him about Dr thinking I have bronchitis and calling an rx. I thanked him for invite. He forgot I’m on a special diet. I haven’t had ice cream in couple months. I guess it’ll depend on how I’m feeling.
6:00 Rae sweet enough to cook dinner – sheet pan chicken fajitas. Yum.
8:00 of all days Eve’s curse decided to show up!
9:00 going to bed early. I feel horrible. Pain level is a 7/8. Stomach cramping. Nerves stinging moderately. Muscles ache deeply. Sinuses congested. Chest aches. Left shoulder throbbing. Ribs ache. Low back throbbing. Coughing a lot hurts. Burping a lot too – that one is a puzzler. I’m exhausted and feel like I was run over by a dump truck a few times.
I know the saying is usually a Mac truck, but why do the semi trucks have to be blamed all the time?
9:30 pray with Joe. I like praying with my husband. Had fun flirting with him via text message today.
You’re still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You’re still the one I want for life
You’re still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You’re still the one I kiss goodnight
You know feeling the after effects of overdoing it doesn’t feel good, but being able to feel like you accomplished something does. I’m one more section closer to having my entire kitchen repainted and I’m loving the color.
Thankful for…
1. God’s provisions of food today and
being able to share some of the blessing with our neighbors.
2. Able to get another section of wall painted in kitchen. I now have a complete wall painted. Two more to go.
3. Dezirae willing to cook dinner.
4. Jordon willing to pick up my Rx.
5. Dr willing to call in Rx after talking with me over the phone allowing me to stay in comfort of my home.