June 4
7:00 crashed fast last night. Slept hard. Strange dream about a messy Thrift Store. Not sure what that dream was about or what it means.
Upon waking, my entire left arm and hand felt swollen twice it’s size (it wasn’t) and was completely numb. My right arm and hand were partially numb.
We go home today. I’m glad. Looking forward to getting back to juicing normally.
Proverbs 10-12; 1 Chronicles 29:11;
Low back throbbing intensely, nerves stinging slightly moderate, hands and feet tingling, muscles stiff and throbbing. Need to lay down just to ease back pain so I can get up and moving. Feet starting to get cold. Sinuses congested. Tired.
10:30 upper back starting to ache
Working on study for my blog. It’s a stumper because I’m trying to distinguish the difference between soul and spirit. Dictionaries online define them interchangeably and they’re sometimes used interchangeably in the Bible yet multiple verses list them differently in same verse. The point I’m trying to get across is the importance of being whole emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Song on mind: 🎵 I’m so happy and here’s the reason why. 🎵. It’s such a joyful song that I begin singing it out loud.
12:25 sudden severe sharp stabbing pain in center of chest radiating through to entire upper back. I moan due to pain. Joe asks what’s wrong. I tell him. He asks if it’s my costochondritis. I tell him probably but I don’t know I just know I’m in severe pain right now. He asks what I need to do to relieve it. I tell him trying to touch my toes and bouncing into my chest pops. Joe pulls over in a Jack’s parking lot. I fall out of truck and bend over to touch toes. Chest pops, but I still hurt. I lean backwards into truck and my chest pops more, but I still hurt. Jordon hugs me to help keep me upright. Joe comes around and lifts me up while I have arms crossed. My back pops. Pain is slowly subsiding.
Take 4 ibuprofen during lunch.
4:10 remembered that I forgot to take noon vitamins. Take vitamins. Have difficulty swallowing. One got stuck in throat. Continued taking pills while swallowing gulps of water. First pill finally goes down. Throat feels a little swollen.
5:49 made it home safely a few minutes ago. I’m exhausted and hurting. Laying down for few moments the will need to figure out dinner and work on bulletin for tomorrow. It was good trip overall.
10:46 bulletin mostly finished. Will need to print inside in morning.
Dinner: sheet pan deer steak fajitas.
Exhausted. Headache. Sinuses congested. Chest tender. Rt ear hurts. Lips chapped. Back aches. Nerves stinging slightly. Feet ache. Legs ache. Hands ache. Night vitamins taken.
Thankful for…
1. Safe travels
2. Joe starting to understand why I’m being so picky with what I eat.
3. Able to sleep in my own bed tonight.
4. Song in my heart and a peace the world can never give
June 5
3:20 urgent need to use restroom. I drank too much liquid past 8pm. Feet hurt to stand on.
6:30 I’m so tired. Muscles in torso and legs are randomly twitching. I feel hot and sweaty but I’m not sweating. Low back throbbing. Sinuses slightly congested. Whole body stiff and achy.
Took Tylenol sinus to help ease stuffiness and congestion. Gained 3 lbs on our trip.
Proverbs 13-15; 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Apparently I look as tired as I feel. Keep being told my eyes look black. I thought I looked pretty good when I left house this morning.
11:00 brain starts blurring and hurting while playing. Vision is blurring.
3:00 lay down for an hour. Plan meals for two weeks using website I stumbled upon. It uses healthy meals. Playing wholetones music. Decided to snooze alarm couple times while wholetones finished playing.
9:00 Joe cooked dinner. I cut up the tomatoes.
10:00 I’m exhausted and hurting all over.
Thankful for…
1. Dezirae drove to get items at store without my needing to go with her.
2. Joe preached on the mind tonight. I’m on that part of my article for the blog.
3. I get to rest some tomorrow.
June 6
2:00 woken by severe abdominal pain. It lasted about an hour then subsided.
5:45 thought I heard alarm going off. Checked phone. No alarm but son texted asking for prayers because he’s not feeling well. God please lay your healing hand on Jordon. He’s been running ragged the last several weeks as doesn’t need to get sick.
Proverbs 16-18; Ephesians 3:17-19;
10:30 Rae drive me to store to get few groceries. Quick stop at Home Depot to check out freezer prices. Stop at bank on way home. Turned to left too far and left side cramped horribly causing me to freeze in place. Took few minutes for cramping to subside.
3.13 I finally was able to balance the checkbook. Praise God!!! It took me all day plus some. I had to take a break bcuz it was stressing me out. I was hundreds of dollars off, but at least it was to the positive. I loathe when I cannot figure it out. My feet are freezing ice cold now. I’ve had socks on all day too.
3:18pm recvd call that the immunization record was ready to be picked up. Dezirae drove me.
8:20 feet are still freezing. Freezing feeling is traveling up my legs to my calves. Slight headache. I really wish I knew the connection as to why this happens every time I try to focus on a particular thing for any length of time?
Working some on scripture journaling calendar for month. It’s all written out just need to type it up, decorate, and post. Right foot began cramping fiercely. I had to stop and massage it to ease cramping. Joe suggested I probably haven’t drank enough today. I agreed.
9:30 I’m exhausted. Able to get more accomplished that I thought. 3 loads clothes washed. 2 loads folded. Papers burnt. Bone broth in crockpot. Checkbook balanced. Shopping for a few groceries. Put groceries away. Cooked dinner. Worked a little bit on my scripture journaling post.
Headache moderate. Take Tylenol bcuz pressure of laying head on pillow makes head hurt more. Neck hurts. Muscles throb as if I did an intense workout. Low back throbbing. Random burps throughout day – some of them hurt! I sure wish I could have made it to Jubilee this year. Nurse only stinging mildly at the moment. Nice surprise. I wonder if the increase in turmeric is reason. The longer I lay here the more I hurt. I think activities of day are catching up. Ugh. Night vitamins taken. Forgot to take noon vitamins.
Thankful for…
1. God’s help in balancing checkbook!
2. Dezirae able and willing to chauffer me around for errands.
3. Family all returned home safe and sound.