Two Journeys: One Heart – Memoirs May 26-27, 2022

4:00 wake from dream that seemed real. I was concerned about something…

I woke to much pain in left shoulder and the word mandula or medulla on my brain.
A few minutes later Joe is giving me hugs and kiss on forehead to say goodbye as he’s leaving for work and tells me he’s praying for me. I repeat same well wishes. I realize that I’ve woke in a sweat and am hot. I adjust the covers . I close my eyes only to wake to severe pain in left shoulder. I turn to adjust myself in bed and left shoulder pops loudly. Instant relief of pain though still quite sore. I’m exhausted.

5:00 I remember that I’m supposed to remind Jordon to do something but I can’t remember what it was. I text him anyway. He remembers. A little later, he comes into room and snuggles with me for few minutes. I understand he’s scared about the cancer, but say nothing except I love you and enjoy the quality time.

Psalm 111-118

Eyes are watering and I’m sleepy. Set alarm and closing eyes for few minutes. I fall asleep listening to the Key of David wholetones.

7:00 I’m so tired. Body aches from head to toes. Nerves stinging slightly throughout.

John 3:17; Psalm 46:10

8:30 Yay! Jakob’s suit pants are officially altered and ready for him to wear.

8:45 now to make breakfast – break up bread. Fresh sweet carrot juice with Moringa Leaf powder.

9:43 starting to not feel good. Need to rest a while. I can feel the storm in my bones. We’re under a tornado watch until 2pm

2:30 Jakob left for Mississippi. Praying he feels better soon.

I got happy mail today! New tracts that I can pass out in my hospital trips.

4:26 recvd call from Oncologist nurse. She hasn’t seen results of echocardiogram yet, but the from the results of the PET scan it looks as if the only spots of cancer are the left breast and lymph node. That is a relief.

4:30 heading to church. Drink veggie juice on the way. Anxiety high today. Accidentally screamed at Dezirae to stop at yellow light. It’s bad today. I apologize. I think my jumpiness is from the thunderstorms this week. Nerves are tenses and stinging. Bones ache deeply and greatly. Left ear keeps ringing loud for hour or so at a time periodically during day.

Had fun sorting through donated food in preparation for VBS. We have enough drinks for the week. I think we have enough snacks too, but I’m not done with them yet. Making a list of what we have and then handing it all over to Mom who volunteered to be the snack coordinator.

Decided to watch a chick flick with Rae. Going to bed a bit late especially with a procedure tomorrow. It was much needed.

Thankful for…
1. Jakob made it to MS safely and is feeling some better.
2. God’s provisions
3. Good news so far from the PET scan. Still curious about the Echocardiogram.

May 27
5:00 woke to alarm from bad dream (it was pretty stinky as I was covered in poo and I don’t know how it happened).
I’m in a lot of pain. I suppose the sorting through donated food was too much work for my upper body. I’m very thirsty too. Body aches deeply as if I’ve been beaten up. Lft shoulder throbbing.

2 Timothy 2:1-4; 1 Kings 1-2; Psalm 37, 71, 94; Acts 20:24

Morning meds and vitamins taken. Took Tylenol sinus as I’m a bit.

6:30 at hospital. Check in nurse didn’t print all the orders – only printed the Savi scout procedure. Breast center nurse very cordial and cooperative for copies of the orders so I can have them for my files.
They closed door, but I can hear most of what’s being said. Someone messed up and they’re trying to figure it out. At least both procedures are in same location.

Bp 111/71 / 116/81 hrt 68
The Savi scout procedure, ultrasound, and biopsy were kind of rough today due to dense tissue. Dr said I had some of the densest breast tissue he’s ever seen. It took three hours to get it all done. End up having to do a mammogram to insert the second Savi scout tracker in the lymph node under the arm.
I was given several lidocaine shots and I could still feel it. By the end, I was in tears. They kept apologizing. I told them I’d rather they get it right. They told me I was a trooper.
I should get these results sometime next week.

Received partial results of the PET scan from last week. It looks as if the cancer is only in my left breast and lymph node. Haven’t heard anything about the Echocardiogram yet. Nurse said Dr plans on giving detailed results when he sees me next.

I’m resting now and am quite sore, but I’m in good spirits.

Had periodic hiccups during procedures. Also, nurses liked my pink sparkly nails. Lol.

Song on mind during procedures today was “God on the Mountain”

11:00 went to relax by friend’s pool with Rae, Mom, Holly, Caleb, and Hudson. Rae ended up getting stung twice by a wasp. I had to call Joe bcuz I couldn’t remember what I needed to do.

Sat in recliner for a while once back home. Ended up crashing in my bed for couple hours.
Craving grape juice when I woke. Not sure what it has that I need but I’ll get some.

Picked up dinner at store with Rae and few other items. I forgot the potatoes for potato salad. Ugh.

Stomach started cramping bad as though Eve’s curse is seeking vengeance.

8:30 I’m done with dealing with pain for the day and went to lay in bed for a bit. Joe came to check on e a little while later. He decided to snuggle with me while watching TV. I miss snuggling. We usually go to beds different ties during week.

Managed to drink two glasses of carrot juice. Didn’t do so well taking vitamins throughout day. Missed noon vitamins.

10:50 in much pain, exhausted, shoulder throbbing. Took 800mg ibuprofen. Skin itchy.

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