Happy January 6th! I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL weekend serving Jesus!
This week’s devotion is “This One Thing” written by Laurie McCann Billings! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today!
Make it a GREAT week!
This One Thing – Laurie Billings
Luke 10:42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
It’s a new year! So many “new” things that will call for our attention. All of them may be important, useful, helpful, and beneficial, but the truth is that at the end of the day, Jesus says only ONE on my entire list is truly “needful.” My time with Him. If I’m being honest, more than not, that “one thing” continues to challenge me to its faithfulness.
In this most precious relationship, God is gently and continually helping me to untangle the mental weights I’ve picked up through my life and anchor my heart and mind in a healthier perspective on this “one thing.” Choosing that good part is often easy; following through is where we often fail. Here are a few areas I see women struggle and give up on their “one thing.”.
Keep it Simple
Do you feel overwhelmed with having “perfect” quiet time?
With all the Pinterest boards & Bible aesthetic posts, it’s easy to feel inspired to have all the “things.” I mean, after all, how will it all come together if I don’t have my stickers, highlighters, matching notebook, and my prayer board? How will I grow if I can’t draw the picture art and watercolor my Bible? Listen, I’m not saying these things are bad; what I am saying is untangle the idea of what you think it should be and embrace “Only Jesus.” It’s ok to be simple. To have your Bible, (a book about Him), a broken and contrite heart that’s ready to listen (your position before Him), a heart for prayer and praise (your adoration to Him), and a pen to write down how He’s speaking to you, if need be (a record of your time with Him). All the “things” can be inspiring to use, but it doesn’t define our time with Him. Mary simply sat at His feet and learned of Him.
Don’t Compare
Everyone is different; what works for one may not work for another. We somehow believe that if we want to achieve some spiritual success, then we must do it just like XYZ. If listening to your Bible on a Bible app helps you retain better, then do it! It doesn’t make you less spiritual because your actual Bible isn’t opened. Once I had decided I was going to be studying the book of Galatians, the entire book. (Studying the Bible by book is amazing; you should try it.) Before my actual study I spent 30 days reading the book of Galatians every day. That was all I did. I found trying to read it was very difficult for me. Anyways I decided to listen to it on audio Bible. Each night before bed I would lay down, close my eyes and hit play. By week 2 I couldn’t listen to it without crying and praising God for His mercy and grace. That book became more precious, alive, real, relevant to me as I listened to it in full context, through that audio version. It was incredible. Find what works for you, try and try again. Even if it’s just one verse, one prayer, one try.
3. Be gentle; it’s a relationship, not performance.
It’s not something I’m earning; it’s something I’m building. He knows every ounce of me and still loves me. If I want to draw closer to him in relationship, I need to spend time with him building that relationship. To learn of Him, know His heart, and what He desires for my life. You know what’s amazing? He loves us whether we spend one hour or one minute with him. He loves, accepts, and blesses us whether we pursue him or not. He’s not mad at you or disappointed in you because you missed your “one thing” on a particular day. Remember, Jesus said it was “needful” for us. It wasn’t a rebuke to us or Martha. He wasn’t mad at her. His comment to her was a hope-filled reminder of what lasts. You see, we spend our time with Him not because we’re trying to earn some favor, love, or acceptance; we do it because we love Him, we need Him, and we should want to know more about Him. It’s the one thing that can’t be taken away. Does the thought of “not being faithful” cause you to pull back and give up? Take heart; He doesn’t require perfection; He wants relationship. Be gentle; give yourself grace to grow.
Soup is just as good as steak!
Remember there will be days that you won’t be able to just dig in and eat steak per se. You know what I mean. We, of course, don’t want to stay as newborn babes only drinking milk; we need to move on and grow in our walk with him. I love preaching and teaching; that’s meater! I love personal Bible study that’s meater. I need that. But my everyday walk with him, my one thing, isn’t always steak. Sometimes it’s just soup. Both are good for me. Both are nutritious spiritually, yet both are very different. Some days it’s reading or listening to a few verses and some other Bible study apps; that’s my soup day. Some days are sitting down and breaking down a portion of scripture, digging in and cross-referencing. That is my steak. Guess what? BOTH ARE OK! Don’t beat yourself up because every day isn’t steak. I’ve seen so many women quit their daily walk with the Lord because they’re just unable to do steak every day. Yes, we’re to study to show ourselves approved of God. Yes, we’re to rightly divide the Word of truth. You can do that and have soup too. Choose both and be content. Clearly Mary was so content just being with and sitting with Jesus while he taught.
5. There is joy in Him, His presence, His Word.
Luke 10:42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
The phrase “good part” broken down is benefit and portion. You see, Mary had CHOSEN the portion that was beneficial. We will one day lose all our earthly things. They can be taken from us, but Jesus? He’s ours forever. He is our portion. The thing that completely satisfies. Never ever believe the lie that studying the Bible, praying, and learning of him is dull, boring, and unattainable.
Lam 3:24 The LORD is my portion (inheritance), saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
What will you choose today? Don’t make it complicated, stop comparing, be gentle with yourself, enjoy soup and steak, and find joy in His presence.